“WHO” Stand for ___________?

  1. Women health organization
  2. Western health organization
  3. World health organization
  4. Word health organization

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who is the current secretary-general of the United Nation?

  1. Ban ki-moon
  2. Kofi A. Annan
  3. Antonio Guterres
  4. None of these

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The permanent secretariat of SAARC is established at:

  1. Dhaka
  2. Kathmandu
  3. New Delhi
  4. Colombo

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UNICEF stand for?

  1. United National internal cultural educational foundation
  2. United National international children emergency fund
  3. United National international children educational foundation
  4. United National international cultural emergency fund

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There is a total of ___UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  1. 15
  2. 17
  3. 19
  4. 21

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Which Nation always speaks first at The UN General Assembly?

  1. US
  2. UK
  3. Brazil
  4. Frane

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The 1st Asian Secretary General of United Nations was:

  1. Tryve Lie
  2. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
  3. U-Thant
  4. Kurt Waldheim

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First Secretary General of UNO?

  1. Trygve lee
  2. Ban ke moon
  3. U thant
  4. None

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The UN Secretary-General António Guterres belong to which country?

  1. North Korea
  2. South Korea
  3. Italy
  4. Portugal

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The UNO was founded in the year:

  1. 24 October 1945
  2. 24 October 1946
  3. 20 October 1945
  4. 15 October 1946

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How many times António Guterres become Secretary-General of the United Nations?

  1. 2nd time
  2. 3rd time
  3. 4th time
  4. None of these

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ASCII stands for:

  1. American Standard Conduct for Information Interchange
  2. Armenia Standard Code for Information Interchange
  3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  4. none

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The first secretary General of United Nations was:

  1. Hammarskjold
  2. Kurt Waldheium
  3. U Thant
  4. Trygue Lie

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Non-permanent member of the security council of UN are ________

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 193
  4. 15

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The United Nations was founded in:

  1. San Francisco
  2. New York
  3. Los Angeles
  4. Chicago

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Which is the highest organ of United Nations?

  1. General Assembly
  2. Secretariat
  3. International Court of Justice
  4. Security Council

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Which is the most powerful organ of United Nations?

  1. General Assembly
  2. Security Council
  3. Secretariat
  4. International Court of Justice

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Kyoto Protocol is related to:

  1. Sea Routes
  2. Air Corridors
  3. Climate Change
  4. Uranium Usage

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Which among the following countries does not wield veto power in the United Nations Security Council?

  1. USA
  2. China
  3. Britain
  4. Germany

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Where is the UN Security Council headquarters located?

  1. New York
  2. Paris
  3. London
  4. Geneva

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How many delegates can each country send to the UN General Assembly?

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 15
  4. None of these

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Who was the first Secretary-General elected from the rankers staff of United Nations?

  1. Dr. Kurt Waldheim
  2. U Thant
  3. Trygive Lie
  4. Kofi Annan

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The Headquarter of ILO is at:

  1. Paris
  2. Geneva
  3. New York
  4. Hague

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Which organ of united Nations has ceased its operations ?

  1. Trusteeship Council
  2. ICJ
  3. Secretariat
  4. Economic Council

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Where is the head quarter of united nations situated?

  1. Newyork
  2. Seydny
  3. Istanbul
  4. Tokyo

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UNO was formed in?

  1. 10 October 1945
  2. 14 October 1945
  3. 24 October 1945
  4. 28 October 1945

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ANSI stands for

  1. American National Standards Institute
  2. American Nation Standards Institute
  3. Asia National Standards Institute
  4. None

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Where is head quarter of UNO located

  1. Washington
  2. New York
  3. London
  4. None

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Security council change president by:

  1. Every year
  2. After 6 month
  3. Every month
  4. None

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which agency of UN deals with food

  1. FAO
  2. FIA
  3. FFO
  4. none

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The headquarters of International Court of Justice is located in _________?

  1. New York
  2. Washington
  3. Geneva
  4. The Hague

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In which month does the UN General Assembly usually meet every year?

  1. November
  2. October
  3. September
  4. August
  5. June

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UNO charter at San Francisco on June 26

  1. 1945
  2. 1946
  3. 1956
  4. 1947
  5. 1960

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On 30 September 1947, Pakistan become the 53 member of____.

  1. ILO
  2. UNO
  3. OIC
  4. All
  5. None

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Which country joined the UN most recently?

  1. South Sudan
  2. Montenegro
  3. Yugoslavia
  4. Macedonia

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Which United Nation body mainly deals with population problems?

  1. UNDP
  2. UNFPA

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The motto of United Nations Organization is _________?

  1. It’s your world!
  2. Life for All!
  3. Peace!
  4. Love and Peace!

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UNO Stand for?

  1. Uni Nations Organization
  2. Untied Nations Organization
  3. Un Nations Organization
  4. Under Nations Organization

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Which organizations was established after bretton woods conference?

  1. World bank
  2. IMF
  3. Both
  4. None

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In which country headquarter of Red Cross has been established?

  1. USA
  2. USSR
  3. France
  4. Switzerland

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the United Nation Framework convention on climate change deals with

  1. reduction in fossil fuels usage
  2. CO2 emissions mitigation
  3. Reduction in uranium production
  4. Greenhouse gases emissions mitigation

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The headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) is in____________?

  1. Kathmandu
  2. Rome
  3. Berlin
  4. Jeddah

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Us president Franklin D Roosevelt decide the name of

  1. UNO
  2. League of national
  3. Both
  4. None

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Total members of UN security council

  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 20
  4. 15

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Permanent members of UN security council are?

  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 2
  4. 20

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Who was the 74th president of United Nations General Assembly_____?

  1. Antonio Guterres
  2. Ban Ki Moon
  3. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande
  4. None of the above

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UNO formed on 24 Oct

  1. 1947
  2. 1950
  3. 1945
  4. 1943

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UNICEF headquarter is in

  1. USA
  2. Berlin
  3. Geneva
  4. New York

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The Secretary-General of United Nation at the time of invasion of Iraq in 2003 was

  1. Ban Ki-moon
  2. Kofi Annan
  3. Boutros
  4. Antonio Guterres

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MDG stands for.

  1. Misc. Development Goals
  2. Millennium Development Goals
  3. Must Development Goals
  4. Modern Development Goals

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The motto of UNO is _________?

  1. It’s your world!
  2. Life for All!
  3. Peace!
  4. Love and Peace!

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The International court of justice (ICJ) is located in?

  1. Paris
  2. New York
  3. The Hague
  4. London

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How many international languages are recognized by the United Nations?

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 10

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The total number of independent countries in the world are:

  1. 193
  2. 194
  3. 195
  4. 196

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Amaan Ullah

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