“Africa fund” was created by:

  1. UNO
  2. NAM
  3. SAARC
  4. Commonwealth

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“Northern Cyprus” is a disputed area between ________.

  1. Cyprus and Czech Republic
  2. Cyprus and United Kingdom
  3. Cyprus and Greece
  4. Cyprus and Turkey
  5. None of the above

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‘Aksai Chin’ is a disputed area between:

  1. China and India
  2. China and Pakistan
  3. India and Pakistan
  4. India and Nepal

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Why is there a severe difference in the climates of Northern and Southern Hemisphere?

  1. Due to the rotation of the earth around the sun of its orbit
  2. Due to rotation of the earth around its axis
  3. None of these
  4. Both a& b

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Himalayan rivers are perennial because

  1. There is continuous rain throughout the year in the catchment areas
  2. They flow from inexhaustible springs in the Himalayas
  3. They are fed in summer by melting snow of the Himalayas
  4. None of these

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Natural pearls are found in which sea creature?

  1. Sea weed
  2. Shark
  3. Oyster
  4. Crabs

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Jerusalem is a sacred place for

  1. Christians
  2. Jews
  3. Muslims
  4. All of them

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Mohenjo-Daro is located in which district of Sindh_____?

  1. Dadu District
  2. Larkana District
  3. Hyderabad District
  4. None of the above

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Suez Canal is between _____________?

  1. Arabian Sea and Red Sea
  2. Red Sea and North Sea
  3. Mediterranean Sea and North Sea
  4. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
  5. None of the above

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Brussels is near the longitude:

  1. 58-22 W
  2. 4-22 W
  3. 130-51 E
  4. 6-15 W

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How many Countries are there Landlocked in the World?

  1. 22
  2. 44
  3. 46
  4. 50

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Under which treaty did the British recognize the independence of 13 American colonies?

  1. Brussels Treaty
  2. Treaty of Paris
  3. Geneva Convention
  4. Treaty of Versailles

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The International Dateline passes through the:

  1. Malacca Strait
  2. Bering Strait
  3. Gibraltar Strait
  4. Florida Strait

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What unit is used to measure lines of longitude?

  1. degree
  2. Latitude
  3. Both
  4. None

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Which is the deepest lake in the world_________?

  1. Lake Victoria
  2. Lake Superior
  3. Lake Baikal
  4. Lake Erie

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K2 is also known as:

  1. Godwin Austin
  2. broad peak
  3. Roshan peak
  4. Sia Kingri
  5. None

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Kharan desert is located in which province ____?

  1. Sindh
  2. Punjab
  3. Balochistan
  4. None of the above

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Kilimanjaro is a mountain located in?

  1. Nepal
  2. Tanzania
  3. Somalia
  4. None of these

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Wall street is ,located in ____.

  1. London
  2. China
  3. Canada
  4. None

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The highest waterfall of the world is

  1. Angel falls
  2. Great fall
  3. Victoria falls
  4. Boyoma Falls

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Canal Istanbul connect:

  1. Black Sea & Red Sea
  2. Mediterranean Sea & Black Sea
  3. Black Sea & Marmara Sea
  4. Mediterranean Sea
  5. Marmara Sea & Black Sea

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What is the length of Canal Istanbul which will connect Black Sea and Marmara Sea?

  1. 20 KM
  2. 35 KM
  3. 45 KM
  4. 65 KM

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What is the Length of Houston Ship Canal?

  1. 60 km
  2. 80 km
  3. 90 km
  4. 100 km

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What is the length of Kiel Canal?

  1. 98 km
  2. 99 km
  3. 95 km
  4. 96 km

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What is the length of the Volga-Don Canal?

  1. 100 km
  2. 101 km
  3. 107 km
  4. None of these

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Which canal is called Europa Canal?

  1. Rhine Main Danube Canal
  2. Volga-Don Canal
  3. White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal
  4. All of these

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What is the length of Rhine Main Danube Canal?

  1. 100 km
  2. 111 km
  3. 131 km
  4. 171 km

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White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal connect:

  1. White Sea in the north to the Baltic Sea in the south
  2. White Sea in the west to the Baltic Sea in the south
  3. White Sea in the north to the Baltic Sea in the north
  4. None of these

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What is the length of White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal?

