CSS Mock Interview By CSPs | Candidate Vs Interviewers | Waseem Akram (IG) Mock Interview
This Is a Mock Interview Conducted between A PMS (Provincial Management Services) Candidate and CSPs, you can call it a training session before appearing the commission, and these kind of mock interviews are conducted to check the preparation of candidates and their confidence. The similar type questions that are being asked are also part of these interviews,
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
This Mock interview was conducted earlier, so officials and their Posts mentioned during this question-answer session were holding their offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are question-answer session holding any of govt offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are reading this interview, so cross-check before appearing in any exam next future.
CSS Mock Interview by Waseem Akram (IG) Mock Interview | CSS-2020 Mock Interviews
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Interview Q & A Session
how are you i’m fine thank you sir
there is another name of mr waseem
who is he the famous name of
Hashim Akaram
yes where he’s posted sir
currently i’m posted in evatabad
okay okay you tell us about yourselves
just introduce yourself to us
sir my name is i was born in the
parkland area of district malaccan
from where i have done my schooling
after my ba in private i did my master
in sociology with gold medal
i am national award holder from british
council of pakistan
i am solution oriented initiative and
currently i am working as assistant
director in kp police department
how do you feel this merger of water
with kp
this sir it’s quite
amazing development
and a welcome move like the people up
partha want to be merged with the kp
this was a wish of the people
of qatar earthquake
yes sir and for the last
almost two years two three years rather
i will say what changes have occurred
there in
fata sir actually 100 billion
have been allocated for this development
every year but unfortunately
due to a lack of priorities and
political will only 0.4 percent
of the allocated amount have been spent
how much 0.4 i guess
zero point four four percent out of 100
yes sir
why so much less money has been spent
sir there are
there is lack of political will and lack
of prioritize
prioritizing things particularly in
merge area the kp government has gone
for any local government election
in photo or not yes sir they’re gone
yes back in 2018. no i’m okay
now there is a local government system
is there
i think local government system have
abolished here right now so there is no
local economy
system so you have done your master’s in
yes sir can you identify
five major social issues of pakistan
yes sir please number first is elia
that is our literacy rate is only
59 percent right now
and the second one is poverty the third
one is
climate change the fourth one is gender
and the fifth one is unemployment
so i think the first one is very
and if i order
two of them so one is elder tracy and
the second one is
gender inequality
are you in touch with the newspaper yes
what is happening in u.s congress today
today is the ratification of
electoral wood so
joy biden will be a confirmed president
united states today but the trump team
is also ready to
fight it yes they are going to make
100 objections they said yes sir they
actually want to
make some hindrances what will happen
if the senators
in the congress they make 100 objections
and the vice president of mr trump is
yes sir but what i believe
nothing will happen only trump wants to
politicize this thing
you have got you offered the subject of
international relations
yes sir how many countries are in the
there are around 197 countries
197 yes they are also members of the
united nation organization
you were foodie and you used too much
mobile i will not make any comment i
we have got question on this
laser after it he is using
what do you mean by foodie do you eat
lot of food
no sir actually i am
desirous to get good food good i have a
good taste of food
so i want to taste the food up
i mean that is good that is that is a
good thing
if you want to have good food
that is a positive thing why are you
written as your weakness
sir actually sometimes you you you don’t
have the opportunity
is this word available in the dictionary
is it there
have you checked up foodie
um no i think this is a little bit
informal word this is of your own making
i think
yes don’t use such words
too much usage of mobile yes
that should be that is a big that is
everyone nowadays you see is having this
problem it’s a very serious problem
so actually this is for the my study
purpose as well
um i have also liked
various pages and groups join various
yes you play cricket cricket is your
yes sir you play yes sir regularly
no sorry due to my job compulsion it
now already quite difficult to play
cricket on daily basis
but sometimes we play cricket on
departmental level
somewhere in a bhattabad with different
so so can you do you have any idea
about the you see the
correcting structure of the country and
what problems
how or how could we can improve the
prospects of cricket in pakistan
the first thing is sir actually i’m
only playing cricket
not watching but there is one problem
and that is the politicizing the cricket
like for example recently muhammad amira
post baller have
resigned from the international cricket
that was the reason
with the with his administration so
i think our prime minister should take
seriously and mr mr akram
when you write something here so you
should be very sure about it
and by is hobbies hobbies you mean
i i don’t play cricket yes if you don’t
play cricket
don’t write this as your sure experience
i’m playing cricket but
i don’t watch cricket these days
these days
police encounters police is
very trigger-happy why
because there are certain loopholes
in the system
so we must address all those issues
like for example extra judicial killing
particularly the days like
in few days back there was an incident
reported in islamabad
so was that extra
judicial killing or something else said
it was
an unfortunate incident and
also comes in the
domain of extrajudicial killing as per
first inquiry report you as
you are posted
in the subdivision you see as an sdpo
yes let’s say asp in some
district this your sp or dig he
asks you to
get to get hold of mr a
who’s a notorious you see
criminal and he’s posing a lot of
problems it’s very difficult to
send him to the court and get his
he’s a headache for the entire province
and he says he gives you the order you
just get hold of him and
kill him conk him off what will you do
sir exa as i mentioned extra judicial
killing is
not legal things so we must
report that case to the court and
we have no authority to
deal with such cases what will you do in
this situation
what will how will you respond sir
actually this is
a illegal order
from my boss so i will
handle it very
carefully what do you mean by carefully
sure i will respond no
because this is not come into my comes
in my domain
you will respectfully say no yes
good why our police force has a
coercive mindset
harsh their attitude is harsh towards
the people
so basically a problem lies in the
police early 1861
so actually the police was met for the
brutality to oppress the
masses that’s why the problem lies over
but that 1861 act is no more invoked now
we have the
police order 2002. yes sir but certain
provinces have
revived the police order 1861.
