KHULAFA RASHIDEEN R.A MCQs | Islamic Studies Mcqs
What was the Duration of Hazrat Umar R.A Khilafat?
- 12 years
- 10 years
- 18 years
- none
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Who was the first writer of “Wahi” in Quraish?
- Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)
- Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
- Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA)
- Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA)
- None of the above
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Hazart Ali (R.A) married Hazart Fatma (R.A) in______________?
- 623 A.D
- 624 A.D
- 622 A.D
- None
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Hazrat Umar was born on ___________?
- 1st Muharram 22 A.H
- 1st Muharram 23 A.H.
- 584 AD
- 1st Muharram 25 A.H.
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At whose request, Hazrat Abu Bakr ( R.A) entrusted the task of compilation of the holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabitؓ?
- Hazart Umer (R.A)
- Hazart Usman ( R.A)
- Hazart Ali ( R.A)
- Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A)
- None of these
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Hazrat ___________ added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers.
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
- Hazrat Umar (R.A)
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
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Who accepted Islam first in men?
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Abubakar
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Umer
- None of the above
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Who accepted Islam first in Children?
- Hazrat Usman (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- Hazrat Bilal (RA)
- None Of The Above
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Hazrat Umer was Caliph for______Years?
- 10 years
- 4 years
- 2 years
- None of these
- None of these
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Which Sahabi did Jehad on the issue of Zakat?
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali
- None of the above
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Hazrat Umer (R.A) embraced islam in ___________ Nabvi.
- 5th
- 6th
- 7th
- 8th
- 9th
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حضرت عمر کے قاتل تھے
- ابو لو فیروز
- both
- ابو جھل
- none
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Hazrat Umar R.A embraced Islam, influenced by which Surah Of Holy Quran?
- Surah Fateh
- Surah Yaseen
- Surah Taha
- Surah Almaedah
- None of these
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Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram__________?
- 26 A.H.
- 25 A.H.
- 24 A.H.
- 27 A.H.
- None of these
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The duration of Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) Khilafat was?
- 4 years
- 3 years
- 2 years
- None
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The Rashidun Caliphate lasted for:
- 30 years
- 40 years
- 50 years
- 10 years
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Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in __________ Hijrah?
- 36
- 38
- 40
- 42
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Hijri calendar was started in :
- 16 Hijri
- 18 Hijri
- 17 Hijri
- 10 Hijri
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Qila Qamoos was conquered by which Sahabi _____?
- Hazrat Umer
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Usman
- None of the above
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List of Khulafa Rashideen
- Abu Bakr
- Umar ibn al-Khattab
- Uthman ibn ‘Affan
- Ali ibn Abi-Talib
- All of these
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Who gave Hazrat Abu Bakar the idea to collect the Quran in the form of a book?
- Hazrat Salman Farsi
- Hazrat umer
- Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed
- Hazrat Usman
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Hazrat Ali made his new capital from Madina to ?
- Kuffa
- Baghdad
- Makkah
- None
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Qamoos temple was conquered by Hazrat Ali (R.A) during which war?
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Camel
- Battle of Khaybar
- Battle of Tabbok
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Naqeeb-e-Islam” is the title of ______ ?
- Hazrat Usman (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- None of these
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The Battle of Yarmouk was fought during the caliphate of________?
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- Hazrat Usman (RA)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- None of these
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Pious-Caliphate lasted for about:______ Years?
- Thirty Years
- Twenty Years
- Eighteen Years
- Five Years
- None of these
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Who was the first Muslim Caliph of Spain?
- Abd L Malik
- Abd Al Jabar
- Abd Ar Rehman Ad-Dakhil
- Marwan 11
- None of these
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Hazrat Abu Bakr was merchant of ___
- cloth
- sheep
- camel
- None
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طلحیہ کی سرکوبی کے لیا حضرت ابو بکر نے کس کو بھجوایا؟
- حضرت علیؓ
- حضرت زبیر ابن العوام ؓ
- عبیداللہ
- خالد ابن ولید
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Hazrat Usman Bin ____ was the key holder of Kabba
- Talha
- Asad
- Saad
- None
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Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of?
- Cloth
- wheat
- steal
- none
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what is the title of Hazrat Usman?
- Dhū al-Nurayn
- Sword of Allah
- Both
- None
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حضرت عمر کا دور خلافت کتنے عرصہ پر محیط تھا ؟
- چار سال پانچ ماہ
- سات سال پانچ ماہ
- دس سال پانچ ماہ
- بارہ سال پانچ ماہ
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Who was chosen by Hazrat Umar (R.A) to lead the Muslim Army in the battle of Qadsiya?
- Hazrat Usman bin Affan (R.A)
- Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed(R.A)
- Hazrat Ubaida bin Jerrah
- Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (R.A)
- Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
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The Battle of Camel was fought between Hazrat Ali (رضہ) and____?
- Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Wakas RA
- Bibi Aisha
- Muawia
- Hazrat Umer
- None of these
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The “Ridda Wars” were fought by which caliph?
- 3rd caliph
- 2nd caliph
- 1st caliph
- None
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Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) Died in____________?
- 13th Hijra
- 11th Hijra
- 10th Hijra
- none
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Hazrat Ruqia (رضہ) died at victory day of battle ______she was the wife of Hazrat Usman (رضہ)?
- Battle Ahzab
- Battle Uhad
- Battle Badr
- Battle Maouta
- None of these
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Hazrat Usman khilafat period was ___?
- 4 years
- 8 years
- 10 years
- 12 years
- 40 years
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Who was the Third Caliph?
- Hazrat Usman(R.A.)
- Hazrat Ali(R.A.)
- Hazrat Umar(R.A.)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A.)
- None of these
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Hazrat __ was the First Hafiz of the Holy Quran?
- Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
- Hazrat Umer (R.a)
- Hazrat Usman (R.a)
- None of these
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Hazrat Umar appointed as custodian of Bait Ul Mal
- Abdullah Bin Masud
- Abdullah Bin Abbas
- Abdullah Bin Umar
- None
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Who was the second Caliph?
- Hazrat Usman(R.A.)
- Hazrat Umar(R.A.)
- Hazrat Ali(R.A.)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A.)
- None of these
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Hazrat Usman (R.A) is called ____.
- Zun Noorain
- Lion of God
- Poet of the Holy Prophet
- Man of Allah
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حضرت عثمان غنی نے کس غزوہ میں شرکت نہیں کی تھی؟
- غزوہ بدر
- غزوہ احد
- غزوہ خندق
- غزوہ تبوک
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Who is called Jami ul Quran?
- Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
- Usman Ghani (R.A)
- Umar Farooq (R.A)
- Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
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What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”?
- Umar Farooque (R.A)
- Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
- Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A)
- Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
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Hazart Ali (رضہ) married Hazart Fatma (رضہ) in______________?
- 624 A.D
- 623 A.D
- 622 A.D
- 625 A.D
- None of these
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Iraq was conquered in the period of ?
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Umar
- Hazrat Usman
- None
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In the Period Hazrat Umar most battle Muslim fought against?
- Jews
- Persians
- Cristians
- All of these
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What was the age of Hazart Umer R.A when he embraced Islam?
- 29 years
- 28 years
- 27 years
- 32 years
- None of these
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Who solicited Hazrat Usman (رضہ) to send the copies of Quran to different countries?
- Hazrat abdullah bin Umar
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat hadifa-bin-Yamaan
- Hazrat amar bin Yasar
- None of these
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Name of the first Caliph of Islam who introduced the Jail Department?
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- Hazrat Umar (R.A)
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Who proposed Azan for the first time?
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Umer
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- All of these
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The Islamic calendar is also called?
- Lunar calendar
- Hijri calendar
- Muslim calendar
- All of the above
- None of the avove
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منکرین زکوۃ کے خلاف جہاد کا آغاز کس نے کیا؟
- ؓحضرت علی
- حضرت ابوبکرؓ
- ؓحضرت عثمان
- حضرت عمبرؓ
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Al-Ateeq (The Delivered One) is the title of:
- Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- Hazrat Umer (R.A)
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
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Who said that ” There is no difference between Salat and Zakat?
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Umer
- Hazrat Awais Qarni
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Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe of______?
- Banu Hashim
- Banu Taym
- Banu Sahm
- Banu Asad
- None of these
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Afzal ul Bashr” is the title of __________ ?
- Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
- Hazrat Usman RA
- Hazrat Umar RA
- none
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On the suggestion of whom, Holy Prophetﷺ released the Prisoners of Ghazwa-e-Badar?
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Umar Farooq
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Ameer Hamza
- None of these
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Hazrat Abu Bakar (رضی اللہ) Died in?
- 13th Hijra
- 11th Hijra
- 10th Hijra
- 15th Hijra
- None of these
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Hazrat Abu Bakr sent which companion to Syria?
- Khalid bin Waleed
- Saad bin abi waqas
- Both
- None
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What was the real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (رضہ)?
- Sadiq e Akber
- Abu Turab
- Abdullah ibn Uthman
- Saraqa bin jasham
- None of these
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How many years Hazrat Abu Bakr (رضہ) was younger than the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ?
- 4 Years
- 3 Years
- 2 Years
- 5 Years
- None of these
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At the time Hazrat Abu Bakr how many companions had compiled the Quran in the form of a book?
- 20
- 40
- 55
- 65
- 75
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On whose suggestion The Holy Prophet ﷺ decided to release the prisoners of Badr war after taking ransom?
- Hazrat Umar R.A
- Hazrat Ali R.A
- Hazrat Abu bakar R.A
- Hazrat Usman R.A
- None of these
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Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of Hazrat _____?
