GHAZWAT, BATTLE IN ISLAM MCQs | Islamic Studies Mcqs


۔۔۔۔ غزوہ میں منافقین موسم کی شدت کا بھانہ بنا کے پیچھے رھے؟

  1. غزوہ بدر
  2. غزوہ احد
  3. غزوہ تبوک
  4. غزوہ خیبر

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How many Ghazwa are described in Holy Quran?

  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 14
  4. 25

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which Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran—?

  1. Ghazwah Badar
  2. Ghazwah Khandiq
  3. Ghazwah Tabook
  4. Ghazwa Hunain
  5. None of these

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Gazwa e badr was fought in which hijri?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 7

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What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb?

  1. Fast Strike & Sharp
  2. Swift & Sharp Strike
  3. Long Strike & Swift
  4. Sharp & Cutting Strike
  5. None of above

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Battle of Badr was ___ battle of Islam ?

  1. second
  2. first
  3. third
  4. none of these

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____________,was The Oldest In Age and was in the Front Line in Battle of Badr ?

  4. None of these

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How many Muhajar in Ghazwa e Badr

  1. 1000
  2. 82-85
  3. 231
  4. 61

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Sulah Hudabia was signed in which year

  1. 6 hijri
  2. 2 hijri
  3. 4 hijri
  4. 8 hijri

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Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first time?

  1. Hazrat Umar (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat abu Salman (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Hamza (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Which was the first battle of Islam___?

  1. Battle of Badr
  2. Battle of Uhad
  3. Battle of Khyber
  4. None of the above

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Prophet recited ____________ at the conquest of Makkah.

  1. surah Al-Fatha
  2. Surah Al-Kausar
  3. Surah Al-Anfal
  4. Surah Al-Ankaboot

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Name the battle in which Holy Prophet awarded a sword namely “Zulfiqar” to Hazrat Ali?

  1. Hunain
  2. Uhad
  3. Khandaq
  4. Khyber

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Who is the conqueror of Central Asia?

  1. Abu Ubaida Bin Jarrah
  2. Qutayba Bin Muslim
  3. Saad Bin Abi Waqas
  4. Muhammad Bin Qasim
  5. None of these

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The Battle Of Uhad was fought in which hijri?

  1. 4 Hijri
  2. 2 Hijri
  3. 3 Hijri
  4. None of these
  5. None of these

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Tragedy of Karbala took place in ________ A.D.

  1. 680
  2. 670
  3. 690
  4. None of the above

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How many Muslims Martyred in Battle of Badr?

  1. 7
  2. 10
  3. 14
  4. 22
  5. 100

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. How many infidels were killed in Ghazwa Badr?

  1. 80
  2. 70
  3. 60
  4. 50
  5. 100

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What is the second name of Ghazwa e Khandak?

  1. Ghazwa e Ahzab
  2. Ghazwa e Tabook
  3. Ghazwa e Badr
  4. None

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Last persian war in Hazrat Umar’s era

  1. Jang e Nihawind
  2. battle of al-Qadisiyyah
  3. Both
  4. none

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The battle of Trench was fought in which Hijrah___?

  1. Fourth Hijrah
  2. Fifth Hijrah
  3. Seventh Hijrah
  4. First Hijrah

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In the “Sacrilegious wars”, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by __________.

  1. Abu Jahal
  2. Abu Lahab
  3. Umayah bin Khalaf
  4. Harb bin Umayah

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Ghazwa e Badr occurred in ___ hijrah ?

  1. 2nd
  2. 3rd
  3. 4th
  4. 1st

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In early Islam, most of the Hufaz died in the battle of ____________.

  1. Yamama
  2. Qadsiya
  3. Hunain
  4. None of these

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Sulah Hudaybiyyah was signed between Muslim and ________?

  1. Jews of Madina
  2. Kharjis
  3. Christian
  4. Quraish

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Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle?

  1. Khyber
  2. Yamama
  3. Badr
  4. Uhud
  5. None of these

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What was the 1st civil war in Islam?

  1. Jamal
  2. Siffin
  3. Karbala
  4. Khandaq

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In which Nabvi year the Social Boycott of Banu Hashim was started?

