CSS Mock Interview By CSPs | Candidate Vs Interviewers | Aman Sadiq (PCS) Mock Interview
This Is a Mock Interview Conducted between A PMS (Provincial Management Services) Candidate and CSPs, you can call it a training session before appearing the commission, and these kind of mock interviews are conducted to check the preparation of candidates and their confidence. The similar type questions that are being asked are also part of these interviews,
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
This Mock interview was conducted earlier, so officials and their Posts mentioned during this question-answer session were holding their offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are question-answer session holding any of govt offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are reading this interview, so cross-check before appearing in any exam next future.
CSS Mock Interview by Aman Sadiq (PCS) Mock Interview | CSS-2020 Mock Interviews
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Q&A Session
my comment sir
yes please please take your seat thank
your good name is sir that’s correct
feel comfortable and please introduce
yourself to all of us
sir my name is aman sadiq i belong to
district nurse
from where i have done my higher
secondary schooling and i have received
bachelor’s in maritime studies
from pakistan marine academy in 2012
and ever since i have been working as a
junior navigating officer
on board ships and serve besides that
i have been awarded with a bronze medal
in a poetry competition
organized by united poets laureate
international in 2015
and sir besides that i was an athlete
and sir my other interests include
swimming book reading and sir this is
going to be my first appearance in css
and my first interview
so how you got the idea to go for the
civil service exam
sir actually the diversity that is
associated with the civil service
attracted me
because as far as my job is concerned
for eight
years i have been doing this job and if
you are a navigator
you will remain a navigator for the rest
of life but as far as the civil service
is concerned you
get to know more about country and about
the world
and sir the diversity associated with
basically attract me in this regards
you have done your bachelor degree in
maritime studies
can you tell us what are these maritime
studies and what were the nature of your
job sir the maritime studies
is basically what we study in pakistan
as compared to other
regions sir this is totally related to
the navigation
and shift construction cell so
as far as the maritime the degree title
is concerned we do not study as such
things in it but sir as compared to the
other countries they do study about the
ports about the trade and other things
so this degree is basically concerned
with the navigation and
the ship construction knowledge and you
have been traveling on the merchant
sir i have been traveling for eight
years who is the
regulator of oceans regulator of oceans
or imo international maritime
organization is and because there is no
demarcation as such
sir how how do you fix your boundaries
say pakistan has got certain boundaries
and what is the international law how
they are regulated sir this is in
accordance with the united
king united nation convention on laws of
on clause that was concluded in 1982
so basically that is associated with
it and that demarcate the
c boundaries in reality but there is we
keep on listening about this
china south china issues so can you tell
me what are these issues and why they
are fighting with each other
they are not happy with each other
chinese and the other south
asian countries so basically chinese are
violating the unclass
that was concluded in 1982 because they
are nine dash policy
and as far as the recent recordings
are concerned now it has become ten
dashes so they are there to
to bring their hegemony their oceanic
and they want to bypass and overlook
other nations who have also
their part in the ocean for example
the philippines
and the vietnam also so they are
making their ocean their islands in the
ocean and they are
doing this military procurement and
other sort of
military installations and on those
islands there is a general saying that
it could be the flash point
between us and china the south china sea
do you think
there is a possibility for decision
issue there is a possibility
in particularly when we talk about
which was separated or somehow
separated from china after the
conclusion of
chinese revolution communist revolution
in 1949
so basically in that area the united
united states of americans navy and
particularly their sixth fleet
is there to defend taiwan
and they have intervened in the first
taiwan crisis in 1956 and also in the
as recent as in 1996 so there is a flash
to some extent now there is a cpac
the see under the cpac chinese
they may be having the first gawadar and
this new route road network and on that
south china sea route
they are exporting let’s say they are
exporting to middle east
what is the distance sir it is a
distance around three thousand
