JUNIOR CLERK PAPER (17-1-2021) MCQs | Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Past Paper MCQs

ETEA Past Papers MCQs – Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Past Paper MCQs – ETEA JUNIOR CLERK MCQs – Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Mcqs –

ETEA stands for Education Testing and Evaluation Agency. It is an organization which conducts test of medicine and engineering in the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan. This test is a challenging one and every year many students are unable to qualify for it because of lack of guidance.

For Official Site of ETEA Please Visit – https://etea.edu.pk/


The story is too fantastic to be credible. In the above sentence the word “Credible” means what?

  1. Praise Worthy
  2. Readable
  3. Believable
  4. False

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The motto of United Nations Organization is _________?

  1. It’s your world!
  2. Life for All!
  3. Peace!
  4. Love and Peace!

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The train was help up on the account of an accident. Here “Hold up” means what?

  1. To Adhere to
  2. To delay
  3. To lower
  4. To examine

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_________ you search his pocket you will find the watch.

  1. For
  2. If
  3. As
  4. As far as

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I take down my notes carefully. In the above sentence, “take down” means what?

  1. To hide
  2. To remove
  3. To publish
  4. To write down

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Not ___________ the seats were taken.

  1. Each
  2. Whole
  3. All of
  4. Every

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Most of Pakistan`s rivers flow into:

  1. Indus
  2. Kabul
  3. Chenab
  4. Sutlej

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The only fertile desert in the world is__________?

  1. Sahara Desert
  2. Dasht -e Lut Desert
  3. Great Thar Desert
  4. Chihuahuan Desert

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Which feature do you use to create a newspaper like document?

  1. Bullets and numbering
  2. Tables
  3. Columns
  4. Tab stops

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Jerusalem is a sacred place for

  1. Christians
  2. Jews
  3. Muslims
  4. All of them

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He ruled wisely for many years. In the above setence the word “wisely” is an

  1. Adjective
  2. Adverb
  3. Article
  4. None of the above

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The place ___________ they live is unhealthy.

  1. Where
  2. Who
  3. Whose
  4. Whom

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مسلمہ کذاب کس کے ہاتھوں مارا گیا؟

  1. حضرت بلال
  2. حضرت خالد بن ولید
  3. حضرت وحشی بن حرب
  4. حضرت علی

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Have something to eat before you ________

  1. Left
  2. Leave
  3. Leaving
  4. None of the above

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Which is the largest gland in the human body?

  1. Thyroid
  2. Liver
  3. Pancreas
  4. None of these

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The first cloned animal was____________?

  1. Goat
  2. Cow
  3. Rat
  4. Sheep

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Astana is the capital of which country?

  1. Nepal
  2. Kazakhstan
  3. Bangladesh
  4. None of the above

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طواف کا آغاز کہاں سے ہوتا ہے

  1. رکن یمانی
  2. حجر اسود
  3. رکن شامی
  4. ان میں سے کوئی ںہیں

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I will give you a lift if it____________.

  1. Rain
  2. Was raining
  3. Raining
  4. Rains

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The chief lived in the stone house. In the above sentence the word “Stone” is a/an:

  1. Verb
  2. Noun
  3. Adjective
  4. Adverb

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I have been in such a picke since I saw you last. In the above sentence the word “Since” is a:

  1. Preposition
  2. Conjunction
  3. Determiner
  4. Adverb

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I was angry ___ him ___ lying to me.

  1. For-With
  2. To-For
  3. With-For
  4. To-With

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Choose the word opposite in meaning to “CONFESS”

  1. Deny
  2. Contest
  3. Refuse
  4. Contend

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The Fourteen points of Jinnah demanded reforms in the provinces of:

  1. Sindh and Balochistan
  2. Kpk and Punjab
  3. Balochistan and kpk
  4. Bengal and Asma

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SIM stands for

  1. Single in-line Module
  2. Single in-Line Memory
  3. Subscriber Identity Module
  4. None of these

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Hosni Mubarak was the ruler of which country?

  1. Egypt
  2. Yemen
  3. Iran
  4. Qatar

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When did the Soviet Union official break up ?