  1. 150 km
  2. 177 km
  3. 200 km
  4. 227 km

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Corinth Canal Connect:

  1. Yellow River and Yangtze River
  2. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
  3. Yellow River and Yangtze River
  4. Gulf of Corinth of the Ionian Sea and the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea
  5. None of these

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Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal connect:

  1. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
  2. Red Sea and Black Sea
  3. Yellow River and Yangtze River
  4. None of these

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What is the length of Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal?

  1. 1,782 km
  2. 1,000 km
  3. 1,502 km
  4. None of these

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Which is the Longest Canal in the world?

  1. Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal
  2. Panama Canal
  3. Suez Canal
  4. Corinth Canal

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Which is the Oldest Canal in the world?

  1. Panama Canal
  2. Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal
  3. Suez Canal
  4. Corinth Canal

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What is the Lenth of the Panama Canal?

  1. 82 km
  2. 90 km
  3. 102 km
  4. 182 km

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Which one of the following city is also known as the City of Canals?

  1. Brazil
  2. Venice
  3. Singapore
  4. Korea

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Which is the world’s smallest country?

  1. UK
  2. Nepal
  3. Vatican city
  4. None

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Where can the tallest building Burj Khalifa be found?

  1. Turkey
  2. England
  3. Dubai
  4. India

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Seychellels is located in

  1. Pacific ocean
  2. Indian ocean
  3. Antarctic ocean
  4. arctic ocean

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.The central section of the Sindh Sāgar Doāb is located in which desert?

  1. Thar
  2. Thal
  3. Cholistan
  4. Katpana

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The Stonehenge is located in?

  1. England
  2. Spain
  3. France
  4. None

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The world’s Largest fresh water Lake is?

  1. Lake Superior
  2. Lake Victoria
  3. Great Bear Lake
  4. None of these

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The biggest Islamic country with area is _____.

  1. Sudan
  2. Libya
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Egypt
  5. None

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Find the correct answer that best completes the analogy. Book is to reading as fork is to?

  1. Drawing
  2. Writing
  3. Stirring
  4. Eating

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The quantity of fresh water present on Earth is unavailable

  1. 2.5%
  2. 0.04%
  3. 2.2%
  4. None

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First space settliate was launched by which country?

  1. Russia
  2. Uk
  3. USA
  4. India

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Raft foundation are generally preferred to when the area required for individual footing is more than

  1. 25% of the total area
  2. 30% of the total area
  3. 40% of the total area
  4. 50% of the total area

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The portion of brick cut across the width is called

  1. Closer
  2. Half back
  3. Bed
  4. Bat

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A covering of concrete placed on the exposed top of an external wall is known as

  1. Cornice
  2. Coping
  3. Frieze
  4. Lintel

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The basic quantity in the international system of units is

  1. Length and mass
  2. Time and temperature
  3. Mole and light intensity
  4. All of the above

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Which is not ruminant animal?

  1. Cow
  2. Sheep
  3. Goat
  4. Horse

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Quebec is a province of which of the following countries?

  1. Russia
  2. Laos
  3. India
  4. Canada

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Wular Dam is constructed by India on river ________

  1. Sutlej
  2. Ravi
  3. Jhelum
  4. Chenab

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Delta is formed by

  1. Sees
  2. Rivers
  3. Lakes
  4. All of these

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The longest river in Europe is

  1. Amazon River
  2. Danube River
  3. Volga River
  4. Ural River
  5. Don River

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Which is the largest river in Asia?

  1. Indus
  2. Yangtze
  3. Ganges
  4. Mekong

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Taekwondo from which country.

  1. America
  2. India
  3. Korea
  4. Malaysia

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Which one of the following is not a safeguard of Liberty?

  1. Independent judiciary
  2. Fundamental rights
  3. Concentration of power
  4. Free press

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Seven mile beach is located in _______ ?

  1. Bali Island
  2. Borneo Island
  3. Grand Cayman island
  4. None of the above

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Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as ___?

  1. Green Mosque
  2. Blue Mosque
  3. Red Mosque
  4. Yellow mosque

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In which country are the Taurus mountain located

  1. India
  2. Turkey
  3. Holland
  4. Nipal

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Convection, frontal and relief are the three main types of ____?

  1. Coulds
  2. Rainfall
  3. Winds
  4. Storm

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Which layer of planet earth is made up of tectonic plates ____?

  1. Mantle
  2. Crust
  3. Inner Core
  4. None of the above

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Which is the hottest continent on the earth ____?