  1. 7th Nabvi
  2. 5th Nabvi
  3. 3rd Nabvi
  4. 1st Nabvi
  5. None of the above

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List of Ghazwat (Early Battles of Islam Including Ghazwat)

  1. 624 Battle of Badr/Furqan 2hij
  2. 625 Battle of Uhad. 3hij
  3. 626 Battle of Rajih
  4. All of these

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Battle of Khaybar was fought in ?

  1. 6 hijri
  2. 7 hijri
  3. 8 hijri
  4. 9 hijri

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Treaty of Hudabia written by

  1. Hazrat Ali
  2. Hazrat umar
  3. Usman
  4. Usman bin talha

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Treaty of Hudaybiyyah took place in March 628________.

  1. Dhu al-Qi’dah 6 AH
  3. RAJAB 6 AH
  4. shaban 6 AH
  5. None of these

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کس غزوہ میں حضرت علی ؑ نے شر کت نہیں کی؟

  1. غزوہ احزاب
  2. غزوہ تبوک
  3. غزوہ حنین
  4. غزوہ موتہ

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Which day is called Youm-I-Furqan by the Holy Quran___?

  1. Battle of Uhad
  2. Battle of Badr
  3. Battle of Trench
  4. None of the above

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َغزوہ بدر میں کافروں کا سردار کون تھا؟

  1. ابو جہل
  2. ابی ابن خلف
  3. ابوسفیان
  4. ابولہب

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کس غزوہ میں اللہ نے مسلمانوں کی نصرت کے لئے فرشتوں کو اتارا؟

  1. غزوہ بدر
  2. غزوہ احد
  3. غزوہ خندق
  4. غزوہ خیبر

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Which of the following Surah of the Holy Quran carries the injunction for utilization of Zakat?

  1. Surah e Touba
  2. Surah e Baqra
  3. Surah e Nisa
  4. None of the above

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Qamoos temple was conquered by Hazrat Ali (R.A) during which war?

  1. Battle of Badr
  2. Battle of Camel
  3. Battle of Khaybar
  4. Battle of Tabbok

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Katheeb al-Hannan is the sand mountain where the Holy Prophet (PBUH)) and the Sahabah first stayed when they arrived at:

  1. Uhud
  2. Badr
  3. Mecca
  4. Madina

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جنگ بدر میں عتبہ کو کس نے مارا تھا؟

  1. حضرت علی
  2. حضرت حمزہ
  3. حضرت بلال
  4. حضرت جعفر

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غزوہ احزاب کے موقع پر مدینہ کے گرد کتنے مسلمانوں نے خندق کھودی؟

  1. ایک ہزار
  2. دو ہزار
  3. تین ہزار
  4. چار ہزار

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Jewish tribe expelled from Madina after Battle of Badr?

  1. Bannu Qaynuqa
  2. Bannu Qarayza
  3. Bannu Nadir
  4. Bannu Shutayba

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The companion who lost both arms while fighting in the battle of Mut ah, and was given wings instead in paradise is _____?

  1. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Rawahah
  2. Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris
  3. Hazrat Jafar Ibn Abi Talib
  4. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed

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Ohad is ______ miles from Madina?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 6
  5. 10

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The Battle of Yarmouk was fought during the caliphate of________?

  1. Hazrat Umar (RA)
  2. Hazrat Usman (RA)
  3. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
  4. Hazrat Ali (RA)
  5. None of these

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In Rajab of 9th Hijri, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH left Madina along with 30,000 strong force of his comparisons. The force reached at _____on the border of Syria?

  1. Qadisiya
  2. Muta
  3. Yarmuk
  4. Tabuk
  5. None of these

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The Umayyad rule in Spain lasted for_____years

  1. 136
  2. 135
  3. 125
  4. 145
  5. 200

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The Muslim invaded Spain in______?

  1. 717 A.D
  2. 711 A.D
  3. 701 A.D
  4. 727 A.D
  5. None of these

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The Expedition of al Raji, occurred in the year _________ of the Islamic calendar?