thirteen thousand kilometers and what
will be the distance
this gabada to kashgar
it will be around 25 hundred 2400 to
2500 kilometers how much time they take
when the ship is moving from shanghai to
say this the port of other
to put up sir it will take around 11
and how much time they will take if they
bring it from kashgar to gwadar
from gawadar to kashgar if it depends on
the transportation
in particular but the whole
if we compare about the distance from
peshawar to karachi in that regard the
trailers get reached in about 32 to 36
so in that we can make calculations in
that regard
in a couple of days they can reach
that’s true sir that’s true in a couple
of days they can reach from kashgar to
you are from no shera
they there is a general talk that a lot
of tourism is being developed in
kpk can you tell us what reforms they
are making what type of tourism they are
the first thing which they are doing
that they are
basic they are originally
focusing on the infrastructure
because there are a lot of spots to a
response northern areas
for example sir we have malam jabba that
we have in
before we didn’t have any sort of
communication and metal roads towards
that so they are building it
and the places like kumrat which is also
regarded as the paradise on earth
by by imran khan by the prime minister
of pakistan so
they are doing this thing on the first
the second he said they are promoting
tourism to on diplomatic level also
because they feel that pakistan has this
there is their potential to attract the
foreign to a risk towards its nectar
so that are the things i know about the
tourism how can you bring
oceans near to kpk so we we can’t
it’s natural you can bring but sir the
we can do is the management of rivers
the indus river
for example yangthis river in china and
the mississippi in the united states
they have been doing a great job in that
regard and they are earning
billions of dollars on it so the
management of rivers can bring
oceans closer to cleveland that’s what
i feel
that this is a weakness it could be a
personal weakness
non-punctual in prayers
when you are writing about weaknesses
strength it should be more focused on
professional issues
and you have done one of the paper by
gender studies
yes why did you opted for the subject
sir gender studies has this sensitivity
to make us closer to the gender issues
which pakistan is passing through
at the moment not only pakistan but
particularly if we talk about the
so to know more about these general
issues i opted for gender studies
have you looked into the problems of
sir i i have looked what is the
population of transgender in pakistan
sir i’m not sure about the population
but you can find it
in the census of 2017.
you can find the figures the figures are
there yes
and look for it what was the function of
merchant navy what is the function of
virtual navy
sir merchant navy is based on or the
total marketalism
of a nation for example if you are
building merchant navy
you are basically involved with the
with the with the world so merchant
navy is basically
concerned with the trade matters and you
i mean a country use ships etc
to transform its goods from one place to
thank you why you have
fancy for ps
sir what i feel that
pakistan administrative service has this
potential to empower
a person in this regard to materialize
his or her vision in its true sense
what is your vision sir i the valuable
community service
for the contribution in the valuable
community service is one of my
visions that i feel for my country sir
that you can contribute in any service
in police in customs in any public
it’s public service what’s so special
about it so pakistan administrative
service as i mentioned earlier
the diversity related to this
service the scatter has no match no
other what do you mean by diversity can
you explain that
so for example if a person is assistant
commissioner he will not be an assistant
commissioner in
in that district management but he will
switch on to other
departments also will he will
in the later stage of his duties or her
he will switch on to other departments
so that diversity i am talking about so
you get to know
more about departments and about country
jack of all trades to some extent sir
thank you
okay what is the how will
you describe the provincial
bureaucratic structure of a province in
the the tree in hierarchy the first
second third
right down below sir in the province in
administrative service
sir basically we have a chief chief
on provincial level and then we have on
divisional levels
we have commissioners chief
commissioners and then
if there are then on district level we
have dc’s and if there is a larger
district like
noshira my district we have adc’s
assistant deputy commission for that
and on the sea level we have assistant
police is your second choice
what is how the provincial police
officer is now known as
after the introduction of police order
sir the police order of 2002
as i have studied about it it has
somehow de-politicized police
unlike the police act of 1861.