  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. North America
  4. Africa

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Lake Tana is present in:

  1. Algeria
  2. Uganda
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Somalia

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Which of the following river does not form Delta before falling into sea?

  1. Amazon River
  2. Ok Tedi River
  3. Columbia River
  4. All of these

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Denali peak is also known as

  1. Mount McKinley
  2. Mount Everest
  3. K2
  4. None

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Stock market is raising is called

  1. Bullish
  2. Berish
  3. Both
  4. None

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Daccen pleatue is located in which country?

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. Bangal
  4. UAE

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Henenine palace located in

  1. Uk
  2. Usa
  3. Egypt
  4. Lubnan

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Which ocean is known as Ring of fire

  1. Atlantic
  2. Pacific
  3. Caspian
  4. None

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In which country Great Buddha of Kamakura located?

  1. Israel
  2. Japan
  3. Uk
  4. USA

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There are about___glaciers in the world?

  1. 198000
  2. 195000-200000
  3. 198000-200000
  4. None

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Red Lake founded in_____________?

  1. China
  2. USA
  3. UK
  4. None of these

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Elahi Bux Soomro is the capacity of Federal Information Minister announced to repeal:

  1. PPO
  2. EBDO
  3. PCO
  4. None the above

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________ is considered the largest glacier of the world located in Antarctica.

  1. Lambert Fisher glacier
  2. Siachian glacier
  3. Dormant glacier
  4. None

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Akosombo dam is constructed on Volta river in _______.

  1. Niger
  2. Egypt
  3. Ghana
  4. None of these

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Which of the following river flows in Canada_________?

  1. Mackenzie River
  2. Nelson River
  3. Fraser River
  4. All of the above

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Ching Ping Dam is located in _________?

  1. Japan
  2. China
  3. Thailand
  4. South Korai

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Restoration period saw the rise of:

  1. Heroic tragedy
  2. classical tragedy
  3. domestic tragedy
  4. None of the above

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Sedimentary rocks are__________?

  1. Porous
  2. Hard
  3. Rough
  4. Brittle

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What was a new system of printing books developed in the 1400s?

  1. Block Style writing
  2. movable type
  3. calligraphy
  4. computer

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Acropolis of Athens situated in which country?

  1. Greece
  2. India
  3. UK
  4. USA

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Layering is useful for propagation of:

  1. Rose
  2. Garlic
  3. Lemon
  4. Sugarcane

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Which type of N-fertilizer is suitable for water-logged soil?

  1. zinc phosphate
  2. Ammonium sulfate
  3. Calcium
  4. None of the above

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Which of the following glacier is in ‘Hunza’?

  1. Hispar
  2. Biafo
  3. Atrak
  4. None of the above

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Which of the following river is located in Iraq:

  1. Lena
  2. Oxus
  3. Volga
  4. Euphrates

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Kotri barrage is situated on river ______.

  1. Indus
  2. Jhelum
  3. Chennab
  4. Ravi

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Life of elephants?

  1. 70 years
  2. 20 years
  3. 100 years
  4. None

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Pink lake is situated in ___?

  1. Australia
  2. Austria
  3. UK
  4. USA

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Cyprus divided between?

  1. Greece and Turkey
  2. Canada and America
  3. Turkey and Spain
  4. None

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Grand Canyon National Park in U.S.A, is located in the State of:

  1. Taxes
  2. Colorado
  3. Arizona
  4. Spain

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Tower of silence is:

  1. Cementry in London built in the memory of second World war
  2. Place where dead remains of flowersof Zoroastrain are placed after funeral rituals
  3. Another name of Eiffel Tower
  4. None

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Tide waves occur due to earthquake is called___.

  1. submarine
  2. volcanic eruptions
  3. Tsunami
  4. None

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The deepest part of the Earth is:

  1. Dead sea
  2. Marina Trench
  3. South Pole
  4. South Africa

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Nubian Monuments are located in:

  1. Egypt
  2. UK
  3. USA
  4. Canada

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Golden triangle is the area where the borders of the following countries meet?

  1. Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar
  2. Bangladesh ,India and Maynmar
  3. Both A&B
  4. None

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Taurus Mountains located in which country _____?

  1. USA
  2. Turkey
  3. Poland
  4. Sudan

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The lowest point on Earth is ?