  1. 5 A.H
  2. 4 A.H
  3. 3 A.H
  4. 2 A.H
  5. None of these

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The flag color of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was white and _____ at the time of conquest of Makkah?

  1. Green
  2. Red
  3. Black
  4. yellow
  5. None of these

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دوران جنگ آپؐ کا علم کس رنگ کا ھوتا تھا؟

  1. سياہ
  2. سفيد
  3. سبز
  4. سرخ

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سورہ انفال میں کس جنگ کا ذکر ھے؟

  1. جنگ احد
  2. جنگ بدر
  3. جنگ خندق
  4. جنگ یمامہ

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زید بن حارث کی شھادت کس غزوہ میں ھوی؟

  1. Battle of Mu’tah
  2. Battle of Badr
  3. Battle of Uhad
  4. Battle of trench

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Who gave the idea of digging a trench around Madinah in the battle of trench___?

  1. Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit
  2. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas
  3. Hazrat Salman Farsi
  4. None of the above

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who from the following saved the life of the Holy Prophet in the Battle of Uhud?

  1. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Talha bin Ubaidullah (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam (R.A)
  4. All of these

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Who conquered the last fort of Khyber?

  1. Hazrat Hamza (R.A)
  2. Hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (A.S)
  4. None of These

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When was Makkah conquered by the Holy Prophet ﷺ?

  1. 628 A.D
  2. 629 A.D
  3. 630 A.D
  4. 634 A.D
  5. None of these

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In the battle of Uhad Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected ____ Skillful archers to stay on the mountain

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 40
  4. 50

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The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 751 A.D by Abbasids after the______?

  1. Battle of Islam
  2. Battle of Arabs
  3. Battle of Tribes
  4. Battle of Zab
  5. None of these

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How many Angels participated in the Battle of Badr?

  1. 1000
  2. 32
  3. 13
  4. 20

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Battle in which Holy prophetﷺ not participated is known as__________?

  1. Jaziya
  2. Sariyya
  3. Sayee
  4. Al-Fay
  5. None of these

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Who was chosen by Hazrat Umar (R.A) to lead the Muslim Army in the battle of Qadsiya?

  1. Hazrat Usman bin Affan (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed(R.A)
  3. Hazrat Ubaida bin Jerrah
  4. Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (R.A)
  5. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

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On the suggestion of whom, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) released the Prisoners of Ghazwa-e-Badar?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar
  2. Hazrat Ali-ulMurtaza
  3. Hazrat Umar Farooq
  4. none

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The Battle of Camel was fought between Hazrat Ali (رضہ) and____?

  1. Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Wakas RA
  2. Bibi Aisha
  3. Muawia
  4. Hazrat Umer
  5. None of these

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Ohad is in which direction from Madina?

  1. Southwest
  2. Upward
  3. West
  4. North
  5. None of these

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The “Ridda Wars” were fought by which caliph?

  1. 3rd caliph
  2. 2nd caliph
  3. 1st caliph
  4. None

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In the Period Hazrat Umar most battle Muslim fought against?

  1. Jews
  2. Persians
  3. Cristians
  4. All of these

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On whose suggestion The Holy Prophet ﷺ decided to release the prisoners of Badr war after taking ransom?

  1. Hazrat Umar R.A
  2. Hazrat Ali R.A
  3. Hazrat Abu bakar R.A
  4. Hazrat Usman R.A
  5. None of these

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Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of Hazrat _____?

  1. Hazrat Abu bakar (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Ali( R.A)
  3. Hazrat Umar(R.A)
  4. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  5. None of these

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The Battle of Camel was fought at _______?

  1. Kufa
  2. Makkah
  3. Madina
  4. Basra
  5. None of these

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Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by __?

  1. Usman Ghani (رضہ)
  2. Umar Farooq (رضہ)
  3. Abu Bakr Siddique (رضہ)
  4. Ali Al-Murtaza (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Hazrat Talha r.a got how many injuries in Ghazwa e Ohad?

  1. 77
  2. 70
  3. 33
  4. 44

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Bait e Rizwan, also known as Bait e Shajrah, took place in 6th AH under the _________ tree?