so that is one the reason i think but
that not up to
the mark the second thing is no no no no
try to understand
you see the provincial head of the
what did how he is known as now
after the introduction of police order
previously used to be
known as inspection general police and
sir he is igp inspector general
please sort of say something else
we have no idea about the hierarchy
police hierarchy
or organization tree
so this is your second choice and you
should know about it
so the ppo provincial police officer
then the ccpos then
then the dpos and cpos so
basically we have inspector generals
then on the city level we have ccpos
capital city police officers and
which cities sir the
capital of provincial capitals ccpos
and sir we have on divisional level we
have rpos regional police officers
and on district level we have dpo
a district police officer that is a
superintendent of police
and sir on the sea level on on the lower
level we have asps and then
it is transformed into shows and other
what is continental shelf
continental shelf is the boundary that
is the baseline is
measured through basically the the
continental shelf
as per geological term is a slope
that is made with with the the
with the land and the shore the
interface between the ocean and the
so that is basically where the
the base line of internal waters
and external waters or the territorial
water is mars
america has succeeded in
you see getting hold of a few
arab countries and has you see
made them to have diplomatic relations
with israel
what is what is in the offing what do
you think is likely
to happen further at the global level
sir the united states of america
originally wants to to balance the
arab countries with iran in in true
sense but
what i feel the united states of america
is using the shatter belt
region theory in this regard that will
be the best to describe the situations
the shutter belt in this regard i mean
united states of america has
successfully deployed its politics
in a region that is already in turmoil i
mean that
we name the troubles and it’s right
there in in the middle eastern region
so he has concluded this political
very successfully and the second sir in
as far as
the future of this issue is concerned
the recognition of israel is concerned
the israel will be getting
more stronger in in the years to come
because sir the military edge and
the superiority particularly if we talk
about the air superiority and the air
procreatement that has been described by
you know
that has been given by the united states
of america to state of israel
basically that is dominating the
factor of the israel on other regions so
the i think the rest of other
arab countries and the world will come
to accept
israel in this regard sir
you gave a certain opinion on south
china sea that’s correct now
pakistan voted in favor of china on
south china sea
why do you think so
as we have great diplomatic
relationships with chinese
in the past they have also cooperated a
in pakistan and secondly we are now the
part of seo after
2017 we are the member of seo so
the thing which i want to describe is
pakistan is more is in more favor of
economic oriented foreign policy at the
so china is the best partner partner in
this regard and that’s why they have
favored their will in in the matter
so you think that no principles were
in this and do you really believe that
is trying to establish its hegemony or
is it deterring
american hegemony in the region and
speaking of the unclause that you
alluded to
the unclaused definitions
as far as the continental shelf and all
is concerned
is about the natural lands
yes ma’am so do you think that it is
really violating across
china is violating in particular on
and if pakistan is doing so but on the
lens if we see it the real politic is
ma’am because pakistan is now as i
mentioned earlier is on the run and on
the venture to boost its economy
and china is the best in cpec
in regard to cpec in regard to bri
because china
is influencing the world and
dominating the world through the
regional connectivity projects
so i feel pakistan is doing that because
that and and the second thing which i
want to mention is pakistan is losing
in the middle eastern region and it has
al always tumultuous and fluctuating
relationship with the united states
of america on the other region that’s
why pakistan has opted
to do the favor in to do the favor of
chinese in
in the matter man would you also like to
throw some light on
the pakistan oman maritime boundary
pakistan and oman boundary have
basically that was demarcated after the
gawadar was purchased in
1958 and as far as the demarcation
that will be
i i i particularly don’t have any
opinion on that
member in regard to unclass i
am very sure that will be on on that
so you’re not updated about the
legal battle that we had in which
pakistan won
the case of continental shelf no ma’am i
didn’t study it i
i will study about it thank you yeah
give it up thank you sir aman so
brought you from navy to civil service
okay don’t you think that you were more
in merchant navy someday you were on the
shores of egypt
another day mombasa africa
european country isn’t it more
interesting then
civil service so diversity as i
mentioned is one of the reasons
i opted for civil service the second
that i want to mention here is the
employability issue for pakistani
as i have been in merchant navy since
and now it’s 2020 so i
sell for only 40 months in in this
tenure and that’s a contractual job also
that’s not permanent what is blue waters
blue waters are high seas i don’t know
you tell me
so blue water is the the region
as i have the understanding that is
the exclusive economic zone
and that comes under the international
seabed authority
okay so am am i right
to say that blue water belongs to a
country or not
no sir that’s the human heritage
and basically that’s what blue water is
no man’s land
yes okay it does not pertain to any
particular country
why the colors mostly the colors of sea
ships are white
what’s the reason sir as far as the
merchant navy ships are concerned they
are not white
i would like to say that we have red
at the bottom and then we have black
color at
in the upper but as far as the naval
ships are concerned they are slightly
but lighter tone colors yes sir why
i don’t have any idea about the naval
ships but the merchant ships i have i
have the idea sir
why they are several asking about you
regarding the
trade with china and all that i’m sure
you must have visited it
what is the malacca dilemma for china
so the malacca strait is one of the most
important choke points
of the world one of the most important
choke points of the world that
