LDC PAPER 2021 MCQs | PMD Past Papers MCQs

PMD Past Papers MCQs – Pakistan Meteorological Department Past Paper MCQs – PMD MCQs – Pakistan Meteorological Department MCQs –

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), also known as Pakistan Met Office, is an autonomous and independent institution tasked with providing weather forecasts and public warnings concerning weather for protection, safety and general information.

Apart from meteorology, it is also involved in monitoring as well as investigating whether phenomenon’s, astronomical events, hydrology and research in astrophysics, climate changes and studies on aeronautical engineering, renewable energy resources across various parts of the country. Headquartered in Islamabad.

Till 1991, PMD was providing Aviation Weather services to Defense Forces through regular deputation of meteorologists to PAF. However, in 1991, PAF formed its own Met branch and officers are now inducted on regular basis to meet Aviation requirements. The main training however is being imparted by PMD through formal recognized courses. PAF Met branch is now providing weather services to PAF, Army, Navy, and paramilitary forces.

PMD has offices and research facilities in all provinces and territories of the country.

For Official Site of PMD Please Visit – https://www.pmd.gov.pk/


___ means the process of closing a file after completion of action on all issues considered there in

  1. Weeding
  2. Indexing
  3. Recording
  4. None

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All files should be given file numbers by the ____

  1. UDC
  2. LDC
  3. Assistant
  4. None

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There shall be ___ priority labels on file

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 5

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All communication shall be received in a separate section known _____

  1. Suptd office
  2. Assistant
  3. Central registry
  4. None

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Dubai is located in which continent

  1. Middle East
  2. Asia
  3. Africa
  4. None

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In which year Ojhri Camp Incident occurred

  1. 1988
  2. 1999
  3. 1990
  4. 1950

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Gobi desert is in ?

  1. China and Mangolia
  2. Iran and Iraq
  3. Saudi Arabia and Yamen
  4. All

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Among these SAARC countries which is not Landlocked?

  1. Bhutan
  2. Nepal
  3. Srilanka
  4. None

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Which of following is the largest producer of Coffee?

  1. Columbia
  2. Brazil
  3. America
  4. Chilli

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A mobile phone sends and receives messages through

  1. Sound wave
  2. Microwave
  3. U/V waves
  4. Radio waves

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Largest country in South America is

  1. Chilli
  2. Brazil
  3. Equador
  4. Peru

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Capital of Belgium is?

  1. Cape town
  2. Warsa
  3. Zurich
  4. Brussels

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Were you ____ time for your meeting or were you to early

  1. at
  2. to
  3. of
  4. on

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The synonyms of Catastrophe is__________?

  1. Implement
  2. Destruction
  3. Built
  4. Fresh

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Asim has been fully cured ________ the chronic pain in his legs.

  1. In
  2. from
  3. of
  4. with

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Each of the boys gets the prize. Each word is:

  1. Pronune
  2. Noune
  3. Preposation
  4. Distributive Pronoun

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They have painted their house. the Painted word is:

  1. Transitive
  2. Intransitive
  3. Complex Transitive
  4. Adverb

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Corr. Stand for ____________?

  1. Correction
  2. Correspondence
  3. Correlation
  4. All of these

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Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun”?

  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. Korea
  4. Japan

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Everybody knows Great Wall of China. Chinese created this wall as a defense against?

  1. Mongols
  2. Iranians
  3. Arabs
  4. All of these

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Five prayers were declared compulsory in ?

  1. 10th Nabvi
  2. 9th Nabvi
  3. 11th Nabvi
  4. none

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For ___ years Haleema took care of Prophet (PBUH).?

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

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What is the literal Meaning of Islam ?

  1. To obey
  2. To have safety
  3. To bow down the neck
  4. All of these

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Who was the Taliban negotiator with USA ?

  1. Mulla Abdulghani
  2. Zalmay Khalilzad
  3. Mullah Umar
  4. none

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Which province of Pakistan has most forest

  1. Punjab
  2. KPK
  3. Sindh
  4. None

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Urdu was declared the national language of Pakistan in which year?

  1. August 1947
  2. April 1954
  3. April 1956
  4. April 1958

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How many sons and daughters of Prophet (PBUH) had?

  1. 3 sons and 6 daughters
  2. 3 sons and 4 daughters
  3. 2 sons and 4 daughters
  4. none

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which of the following vitamin is produced in human body with the help of Sunlight.?

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. E

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What is the height of Minar e Pakistan?

  1. 70 m
  2. 65 m
  3. 55 m
  4. 80 m

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18th amendment was passed by which government?

  1. PTA
  2. PPP
  3. Muslim League
  4. None

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Antonym of famous is

  1. Rich
  2. Obscure
  3. Incorriggible
  4. none

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The First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved By Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad on______________?

  1. October 24, 1954
  2. October 24, 1956
  3. October 24, 1955
  4. None of these

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In Hajj, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called _____?

  1. Ramee
  2. Sayee
  3. Istilam
  4. Tawaf
  5. None of these

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Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by __?

  1. Usman Ghani (رضہ)
  2. Umar Farooq (رضہ)
  3. Abu Bakr Siddique (رضہ)
  4. Ali Al-Murtaza (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Consensus of opinion stands for_________?

  1. Ijma
  2. Qiyas
  3. Ijtehad
  4. Jury
  5. None of these

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How Many Words in National Anthem of Pakistan?

  1. 19 words
  2. 29 words
  3. 39 words
  4. 49 words

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Which is the thinnest earth layer?

  1. Crust
  2. Core
  3. Outer Mental
  4. Inner Mental

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choose the correct meaning of Idiom “by leaps and bounds”

  1. Very fast
  2. Very slow
  3. In details
  4. Aimless

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Pakistan conducted nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at?

  1. Kohe-e-Sufaid
  2. Chaghi Hills
  3. Toba Kakar
  4. Raskoh

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Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain.

  1. As-Safa
  2. Sil
  3. Uhud
  4. An-Noor
  5. None

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In Islam, Obligations are called _____________?

  1. Sunnat
  2. Wajib
  3. Farz
  4. Nafl

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Zakat was made compulsory in which Hijri ?

  1. 2 Hijri
  2. 3 Hijri
  3. 4 Hijri
  4. None of the above

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Our sir teaches Mathematics_____________English.

  1. Across
  2. besides
  3. beside
  4. None of the above

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Highest mountain of Hindu Kush range?

  1. Tirich Mir
  2. Nanga Parbat
  3. K-2
  4. None

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Friend is to enemy as love is to _____

  1. Friendship
  2. Jealousy
  3. Mistrust
  4. Hatred

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First time motorway was started in Pakistan in which year?

  1. 1993
  2. 1995
  3. 1997
  4. None of the above

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Mohenjo-Daro is located in which district of Sindh_____?

  1. Dadu District
  2. Larkana District
  3. Hyderabad District
  4. None of the above

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Twelve inches make a foot . The underlying word is

  1. Definite Article
  2. Preposition
  3. Pronoun
  4. Indefinite Article

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When did Quaid e Azam died?

  1. 14 August 1948
  2. 13 March 1948
  3. 11 September 1948
  4. 22 March 1948

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Who proposed Azan for the first time?

  1. Hazrat Usman
  2. Hazrat Ali
  3. Hazrat Umer
  4. Hazrat Abu Bakar
  5. All of these

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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons.

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1

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Amaan Ullah

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