  1. Dead Sea
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. River Nile
  4. None

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In which country the greatest and longest wall ?

  1. UK
  2. USA
  3. China
  4. Russia

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Which country is called” Land of Thousand Lakes “.

  1. Indonesia
  2. Maldives
  3. Finland
  4. Iceland

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Atlas mountains are present in?

  1. Morocco
  2. China
  3. Russia
  4. Nepal

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Which is the highest mountain of Africa?

  1. Rocky Mountain
  2. Kibo
  3. Kilimanjaro
  4. Mawenzi

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Which of the following river is without delta?

  1. Narmada River
  2. St. Lawrence
  3. Indus
  4. Both A and B

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The word used to describe the shape of earth is ________

  1. Flat
  2. Oblate spheroid
  3. Circle
  4. Sphere
  5. None of the above

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About 78% of the planet Earth is composed of ________ rocks.

  1. Igneous
  2. Sedimentary
  3. Metamorphic
  4. Stratigraphy

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Which of the following lines divide Turkish and Greek Cyprus communities?

  1. Street Line
  2. White Line
  3. Green Line
  4. Control Line
  5. Border Line

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World Bank was established in ?

  1. July 1942
  2. July 1941
  3. July 1944
  4. December 1945
  5. None

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The smallest sea of the world is:

  1. Red sea
  2. Baltic Sea
  3. North sea
  4. Bering sea
  5. None

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In how many time zones has the world been divided?

  1. 24
  2. 1.5
  3. 30
  4. 30

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What is a chronometer?

  1. Al highly accurate time piece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime
  2. An instrument used to measure the degree of latitude
  3. A scale which tells the distance between any tow places
  4. All of these

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The local time of a place is known with reference to its ___________?

  1. Longitudinal position
  2. Distance from the capital city
  3. Latitudinal position
  4. All of these

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The latitude of a point on the earth is measured by the distance in?

  1. Kilometres from the equators
  2. Kilometres from the poles
  3. Angles from the poles
  4. Angles from the equator

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USA is divided into how many time zones?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7

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The International Date-line is located in the _________ Ocean?

  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Arctic Ocean

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One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of__?

  1. 79 miles
  2. 69 miles
  3. 59 miles
  4. 49 miles

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The earth turns through 360

  1. One hour
  2. One hour
  3. Forty-five minutes
  4. None

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Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the standard time of which of the following countries?

  1. China
  2. Germany
  3. USA
  4. UK

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Sense of time is due to__________?

  1. Revolution of earth
  2. Rotation of moon
  3. Rotation of earth
  4. All of these

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When ship crosses Dateline from west to east?

  1. It gains one day
  2. It loses one day
  3. It gains one day
  4. None of these

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If the difference in time between two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then the difference in their longitude would be:

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 40

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Which is the farthest from the centre of the earth?

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of Capricorn
  3. South Pole
  4. Antarctic circle

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Latitude of South Pole is?

  1. 40
  2. 60
  3. 80
  4. 90

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If a place is located at 20?

  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. None of these

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Tropic of Cancer passes through which of the following countries?

  1. Mauritania,
  2. Mexico, Libya,
  3. Saudi Arabia, India
  4. All of these

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Which of the following longitudes is the standard meridian of Pakistan?

  1. 74°22’E
  2. 83°30’E
  3. 77°28’E
  4. None of these

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Which of the following cities is the closest to the Equator?

  1. Mogadishu
  2. Colombo
  3. Manila
  4. Singapore

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The International Date Line is _______?

  1. 180° longitude
  2. 0° longitude
  3. 90° east longitude
  4. Equator

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Which is the only continent through which the Tropic of Cancer, Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn passes?

  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. South Africa
  4. None of these

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The difference between G.M.T. and PKT is

  1. 5 Hours
  2. 5 Hours 30 Mint
  3. 4 Hours
  4. 12 Hours

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The Earth is divided into western and eastern hemispheres by the ______?

  1. Antarctic Meridian
  2. Prime Meridian
  3. Arctic Meridian
  4. Latin Meridian

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Considering the longitudes, the degrees of International Date Line are _____?

  1. 120°W
  2. 180°
  3. 150°E
  4. 360°

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The places lying in Eastern Hemisphere see the sunlight before Western Hemisphere because Earth rotates from ______?