- Hazrat Abu bakar (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali( R.A)
- Hazrat Umar(R.A)
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- None of these
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Collection of Holy Quran in the reign of Hazrat Abubakar (RA) was done by Hazrat Zaid RA between ______?
- 13-16 A.H
- 11-15 A.H
- 11-14 A.H
- 12-15 A.H
- None of these
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چالیس ہجری میں کس خلیفہ کی شہادت ہوئی
- ؓحضرت عثمان
- ؓ حضرت علی
- ؓحضرت عمر
- ؓحضرت امام حسین
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“Nahjul Balagha” is authored by
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- Hazrat Umer (R.A)
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- None of the above
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Hazrat Ali (R.A) was buried in which city?
- Najaf
- Makkah
- Madina
- None of the above
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Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in which month of Islamic calendar?
- Ramazan
- Shawal
- Rajab
- None of the above
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In which mosque was Hazrat Ali (R.A) attacked by Ibn e Muljim?
- Masjid e Kufa
- Masjid e Nabvi
- Masjid e Aqsa
- None of the above
- All of the above
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Book named “The Voice of Human Justice ” is the biography of______?
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- Hazrat Umer (R.A)
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- None of these
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Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya?
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (R.A)
- none of them
- None of these
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_____,was the brother of Hazrat Ali (R.A) who was taken as prisoner in the battle of Badr?
- Aqeel
- None of these
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“Naqeeb-e-Islam” is the title of __________ ?
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- Hazrat Usman (RA
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
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Qaim-ul-Lail and Saim-ul-Nahar are the titles of _____?
- Hazrat Umar (رضہ)
- Hazrat Usman (رضہ)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (رضہ)
- Hazrat Ali (رضہ)
- None of these
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Where tomb of Bibi Pak Daman is located?
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Multan
- None
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Which of the following belong to Hazrat Ali wife?
- Umm Kulthum (رضہ)
- Fatima-tul-Zahra (رضہ)
- Ruqayyah (رضہ)
- Hazrat Aisha (رضہ)
- None of these
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Who was the fourth Caliph?
- Hazrat Usman (R.A.)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A.)
- Hazrat Umar (R.A.)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A.)
- None of these
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The Battle of Camel was fought at _______?
- Kufa
- Makkah
- Madina
- Basra
- None of these
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Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by __?
- Usman Ghani (رضہ)
- Umar Farooq (رضہ)
- Abu Bakr Siddique (رضہ)
- Ali Al-Murtaza (رضہ)
- None of these
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The police force was first set up to maintain law and order in the Islamic States during the Caliphate of :
- Hazrat Abu Bakr ؓ
- Hazrat Usman ؓ
- Hazrat Ali ؓ
- Hazrat Umar ؓ
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Title of Ameer Ul Momineen was firstly assumed by
- Hazrat Umer
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
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Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas was made the governor of Kufa during the Khilafat of?
- Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
- Umar Farooq (R.A)
- Usman Ghani (R.A)
- Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
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Which caliph formed a parliament namely Majlis e Aam?
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Umar
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Ali
- None of these
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When Khalid bin Waleed was removed from the service in the reign of Hazrat Umar Farooq (رضہ)?
- 16 A.H
- 15 A.H
- 14 A.H
- 17 A.H
- None of these
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Who Introduced Police System?
- Hazrat Umer (R.A)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- None of these
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The first census of Islamic world in ____ period?
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Umar
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Ali
- None of these
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Who was the first lady inspector of Madinah appointed by Hazrat Umar (رضہ) ?
- Hazrat Ayesha
- Rufaida Al-Aslamia
- Umm Al-shifaa bint Abdullah
- Umm Aimen
- None of these
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The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of_____?
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Hazrat Umar (R.A)
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- All of these
- None of these
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کس صحابی رسول کا لقب “ذوالنورین” تھا ؟
- حضرت علیؓ
- حضرت عثمانؓ
- ؓحضرت بلال
- حضرت جعفر طیارؓ
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What caused Hazrat Usman death?
- Martyred by rebels
- Died in battlefield
- Natural Death
- None of the above
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Out of the copies of the Quran compiled by Usmanؓ , how many are present?
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 4
- None of these
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When did the Ottomans cross into Europe __________ ?
- 1357
- 1356
- 1455
- none
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The downfall of the Umayyads in Damascus happened in ______?
- 150 A.H
- 132 A.H
- 125 A.H
- 105 A.H
- None of these
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First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?
- Ahmad Sirhindi
- Imam Ghizali
- Ibn-e-Taimya
- Shah Waliullah
- None of these
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Who was the first Caliph?
- Hazrat Umar(R.A.)
- Hazrat Ali(R.A.)
- Hazrat Usman(R.A.)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A.)
- None of the above
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Which Rashidun Caliph has longest region ?
- Hazrat Umar
- Hazrat Aki
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
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Abu Tarab is the title of ____?
- Hazrat umar
- Hazrat Ali
- Abubakr
- None
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