all almost 80 percent of world trade is
passed through that
so the malacca dilemma is that the
taiwan taiwan
has a great navy in that region
so the chinese basically fear that if
in the time of crisis the taiwanese
navies will block this
the taiwan the malacca trade and
almost 90 percent of oil has been
transported through malacca strait from
the middle east and from africa
so that is one what is the history of
monk monkey sharif in your district
manki sharif has appeared very famous
and that he al already contributed in
the independence movement of
pakistan and he was one of the friends
of kaidyas of muhammad ali
also what is the second amendment of
history of
constitution of united states second
amendments are i
i don’t what was the only amendment
which was done and was then was taken
back in the constitution of united
states of america
sir i i didn’t study okay
thank you sir
question you could tell us something
about this
terrorist tariff dispute between china
and u.s
and what are your views about who is on
the right
because this is a recent phenomena
during it was raised during the
government of trump
sir that was at the time of donald trump
when he
imposed extra tariffs of more than 500
300 to 500 billion on chinese goods and
he basically fears that the chinese
are dominating and they are stealing
their intelligence
intelligence here which they have
the donald trump but i as i am
i have this particular opinion about
that they they are
basically trapped in tucson they are
have been trapped in a tusi data trip
that is international relations
best define it they have a fear of the
rising chinese because
the mood is an international
organization they have mentioned that in
china is going to be the largest economy
in the world
so the american nationalist leaders like
donald trump
do not accept it but the protectionist
their protectionism is is their right
chinese are have already retaliated back
imposing tariffs on the american goods
what is the result what’s so far whether
chinese have conceded
no sir actually because the the it has
that much impacted the chinese economy
the expert international expert says
that chinese
despite the allegations which have been
made by the americans that they are
losing jobs and their industries are
toppling down
and they are losing everything in
agriculture it doesn’t seem
like this that china is but in the long
i believe sir china is going to win
what is happening in ladakh
sir ladakh is the contagious region with
and azad jammu and kashmir and also
with the
indian occupied kashmir
sir the war in the himalayas between
the india and china as they have the
history of battles in 1962
when china penetrated in their region so
the second thing is sir their
irredentist claims of chinese
are there and they are fighting over
that issue
okay man we conclude our this formal
session and now we start
the debriefing session with you we will
give you our feedback
about your interview and if you have got
any question you can raise them
sir you don’t have any particular
question at the moment
okay aman you are quite experienced
you are knowledgeable and you have got a
pleasant personality
and your communication skills are fine
you can speak
well and your body language is also fine
and you are quite confident but still
i think you need to
update your current knowledge there
seems to be some
knowledge gap and
just try to update it and when you are
anything say it whether it is chinese or
usa have a
listen to both sides the argument are
from both sides chinese they have got
their own argument the
usa has got old indian have got their
own viewpoint and chinese have got their
own point of view
as a student of this
as a civil servant rather i will say now
because you have got an empire
quite a chance to get through it so try
to analyze the things in the pragmatic
so i think best of luck from my point of
i don’t know i have whether i’m right or
you when you are talking
you see while you’re giving answers you
shake your head like this
what’s is it natural or it sure is
it is natural or you want us to
accept what you are saying is right no
no sir i think it’s
natural style it’s natural sir actually
sir i was a debater in
right i will do that
do try to look at all sides what you
have read on south china
sea is one perspective there are other
perspectives and it’s not as simple as
just pakistan being an ally of china and
that’s why we are wanting to
for our economic gains there are
political gains also
and and i gave you the hint of
how does it define continental shell and
does philippines
really have that extension of
continental because
here there are seven contenders
to south china sea yes it’s not just
philippines yes
and that is because of the problem of
definition of the
continental shelf and these islands that
china has artificially created yes so
does the
unclaused definition fall on this or not
first so
i have a question regarding this because
we have been
scared a little because of lot of
suggestions about interviews the people
say that you have to
you don’t have to give everything in in
your answer because it will consume a
lot of time and
people that is true don’t give
everything but
you should look unbiased and you should
look as though
you have read it with a critical mind
the position that you’re presenting is
not critical it’s just that you read any
from west on south china they say
exactly the same
right so it shows that you have
it’s not about throwing information in
but it’s about
showing how analytical and critical you
can be because
in civil service it’s not about the
issues that we are asking you
right it is about mastering that
to analyze situations because whether
you’re going to foreign service or
police service or administrative
services you will be in situations where
there are no precedences you will have
to create your own precedence and you
can do that only
if you have the ability to critically
analyze the situation
and get all your facts right right so
and that’s what the examiner is looking at
not about your knowledge but about your
approach towards life
and the information that you have very
kind thank you so much
let’s start with other things u.s
history i asked the very basic things
second amendment and the amendment that
was taken back you should have known
that okay
though personal comment i hope you won’t
mind it
try to look for a or
i suggest rather let’s let’s not mince
the words
i suggest you to look for a better
glasses frame for yourself i i think you
need to change it
secondly you need a good hair makeup
or re-over a redone since i don’t have
it so i can’t no i don’t know
what it’s called but you need it i’ll do
thank you thank you