  1. 26 September 1991
  2. 26 December 1991
  3. 26 September 1990
  4. 26 December 1991

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Virtual memory typically located on/in:

  1. RAM
  2. CPU
  3. Flash card
  4. Hard drive

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نبی کریم ﷺ نے ارشاد فرمایا “الصوم جنتہ لفظ جنتہ کا کیا مطلب ہے؟

  1. باغ
  2. جنت
  3. جنات
  4. ڈھال

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Ram can row downstream 20 km in 2 hours and upstream 4 km 2 hours. Find his speed of rowing in still water and speed of current.

  1. 6km/hr
  2. 4km/hr
  3. 3km/hr
  4. 7km/hr
  5. 8km/hour

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Scientific Name of Human is____________?

  1. Homo sapiens
  2. Mono sapiens
  3. Bio sapiens
  4. Cosmopolitan

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____________ is known as the “Buffer State of Asia”.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Pakistan
  3. Iran
  4. China
  5. Nepal

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What is the passive form of “Shall I ever forgot those happy days?

  1. Will those happy days ever be forgotten by them?
  2. Will those happy days ever be forgotten by you?
  3. Will those happy days ever be forgotten by him?
  4. Will those happy days ever be forgotten by me ?

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They were playing football. The above sentence is the example of:

  1. Past Continuous Tense
  2. Past Indefinite Tense
  3. Past Perfect Tense
  4. Past Perfect Continous Tense

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Who was the fourth prime minister of Pakistan?

  1. Khawaja Nazim uddin
  2. Muhammad Ali Bogra
  3. Hussain Shaheed Soharwardi
  4. Choudhry Muhammad Ali

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Who is the writer of Urdu Book “Pakistan Naguzeer tha”?

  1. S.M. Ikram
  2. B. I.H. Kureshi
  3. Professor Khalilullah
  4. Syed Hasan Riaz

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Who was Cleopatra?

  1. A philosopher
  2. A Historian
  3. Ruler of Egypt
  4. Ruler of Rome

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———– gas attack was used by Germans during world war I?

  1. Chlorine
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Methane
  4. Nitrogen

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Economics is the science of _____________.

  1. Social Norms
  2. Politics
  3. Sports
  4. Wealth

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The largest Island of the world is :

  1. Iceland
  2. Cyprus
  3. Greenland
  4. None

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حضرت عثمان غنی نے کس غزوہ میں شرکت نہیں کی تھی؟

  1. غزوہ بدر
  2. غزوہ احد
  3. غزوہ خندق
  4. غزوہ تبوک

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She said, “Ruby`s clothes caught fire while she was cooking.”

  1. She said that Ruby`s clothes had caught fire while she is cooking
  2. She said that Ruby`s clothes had caught fire while she had been cooking
  3. She said that Ruby`s clothes have caught fire while she was cooking
  4. She says that Ruby`s clothes had caught fire while she is cooking

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He must work very hard and make up for the lost time. In the above sentence, the word “And” is a/an:

  1. Interjection
  2. Conjunction
  3. Determiner
  4. Verb

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Choose the word nearest in meaning to “Gloomy”?

  1. Dim
  2. Sad
  3. Worthy
  4. Hidden

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He can afford to be generous _________ he is rich.

  1. That
  2. If so
  3. Because
  4. Unless

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They ________________ here next week t see my office.

  1. Come
  2. Will come
  3. Have come
  4. Had come

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قرآن مجید کی کس سورت میں ختم نبوت کا ذکر آیا ہے؟

  1. سورہ محمد
  2. سورہ کوثر
  3. سورہ احزاب
  4. سورہ الحجرات

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The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 249. Find the largest of these numbers.

  1. 64
  2. 71
  3. 72
  4. 85

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Which is the third fundamental pillar of Islam?

  1. Zakat
  2. Hajj
  3. Fasting
  4. None of the above

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Which of the following explorer become first person come to India by water

  1. Purtigues
  2. Italian
  3. Both
  4. None

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Which is the short key to “find” and “replace” ___?

  1. Ctrl+S
  2. Ctrl+H
  3. Ctrl+K
  4. None of the above

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Ayaan Mian

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