  1. south to north
  2. east to west
  3. north to south
  4. west to east

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Degree of Greenwich in England

  1. 0 degree
  2. 6 degree
  3. 2 degree
  4. None

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The most important part of the culture which is effective way of the expression of ideas and feelings is

  1. Food Habit
  2. Fine arts
  3. Way of living
  4. Language

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The Pisa Tower is in ?

  1. France
  2. Italy
  3. New York
  4. London
  5. None

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List of Major Oceans and Seas of the World

  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Pacific Ocean
  3. Indian Ocean
  4. Antarctic Ocean
  5. All of these

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According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the territorial waters of any country extend at most:

  1. 124 nautical miles
  2. 24 nautical miles
  3. 12 nautical miles
  4. 200 nautical miles

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About 35% of the worldwide petroleum trade takes place from the

  1. Strait of Hormuz
  2. Strait of Malacca
  3. Bab-el-Mandeb Strait
  4. Bass Strait

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Turkey, Israel and Jorden share a sea is:

  1. Black sea
  2. Caspian sea
  3. Sea or marmara
  4. All above mentioned

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The strait which separates Iran with Oman and UAE?

  1. Palk Strait
  2. Hurmuz Strait
  3. Malaca Strait
  4. none of the above

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The Dead Sea is located in:

  1. Israel and Turkey
  2. Israel and Joardan
  3. Israel and Syria
  4. Syria and Lebanon

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Which river is known as mother of rivers

  1. The Mekong river
  2. River Thames
  3. Amazon river
  4. Both

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The shallow part of the sea which lies adjacent to the coastal area is called:

  1. Continental Shelf
  2. Continental Slope
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

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One of the world population high density zone is _________ :

  1. Southern Part of Canada
  2. Western Part of Asia
  3. East and Western Asia
  4. Western Part of America
  5. The Arabian Peninsula

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Jeddah is the sea port of ?

  1. Iraq
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Kuwait
  4. Jordan

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World’s largest delta is in:

  1. India
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Japan
  4. Sri lanka

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Yellow sea is situated in

  1. North of Atlantic
  2. Fast of Indian ocean
  3. South of Pacific
  4. None

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Which of the following is the narrowest strait of the world?

  1. Strait of Tartar
  2. Malacca Strait
  3. Palk Strait
  4. Strait Yucatan

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List of Major Lakes of the World

  1. Lake Superior – North America
  2. Lake Victoria – Africa
  3. Lake Huron – North America
  4. Lake Michigan – North America
  5. All of these

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Which waterway gives the source of terrestrial moisture?

  1. Canals
  2. Ocean
  3. Rivers
  4. Lakes

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Which Country has the most Natural Lakes in the World?

  1. Kashmir
  2. China
  3. Canada
  4. Finland

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The substance which is found in dried-up lakes of Tibet and California is___?

  1. Boric acid
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Tincal
  4. Colemanite

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which country scientists have discovered a network of lakes beneath Totten Glacier in East Antarctica?

  1. UK
  2. India
  3. Australia
  4. China

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on which River, the world highest rail bridge constructed?

  1. Indus
  2. Jehlum
  3. Ravi
  4. Chenab

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Solutions in which water is used as solvent are called___.

  1. Universal solutions
  2. Aqueous Solutions
  3. Aqueous Compound
  4. None

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How many KIT-KAT flowers are sold in Japan?

  1. 300
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 14

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Mount Merapi, which was recently observed to have released ash and debris, is an active volcano in which country?

  1. Australia
  2. Nepal
  3. Indonesia
  4. None of these

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Clinical treatment has a range of___ c to ____c.

  1. 35 degree centigrade to 42 degree centigrade
  2. 30 degree centigrade to 42 degree centigrade
  3. 30 degree centigrade to 50 degree centigrade
  4. None

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Where is the great wall located?

  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. Turkey
  4. UAE

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“38th Parallel” is the boundary line between:

  1. India and China
  2. North & South Korea
  3. Germany & South Korea
  4. India & Pakistan

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Great dividing range mountain is in _____?

  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. Atlantic
  4. Australia

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Natural satellite of Earth is known as:

  1. Sun
  2. Asteroid
  3. Moon
  4. None

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The word Hindu is derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu which means:

  1. The land of deserts
  2. The Land of seven rivers
  3. The Land of ten rivers
  4. None

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North pole repels the ___ pole:

  1. South
  2. North
  3. East
  4. West

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Where is the lighthouse of Alexandria located?