  1. Eucalyptus
  2. Keekar
  3. Mango
  4. None

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Who gives the suggestion of digging the trench around the city of Madinah at the time of “Battle of Khandaq”?

  1. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
  2. Umar (R.A)
  3. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
  4. Salman Al-Farsi (R.A)

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Period between Hazrat Essa to Birth of Prophet Mohammad Saw is called?

  1. Period of Fitrah
  2. Period of Mithra
  3. Period of longevity
  4. All

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In which surah, the tauba of three sahaba is mentioned who lagged behind in the battle of Tabuk?

  1. Al. Baqarah
  2. Al-Tauba
  3. Al. Nisa
  4. All

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Politus, on the directions of the Roman Governor, ordered the execution of ___________?

  1. Hazrat Essa (AS)
  2. Hazrat Yahya (AS)
  3. Hazrat Loot (AS)
  4. None

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Which of the following two Sahabis was sent during the Battle of Badr to collect information about the caravan of Quraish?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar(Rand Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas(RA)
  2. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Al Jirrah(RA) and Hazrat Abu Bakar(RA)
  3. Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas(RA) and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Al Jirrah(RA)
  4. Hazrat Talha ibn Ibaidullah and Hazrat Saeed iBin Zaid(RA)
  5. None of these

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The Muslim death toll on both sides in the Battle of Camel was about:_____?

  1. 10,000
  2. 7,000
  3. 5,000
  4. 12,000
  5. 15,000

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What was the age of Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (رضہ) when he was martyred?

  1. 90
  2. 80
  3. 75
  4. 96
  5. None of these

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The famous Personalities whom Accepted Islam after the Conquest of Makkah Were_______?

  1. Sohail Bin Amr
  2. Ikrima bin Abu Jahal ( son of Abu Jahal)
  3. Abu sufyan & Hinda (Wife of Abu Sufyan)
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

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Which Sura is the name of one Holy war?

  1. Fathi
  2. Ahzab
  3. Room
  4. Nasr
  5. None of these

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No of Kufars (Non Muslims Forces) in Battle of Badr were _________.

  1. 1200
  2. 1100
  3. 1000
  4. none

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How many Quraysh people captured in the Battle of Badr?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 70
  4. 5

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How many muslims were martyred in the Battle of Badr?

  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 14

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What does mean by Hadi__________?

  1. Last pebble on throwing Iblees
  2. Animal to be sacrifice
  3. One kind of Hajj
  4. None of them

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The last Sariya was fought in Syria in?

  1. 11 A.H
  2. 10 A.H
  3. 9 A.H
  4. 12 A.H
  5. None of these

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when the first Sariya was fought in Rabakh in_______________?

  1. 3. A.H
  2. 2 A.H
  3. 1 A.H
  4. none

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Who was last Commander in chief of Ghzwa-e-mautah?

  1. Abdullah Bin Rawaha(رضہ)
  2. Abdur Rehman Bin Auf (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat khalid bin waleed (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Ali (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Name the battle which came to an end without result?

  1. Ohad
  2. Tabook
  3. Hunain
  4. Mota
  5. None of these

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What was the first written constitution of the world?

  1. Magna carta
  2. Usa constitution
  3. Misaq e Madina
  4. None of these

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Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R,A) participated for the first time in which battle?

  1. Mota
  2. Tabook
  3. both
  4. None of these

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Who is known as first mart yard of Karbala ?

  1. Hurr Ibn Yazid
  2. Sakinah bit Hassan
  3. both
  4. None of these

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When did the incident of Karbala occur?

  1. 14 October 680
  2. 12 October 680
  3. 10 October 680
  4. 16 October 680
  5. None of these

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How many Muslims fought in the battle of Ghazwa-e-Badar?

  1. 213
  2. 313
  3. 3013
  4. 320

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In battle of Hunain Muslims were more than ____

  1. Enemy
  2. Quraish
  3. Both
  4. None

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The Ghazwa _____ was fought against Bani Salba and Bani Muharba?

  1. Mota
  2. Ohad
  3. Badr
  4. Ghatfan
  5. None of these

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In which Battle Abu Jahl was killed?