also they are there is only one province
but in in the other three
police order 2002 is very much
functional it’s there
sir actually the police order 2002
was something positive development
but actually
that was not imposed with later
tell us about the positives of police
order 2002
sir there were two three things like
for example
dispute resolution committee and
external audit of the police
particularly through local community
judicial commission so it was
a safety commission sorry so it was a
certain positive things
sir winston churchill you know was the
prime minister
of england yes he said
that bureaucrats are slaves of the lamb
posts what is that connor
what does that mean they are slaves of
the lamb
sorry sir what is lamppost i don’t know
the meaning of limbo
electric pole in the street yes sir
so it has a limited visibility
you see it has a limited visibility
just like this beyond this beyond
this there is dark there is darkness yes
sir if you allow me to guess so
the bureaucrats have certain limitation
and they are working under that
limitation so
they have no clear-cut directions from
the bosses
and from the government executives the
pragmatic application of
law rules and regulations
don’t get bogged down in the rules and
because that will
you see hurt the interest of the people
public interest
will be served so pragmatic application
of laws
quick resolution no red tapism
yes thank you well
i’m very impressed by your
points that you made about the social
ills of
pakistan in which you enumerated the
issue as much as literacy yes
tell me more about the gender issue that
you see as a social problem
madam if you look the backward
area past pakistan particularly
the merged district of kp and
particularly the balochistan so there
certain pathetic situation of women we
there is need to address like for
example gender-based violence
a lack of education in those
particularly women’s
approval areas and lack of job
opportunities for those
backward women like that
do you know about sustainable
development goals yes ma’am
and which of the goals do you think
address this issue
goal number five thank you
and how much do you think pakistan has
done in achievement of
goal number five
there are certain loopholes like for
example we have certain
laws for gender development
but unfortunately those laws do not come
into practice
so that’s why it’s quite difficult for
us to
achieve those goal particularly on goal
number five
thank you very much welcome man
sir if i set his
political the current political post
aside so dear his his struggle
of 22 year continuous struggle of 22
in politics and
the making of a cancer hospital
in lahore in his cricket career
so i like his team management
and his struggle a lot
all right what was the main since
special was your option subject
what is the main message of rahman baba
through his poetry the main message of
rahman baba was that
to educate the masses and
educate them to to avoid the ignorance
and there must be peace within the
and related with your current profession
right what is the what is the major
cause of deforestation
especially in kpk is it timber mafia
is it population expansion what it is
sir there are certain
reason i will just mention few
the first one is timber mafia and the
second one is the people of
northern area particularly don’t have
the alternative option
and third one is lake up
environmental education and the fourth
one is
why your department is not doing
anything regarding awareness education
especially against timber mafia
sir if you currently currently your
department is doing very well
under the pti government
so there is certain loopholes in the
society as well
so we cannot educate the masses
within a limited time did you ever start
awareness campaign or something like
yes in yearly basis we are doing that
particularly in seasonal basis in
spring season and autumn season we
well euros gold medalist in sociology
and i’m surprised you
ring off
because of low scoring the first reason
was that
and the second reason was pashto was
more interesting to me
okay so
you mentioned cricket you played you
you didn’t want to watch it yes who was
the kerry packer
kerry pecker was who introduced the
day and night match
and ball
the cricket ball the color ball yes
not the ball yes it used to be played
before that
okay who’s your favorite president in
history of united states
ibrahimovic why because he
saved the union of america
during the civil war and that was his
great achievement yesterday civil wars
were initiated it was
fought and thousands of people died so
how did he save america
actually sir there are certain
he disassociate him themselves from
united states so he’s re-unite those
and bring them back and
he the the the the the anti-slavery
fight were due to 13 and 14
act of the united states on his farm and
he was not very popular we were saying
that he is very popular but he was not
very popular that’s why he was murdered
so don’t you think that we should have
selected some other president or he was
not that popular
the sir according to gallup servant
i asked you who was your favorite
first he was a very
hardworking president and number second
he was the most shiv