  1. Turkey
  2. China
  3. Egypt
  4. USA

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What is the name of the tree which grow acorns?

  1. Banyan
  2. Mangroove
  3. Oak
  4. Aspen

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What is the largest lake in Africa?

  1. Tamp
  2. Mumbai
  3. Tank
  4. Victoria

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What is the name of antagonistic in the matrix?

  1. Agent Bond
  2. Agent Smith
  3. Agent Tiger
  4. Agent Wrong

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The largest country in the world by area is?

  1. USA
  2. Russia
  3. Australia
  4. China

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How many mammal species have been reported to occur in Pakistan?

  1. 150
  2. 170
  3. 160
  4. 140
  5. 174

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The Hanging Garden of Babylon were built in?

  1. 400 BC
  2. 500 BC
  3. 600 BC
  4. 700 BC

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Cascade is a mountain range, in which continent it situates?

  1. South America
  2. North America
  3. Asia
  4. Antarctica
  5. None

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Pakistan has recently been given observer status in

  1. Organization For Economic Co operaton And Development (oecd)
  2. Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  3. Guil Cooperation Council
  4. None Of The Above

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‘Hyde Park London is famous for:

  1. Beautiful Rare Tulips
  2. Unique Fountains
  3. Residence of Lord Chancellor
  4. None Of The Above

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In which continent Saudi Arabia located ?

  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. America
  4. Austalia

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Carrie Logar bill authorised non military aid to Pakistan for a period of:

  1. 2010-2014
  2. 2011-2014
  3. 20112-2014
  4. None

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The heaviest rainfall is recorded in :

  1. Equator
  2. Equatorial regions
  3. Asia
  4. None

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The number of deaths occurring in any any year for every 1000 of population is refereed to as :

  1. Mortality rate
  2. Rate
  3. Population
  4. None

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دنیا کی دوسری بلند ترین چوٹی کونسی ہے؟

  1. ماونٹ ایورسٹ
  2. کے ٹو
  3. ترچ میر
  4. ننگا پربت
  5. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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How many major mountain ranges are there in the world?

  1. 6
  2. 12
  3. 20
  4. 11

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Central Police Service Group in Pakistan is known as :

  1. PSP
  2. SSP
  3. PPS
  4. None

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The world second longest river is?

  1. Nile
  2. Amazon
  3. Indus
  4. Yangtze

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Which is the longest river passing through Germany?

  1. Dunabe
  2. Rhine
  3. Thames
  4. None

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List of the major rivers of the World.

  1. Check in detials

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Which is the longest river in South America?

  1. perua
  2. Amazon
  3. Gigi
  4. Enio

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Name the river in the world which carries the maximum volume of water?

  1. Amazon
  2. Nile
  3. Indus
  4. Mississippi

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Which is the deepest river in the world?

  1. Nile
  2. Amazon
  3. Congo
  4. None of these

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In which country Krystal mosque is located?

  1. Indonesia
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. Malaysia

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Which king hold the title of ” custodian of two Holy Mosques”?

  1. Iran
  2. Iraq
  3. Egypt
  4. Saudi Arabia

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Which Continent Is Without Glaciers?

  1. Europe
  2. Australia
  3. North America
  4. Asia

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Largest city glacier in southern hemisphere out of Antarctica?

  1. Siachian
  2. Bruggen
  3. Both
  4. None

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List of Major Deserts of the World.

  1. Check in Details

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Which mountain range is home to snow lipread?

  1. Ural
  2. Alaps
  3. Himalaya
  4. None

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Which King started Kumbh Mala?

  1. Hershavardhana
  2. Shershaverdhana
  3. Both
  4. None

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Taulipir tourist spot located in ?

  1. Rawalkot
  2. Kashmir
  3. Rawalkot Azad Kahmir
  4. None

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Where is the worlds largest railway station situated Where is the worlds largest railway station situated?

  1. Tokyo
  2. Florida
  3. New York
  4. Toronto

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Mount Everest is in which country?

  1. Japan
  2. Nepal
  3. Pakistan
  4. Bhutan

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Chinkara deer and peacock are found in mostly?

  1. Deserts
  2. Forest
  3. Both
  4. None

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Earthquake magnitude?

  1. Richter scale
  2. Barometer
  3. Thermometer
  4. None

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Where is Headquarter of APEC?