  1. Trench
  2. Uhad
  3. Badr
  4. Tabook

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Abu jahal was killed in the battle of_____?

  1. Badar
  2. Khandaq
  3. Uhad
  4. Moata
  5. None of these

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battle of hunain _____ AH.

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

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Total number of Ghazwas are___?

  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 28
  5. 36

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Who was the commander of the infidels in the Battle of Uhad?

  1. Abu Lahab
  2. Abu Sufyan
  3. Abu Jahal
  4. Utba

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Which battle is referred to as Yaumul Furqan?

  1. Hunayn
  2. Badr
  3. Uhad
  4. Mu’tah
  5. None of these

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What does Badr mean in Arabic?

  1. Sun
  2. Flower
  3. Ground
  4. Full moon

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How many Infidels participated in the battle of Uhad____?

  1. 1000
  2. 2000
  3. 3000
  4. 4000
  5. 5000

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What ket resource at Badr were Muslim able to cut off from the enemy?

  1. Tree
  2. Medicine
  3. Rainforcement
  4. Wells

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Banu Quraiza, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qainuqa were three tribes of the___?

  1. Qurish
  2. Christians
  3. Muslims
  4. Jews
  5. None of these

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The Battle of Yermuk was fought between Muslims and ____ ?

  1. Iranis
  2. Jews
  3. Romans
  4. Christians
  5. None of these

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Battle of ZALAQA was fought between Alfanso VI and Yousaf bin Tashfeen in ____?

  1. 1121
  2. 1086
  3. 1070
  4. 1240
  5. None of these

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The Colour of the Flag of the Islamic Army in Ghazwa Badr was____?

  1. Pink
  2. Yellow
  3. Green
  4. None
  5. None of these

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How many Swords were broken by Khalid Bin Walid (رضہ) in the battle of Mauta?

  1. Eight
  2. Seven
  3. Six
  4. Nine
  5. None of these

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Who martyred Abdullah Bin Zubair R.A?

  1. Hajjaj bin Yousuf
  2. Abu Lahab
  3. Abu Jahal
  4. None of these
  5. None of these

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In _____ Hijrah year, Ghazwat Salim, Banu Nuzair, Ohad, Hamara-al-Asad and Ghatfan were fought?

  1. 7th
  2. 5th
  3. 3rd
  4. 9th
  5. None of these

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Who killed Musailamah al Kazzab?

  1. Wahshi ibn Harb
  2. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Ali (رضہ)
  4. Hinda
  5. None of these

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What is the second name of battle of Badr?

  1. Azab
  2. Furqan
  3. Uhad
  4. Quran

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The first Sariya was____?

  1. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Which Jewish tribe was expelled from Madinah after the Battle of Badr?

  1. Banu Quiraiza
  2. Banu Qaynuqa
  3. Banu Nazir
  4. Banu Aus
  5. None of these

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Battle of Khyber was fought against?

  1. Muslime Kazab
  2. Yemeni tribes
  3. Quresh
  4. Jewish Tribe
  5. None of these

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Muslims conquered Egypt under the Leadership of _____?

  1. Amir bin A’s
  2. Khalid bin Walid
  3. Saa bin Abi Waqas
  4. Hajjaj bin Yousuf
  5. None of these

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Battle of ZALAQA was fought between Alfanso VI and ______?

  1. Tariq bin Ziyad
  2. Yousaf bin Tashfeen
  3. Hajib Almansur
  4. None of these
  5. None of these

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Who conquered Bait-tul-Maqdas?

  1. Ertugrul Ghazi
  2. Musa bin Nusair
  3. Muhammad bin Qasim
  4. Tariq bin Ziad
  5. Salah udin Ayyub

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Ghazwah Widdah was fought in ___ Hijrah year?

  1. 5th
  2. 3rd
  3. 1st
  4. 7th
  5. None of these

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Which battle participants were bestowed with the highest rewards by Allah?

  1. Badr
  2. Khyber
  3. Tabook
  4. Hunain
  5. None of these

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Name the last Sariya__?

