100 MOST REPEATED MCQS OF EDS PDF MCQs | Everyday Science Past Papers MCQs
Everyday Science Past Papers MCQs – Everyday Science MCQs
Which structure controls the function of all others ?
- Cytoplasm
- Cell membrane
- Nucleus
- None
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Which vitamin deficiency leads to uncontrolled bleeding during an injury
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
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Which vitamin deficiency leads to scurvy,breakdown of skin, blood vessels and teeth
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- None
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Which vitamin deficiency causes Beriberi
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- None
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Which vitamin considered as Harmon
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- None
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Which vitamin helps to heal the wound?
- C
- D
- B
- E
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Which vitamin helps in the clotting of blood?
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin D
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Who build the first modern motorcar which worked with Gasoline
- John Volta
- Karl Benz
- Henry Burmann
- Henry Austin
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Who developed oral polio vaccine
- Albert Sabin
- Edword Jenner
- Maurice Hileman
- Jonas Salk
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Who discover the three laws of motion?
- Jerry K
- A. Einstine
- I. Newton
- Altimish
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Who discovered the atomic nucleus
- Marconi
- Neils Bohr
- Ernest Rutherford
- None
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Who discovered Radium?
- Perri Curie
- Marie Curie
- Rontgen
- Galileo
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Who discovered Cell_______?
- Rudolf Virchow
- Robert Hooke
- Robert Boyl
- None
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Who discover vaccine?
- Edward jenner
- Alexander Fleming
- Both
- None
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Who first Pioneered the idea of a Blood Bank?
- Washington Carver
- Jonas Salk
- George Matson
- Charles Drew
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Who initiated the theory of human life bio genesis
- Louis Pasture
- Mendel
- Darwan
- None
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Who invented Telephone?
- J.K. Jack
- P.Wiliam
- A.J.Bell
- Peter J
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Who invented Jet Engine______?
- Lewis E. Waterman
- Gottlieb Daimler
- Roger Bacon
- Sir Frank Whittle
- None of these
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Who invented adding machine?
- Blaise Pascal
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Wilbur Wright
- Karl Benz
- None
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Who invent chronometer ___?
- John Harrison
- Marconi
- John Baird
- None
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Who is credited for discovery of Planetry motion___?
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Kepler
- Darwan
- None
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Who is known as Father of Genetics?
- Mandal
- Newton
- Jabar Bin Hayyan
- None
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The average adult has a blood volume of about ___ litters
- 6
- 4
- 9
- 8
- 5
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The Sun is a:
- Planet
- Star
- Asteroid
- Meteor
- None of these
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which device converts chemical energy into electrical energy?
- Generator
- Battery
- Modem
- Electric Motor
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The density of water is __________?
- 2 g/cm3
- 1.5 g/cm3
- 1 g/cm3
- None of these
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Life of red blood cells____ days :
- 120
- 130
- 112
- 110
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The SI unit of charge is __________?
- Ohm
- Coulomb
- Ampere
- None
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Who is the father of cosmology?
- Rudolf diesel
- Galileo Galilee
- James Cook
- Edward Jenner
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Who is the father of medicine?
- Plato
- Hippocrates
- Aristotle
- None
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Who is the founder of metrology?
- Einstein
- Plato
- Aristotle
- None
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Who prepared “Jalaali Calandar” ?
- Umer Khayyam
- Al Biruni
- Nasir ud din Toosi
- Mousa Al Khuwaruzmi
- None
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Who was the first scientist to study electricity?
- Volta
- Gilbert
- Newton
- Edison
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Who was the inventor of the Fan?
- Thomas Edison
- S.Wheeler
- Wright Brothers
- Christian
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why we should not sleep under tree at night:
- Carbon di oxide
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Hydrogen
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Without boiling liquid state changes into gaseous state by the ___ process?
- condensation
- melting
- freezing
- evaporation
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With altitude air pressure ?
- increase
- Decrease
- Not change
- None
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Winds generally blow from areas of:
- Low pressure to that of moderate pressure
- High pressure to that of moderate pressure
- High pressure to that of low pressure
- Low pressure to that of high pressure
- None
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The most important stimulant in tea leaves is?
- Phenylalanine
- Caffeine
- Brucine
- None
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Wright brothers are famous for ____
- Invention of Airplane
- Discovery of Aviation
- Discovery of TV
- None
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xylem function in plants
- Deliver water
- photosynthesizes
- Both
- None
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X ray was discovered by___?
- Wilhelm Rontgen
- Marie Curie
- Alfred Nobel
- None
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___ is a branch of science which deals with.
- Light
- Motion
- Sound
- All
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___ number of molecules of co2 are produced by an acetyl group of acetyl _ Co _ A in acid
- 2
- 4
- 5
- 3citric acid
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____ is called the father of Artificial Intelligence :
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Alan Turing
- John McCarthy
- Bill Gates
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________ of the codon is the redundancy of the genetic code, exhibited as the multiplicity of three base pair codon combinations that specified an amino acid
- Universality
- Specificity
- Degeneracy
- None
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___________ is the lightest substance on the earth.
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- None of these
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انسانی جسم کے کس عضو کے چار چیمبر ہوتے ہیں
- زبان
- پھپھڑے
- انکھیں
- دل
- کسی کے بھی نہیں
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انسانی جسم کا نارمل درجہ حرارت کتنا ہوتا ہے؟
- 27 سینٹی گریڈ
- 37 سینٹی گریڈ
- 47 سینٹی گریڈ
- 57 سینٹی گریڈ
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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خون کو کون سا عضو صاف کرتا ہے
- گردے
- پھپڑے
- دل
- کوئی بھی نہیں
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دودھ میں پانی کی مقدارکتنے فیصد ہوتی ہے
- 50%
- 70%
- 80%
- 90%
- None of these
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ہائیڈروجن ایک ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ہے۔
- ٹھوس
- مائع
- گیس
- یہ سب کے سب
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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“Titan “is satellite of?
- Saturn
- Venus
- Neptune
- Earth
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“Ricket” is a disease due to deficiency of?
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin B
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The rich source of iron is
- Milk
- Eggs
- pulses
- Green vegetables
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To an astronaut in the spacecraft, the sky appears to be.
- White
- Red
- Blue
- Dark
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