  1. Singapore
  2. Nepal
  3. India
  4. China

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What is the record high temperature in Antarctica?

  1. 20.75 °C
  2. 10.75 °C
  3. 30.75 °C
  4. None

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Surface area of sphere is___

  1. 4πr2
  2. 4πr3
  3. 5πr2
  4. 2πr2

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What is the literal meaning of Eid ul Azha?

  1. ‘festival of the sacrifice
  2. sleep
  3. fast
  4. none

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In which city was the twitter headquarter located?

  1. Karachi
  2. London
  3. Sanfrancisco
  4. Ciero

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Which is the 2nd largest cricket stadium in the world?

  1. Melbourne
  2. Narendra Modi Stadium
  3. Qaddafi stadium
  4. None

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Rogniya refugees hails from?

  1. Myanmar
  2. UK
  3. Afghanistan
  4. UAE

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Where is famous statute Christ the Redeemer?

  1. Brazil
  2. USA
  3. UK
  4. UAE

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Where is peace palace located

  1. Netherland
  2. Norway
  3. Both
  4. UK

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The ‘Head of Government” of Germany is called:

  1. President
  2. Federal Chancellor
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Governor

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How much of Earth surface is covered by water—-?

  1. 23%
  2. 83%
  3. 94%
  4. 96.50%

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Shah Burj was constructed by which mughal emperor?

  1. Akbar
  2. Shah Jahan
  3. Babar
  4. None

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What is the new height of Mount Everest?

  1. 8,850. 0m (29,035 ft)
  2. 8841.0m (29,006 ft)
  3. 8848.86m (29,032 ft)
  4. 8856.74m (29,057)

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Which of the following mountain ranges is not in Pakistan?

  1. Karakorum
  2. Hindukush
  3. Margella
  4. Altai

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Compass always points which direction?

  1. North
  2. South
  3. West
  4. East

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Where would you find the River Thames____?

  1. London
  2. Spain
  3. Scotland
  4. None of the above

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What are the two primary plant nutrients?

  1. phosphorus
  2. nitrogen
  3. potassium
  4. All

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The areas around the North and South Poles within the Polar circles are called:

  1. The torrid zone
  2. The frigid zone
  3. The temperature zone
  4. None

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South Korea is located in northern East Asia. What is its total area:

  1. 99,678 Sq km
  2. 22,268 Sq km
  3. 85,268 Sq km
  4. 100,032 Sq km
  5. None

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_______ built the Badshahi mosque in Lahore.

  1. Aurangzeb Alamgir
  2. Bahadur Shah Zafar
  3. Jalal ul din Rumi
  4. Sher shah Suri
  5. none of the above

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K-2 is also known as:

  1. Roshan Peak
  2. Sia Kingri
  3. Godwin Austin
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

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Historical site, Leshan Giant Buddha is located in?

  1. China
  2. Guatemala
  3. Greece
  4. Thailand

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Where a cashmere and pashmina sheeps found ?

  1. Germany
  2. England
  3. Gobi desert
  4. France

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Which of following is actually a winter wear named after a Nepali tribe—- ?

  1. Denim
  2. Shjrpa Jacket
  3. Cap
  4. All

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____ are used to hold the cuffs of a shirt together, alternative to buttons .

  1. Neck tie
  2. Belt
  3. Shoe lace
  4. Cufflinks

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The largest rain forest is in:

  1. Egypt
  2. Uk
  3. Brazil
  4. UAE

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Which of the following is the capital and seaport of Philippines?

  1. Quezon city
  2. Zamboanga
  3. Davao
  4. Manila
  5. None

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Baglihar Dam is constructed by India on over ______

  1. Sutlej
  2. Ravi
  3. Jhelum
  4. Chenab
  5. None of these

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The second smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________?

  1. Africa
  2. Antarctica
  3. America
  4. Europe

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In which Country you can visit Machu Picchu?

  1. Ecuador
  2. Chile
  3. Peru
  4. None of these

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Who first discovered Machu Picchu?

  1. John marshal
  2. Joseph lister
  3. Hiram Bingham
  4. John Walker

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Which of following is a savory item ?

  1. Kachori
  2. Burfi
  3. Pateesa
  4. Jalebi

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Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for______?

  1. urban areas
  2. hilly areas
  3. plains
  4. All of these

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Amaan Ullah

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