  1. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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When was the meat of Donkey prohibited?

  1. Jang-e-Ahzab
  2. Jang-e-Khaibar
  3. Jang-e-Badar
  4. Jang-e-Hunain
  5. None of these

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Ghazwa Mota took place in ____?

  1. Makkah
  2. Hijaz
  3. Madina
  4. Taif
  5. None of these

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On 1st Shawwal, 8th Hijra a strong Islamic force approached the valley of Hunain?

  1. 15000
  2. 12000
  3. 10000
  4. 8000
  5. 3000

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The Battle of Camel was fought in___?

  1. 30 A.H
  2. 33 A.H
  3. 34 A.H
  4. 36 A.H
  5. 53 A.H

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Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah and Abu Kahafa (R.A) accepted Islam at the time of _____?

  1. Conquest of Makkah
  2. Treaty of Hudaibiya
  3. Migration to Madina
  4. Ghuzwa Uhad
  5. None of these

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Who many Kufars killed in Battle of Badr?

  1. 50
  2. 70
  3. 100
  4. 313
  5. 1000

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Who was the leader of pagans in the Battle of Badr?

  1. Abu Sufyan
  2. Utba
  3. Abu Jehal
  4. Amr ibn al-As
  5. Hind bint Utbah

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In which Hajjri Ghazwa e Ohad was fought?

  1. 5 AH
  2. 4 AH
  3. 3 AH
  4. 2 AH
  5. None of these

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When did Ottoman Sultan Muhammad II Fateh capture the Roman Empire Capital, Constantinople?

  1. 1457
  2. 1454
  3. 1453
  4. 1458
  5. 1500

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After the death of Jafar ibn Abi Talib (رضہ), the leader of the Muslim army was _________ in the battle of Mota.

  1. Hazrat Zaid Bin Harith (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Rawaha (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Ali (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Who was made wali of Makkah when Holy Prophet Left for Madina after stay of some days at Makkah after conquest of Makkah?

  1. Hazrat Ali R.A
  2. Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal R.A
  3. Hazrat Musab Bin Umair R.A
  4. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer R.A
  5. Hazrat Auttab Bin Usaid R.A

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No of Kufars in Battle of Badr were ____?

  1. 1200
  2. 1100
  3. 1000
  4. 900
  5. 313

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when the first Sariya was fought in Rabakh in____?

  1. 3. A.H
  2. 2 A.H
  3. 1. A.H
  4. 4 A.H
  5. None of these

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The conquest of Mecca was on ____ 8 AH?

  1. 10 Ramzan
  2. 20 Shawal
  3. 10 Shahban
  4. 20 Ramzan
  5. None of these

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In which battle Hazrat Amar bin Yasar (رضہ) was martyred?

  1. Battle of Siffin
  2. Battle of Hanein
  3. Battle of Yamama
  4. Battle of Badar
  5. Battle of Ohad

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Ghazwa Tabook is fought against:

  1. Jews
  2. Kufar e makkah
  3. Romans
  4. None

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Battle of Qadisiya was fought against the Persians in ________A.D.

  1. 644 AD
  2. 632 AD
  3. 636 AD
  4. 639 AD
  5. None of these

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How many days Hazrat Muhammad PBUH stayed during Tabook Battle?

  1. 8
  2. 20
  3. 10
  4. 18
  5. None of these

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Ghazwa _____ was fought 3 times.

  1. Ghazwa Uhud
  2. Ghazwa Khyber
  3. Ghazwa Tabook
  4. Ghazwa Hunain
  5. Ghazwa Badr

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Name the mountain where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) deputed 50 skilful archers (Teer-Andaaz) in the battle of Ohad?

  1. Jabal-e-ohad
  2. Jabel-e-Yahnene
  3. Jabal-e-Safa
  4. Jabal-e-Marwa
  5. None of these

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In which Islamic Battle Angeles helped the Muslims?