and intelligent and particularly in the
case of civil
war so thank you
welcomes now you tell me
do you watch news on the electronic
yes sir do you tell me
what is the future of this electronic
media in pakistan
sir the future is very bright but we
work on certain areas like
there must be certain prerequisites
and moral code for the journalists
and for the common people as well
because guarantee i
feel the electronic media has gone dull
rather i will say is it do you think it
because they are they allege that there
are certain restrictions on
media which has been imposed by the
government yes rightly said sir
there are certain restrictions on so
media particularly
electronic media so those restrictions
must be
that can you tell me something about
in something new is coming
what is yes sir there are a lot of
tourism opportunity particularly in kp
like mountain tourism eco-tourism
others so there are a lot of opportunity
but the
it particularly need the government
for example the development of roads
the projection of those areas
particularly cumbraat
kavanaugh etc etc
recently two houses have been purchased
in kesakhani bazaar
why the government of kpk has bought
these houses
sir actually it was for the
cultural revival
why they have bought it to promote
the cultural site
what what is the importance of those
houses actually
it was for the purpose of saving
archaeological sites for the tourism
tourism purpose
we conclude this formal session
and now we go for the debriefing as if
you have got any questions you can ask
and we will tell you our own opinion
your own observations
if you have got any question please
sir i have only one question and that is
i’m little bit these day a little
bit weak in
communication like in talking into
english and that’s why
you are kind of experienced you are an
officer of the government of kpk
and in my view your communication skills
are fine
you can speak well and your body
language is also good
and of course your experience your
personality is fine
and you are quite confident and if you
observe that you think
before you speak and that is a good
the only thing i can
point it out that you need to be there
is a
some sort of knowledge gap you need to
update your knowledge about things
there’s tourism it is a big slogan of
the capital government
the forest we have not asked question on
this because of time constraint
we are not asking many question of khan
issue is there
kpk is very hot
or that police reforms are there health
system has been improved
that was the in fact that was the lab
the current prime minister has been
making a lot of experiments so
there are a lot of good things about
that so i will suggest you
that and then weaknesses which you have
pointed to this it doesn’t go well
so you need to look into these things
again and be careful
because whatsoever you will write in
this paper
even before the commission they will
give you some some something like that
and you will fulfill it fill it be
careful whatever you write that
need will be discussed in your interview
you will justify it
so i think you are very good but
when i asked you that question about
extrajudicial killings
yes you were in doubt you you were
thinking what
answer you should be quick to say that
no regretfully instead of saying no
you should be very clear in your mind an
illegal order is in
and that will not be implemented carried
and you should say it with full
confidence don’t be in doubt
you were in you were in doubt yes
and then about cricket
if you can’t answer the question
ask do you don’t don’t say that i watch
i play but i don’t watch you said this
i mean it’s very strange how is it
you see if you play cricket you will
watch also cricket is being played
a lot of cricket there is a lot of
on the television and also avoid such
questions okay sir answers okay sir
thank you i i think you had very good
but carrying forward this argument when
you say something is your hobby
then you’re expected to know everything
about it right ma’am
it’s not just for example if i say my
hobby is flower decoration
then i have to know all the forms of
flower decoration whether it’s japanese
art or european art or american art
then you when you make a claim you have
to sustain it
right man so you should know all the
records of cricket
okay international not just pakistani
same goes for hiking who mounted you
ketu first who went to everest first
which are the peaks which have yet not
been mounted
you know nobody ever climbed it up so
you have to be very clear on your data
right but other than that you’re
logical you’re coherent
and you’re confident thank you so i wish
you all the best
thank you so man yeah and and another
don’t coin your own words
right foodies are very hipsters
it’s not about wanting to eat foodie
means that you know
all the right foods in the right place
yes then you can be
a food you know
okay you have got an opportunity to
service my home now you are going to
you will be lucky to get inshallah you
will be selected
going for this examination is a hell of
a task which we have been
which we have done in our in our days to
agriculture and forestry tomorrow
subject so thank you very much best of
luck for you
thank you so much