  1. Khyber
  2. Badar
  3. Uhad
  4. None
  5. None of these

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After the Battle of Yarmouk, which was won by the Muslims Khalid bin Waleed was removed by the Caliph Umar (RA) from his supreme command. The new Supreme Commander was:

  1. Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA)
  2. Abu Ubaydah (RA)
  3. Amr bin Al Aas (RA)
  4. Hazrat Bilal (RA)
  5. None of these

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Who was the commanders of the Infidels in the Battle of Uhud?

  1. Abu Sufyan
  2. Abu Jahal
  3. Shaiba
  4. Khalid bin Walid
  5. None of these

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In which Hijri Ghazwa e khyber was fought?

  1. 7 Hijri
  2. 6 Hijri
  3. 5 Hijri
  4. 8 Hijri
  5. None of these

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Who was the leader of infidels during the Ghazwa-e-Uhud?

  1. Abu Lahab
  2. Abu Jehl
  3. Abu Sufyan
  4. None of these
  5. None of these

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The Battle of Sallasil or the Battle of Chains was fought between_______and the Muslims?

  1. Persians
  2. Jews
  3. Arabs
  4. Romans
  5. None of these

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Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah was the conqueror of _______?

  1. Yarmuk
  2. Iran
  3. Egypt
  4. None of the above
  5. None of these

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Ohad is located near _______?

  1. Syria
  2. Madina
  3. Makkah
  4. Baghdad
  5. None of these

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After the death of Hazrat Zaid Bin Harithؓ, the leader of the Muslim army was _____ in the battle of Mota?

  1. Hazrat Bilal ؓ
  2. Hazrat Umar ؓ
  3. Hazrat Jafar ibn Abi Talib ؓ
  4. Hazrat Usman ؓ
  5. None of these

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The other name of Battle of Badr in the Quran?

  1. Yaum ul Furqan
  2. Yaum ul Fatha
  3. Yaum ul Arfa
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

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The Ridda wars were fought by which Caliph?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

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what is “Fateh -e- Mubeen” meant for?

  1. Hudibiya Pact
  2. Ghazwa e Badar
  3. Ghazwa e Uhad
  4. Madina Pact

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Who was the self proclaimed Prophet against whom the battle of Yamama was fought _____?

  1. Muslaymiah
  2. Ikrimah
  3. Shurabil
  4. None of the above

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Qamoos temple was conquered by Hazrat Ali (R.A) during which war?

  1. Battle of Badr
  2. Battle of Camel
  3. Battle of Khaybar
  4. Battle of Tabbok

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Jabal Malaikah is also known as:

  1. Mountain of Angels
  2. Ground of Angels
  3. Sandy Land
  4. Bright River

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Bab ul-Fatah is also known as:

  1. Door of Madina
  2. Door of Paradise
  3. Door of Victory
  4. Door of Knowledge

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Name the Ghazwa in which wine was prohibitted________?

  1. Uhd
  2. Trench
  3. Bani Nuzair
  4. None of the above

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Who was the leader of kufar in Ghazwa Uhad?

  1. Abu jhal
  2. Abu lhab
  3. Abu Sufyan
  4. All

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جنگ موتہ کب لڑی گئی؟

  1. 612
  2. 624
  3. 629
  4. 640

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Which of the following Gazwa is known as the last Gazwa of Holy Prophet?

  1. Uhad
  2. Badr
  3. Tabook
  4. Yamama

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کس جنگ میں سب سے پہلے مسلمان عورتوں نے بھی شرکت کی؟

  1. غزوہ بدر
  2. غزوہ خیبر
  3. غزوہ احد
  4. غزوہ خندق

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The battle of Badr was fought in which Hijrah__?

  1. First Hijrah
  2. Second Hijrah
  3. Third Hijrah
  4. Fourth Hijrah

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How many Muslims participated in the battle of Uhad___?

  1. 200
  2. 400
  3. 600
  4. 1000

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How many Muslims were martyred in the battle of Trench____?

  1. 6
  2. 16
  3. 26
  4. 36

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Islam prohibit racial

  1. Equality
  2. Imperiality
  3. Discrimination
  4. None of these

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Sariya is battle _____?

  1. In which Prophet Muhammad participate
  2. In which Prophet Muhammad not participate
  3. Before prophet-hood fought
  4. All of these

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Amaan Ullah

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