ASSISTANT & UDC 22-12-2021 MCQs | Federal Investigation Agency Past Paper MCQs

FIA Past Papers MCQs – Federal Investigation Agency Past Paper MCQs – FIA ASSISTANT & UDC MCQs – Federal Investigation Agency Mcqs –

The Federal Investigation Agency, being Pakistan’s premier investigation agency, deals with multifaceted serious and organized crimes like Immigration, Anti-human Trafficking, Anti-corruption, Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, Cyber Crime, Money Laundering etc. At the same time it is the lead agency for investigation of important cases of terrorism and terrorist financing and is also the headquarters of Interpol Pakistan. This vast array of investigative work and diverse responsibilities make FIA an important organization not only for Pakistan but also an essential partner for the international community in dealing with transnational crime.

For Official Site of FIA Please Visit –

ASSISTANT & UDC 22-12-2021 MCQs

Antonym of Lavish

  1. deficient
  2. inadequate
  3. insufficient
  4. All

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Which short cut key used for help

  1. F1
  2. F2
  3. F3
  4. F4

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Brussels is near the longitude:

  1. 58-22 W
  2. 4-22 W
  3. 130-51 E
  4. 6-15 W

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When Pakistan signed the Baghdad pact, later called CENTO:

  1. 29 September 1955
  2. 13 September 1955
  3. 23 September 1955
  4. 23 September 1956

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Which layer protects earth from harmful rays of the Sun?

  1. Ionosphere
  2. Ozone layer
  3. Troposphere
  4. Magnetosphere
  5. none of these

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India is constructing “Kishanganga Dam” on the __________ River.

  1. Indus
  2. Sutlej
  3. Jhelum
  4. Ravi
  5. None of these

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Length of Gwadar to Kashgar Motorway is:

  1. 1500 km
  2. 2000 km
  3. 2500 km
  4. 3000 km
  5. 2200 km

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Antonym of OBSOLETE is:

  1. Conducive
  2. rare
  3. useless
  4. recent
  5. All of these

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“My leader “is a biography which is written by_________?

  1. Ziauddin Ahmed Suleri
  2. Ameer Ali
  3. K.K Aziz
  4. Parvez Musharaf
  5. None of these

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Headquarters of Interpol is located in _____________?

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. New york, USA
  3. London, UK
  4. Washington, USA
  5. Lyon, France

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What is the full form of ADBP

  1. Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan.
  2. Agriculture Development Bank of Punjab
  3. Agriculture Development Book of Pakistan.
  4. None

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Bolan, Nari, Pishin, Lora Mulla, Hingol, Rakhshan, Dusht and Zhob are the rivers of ____.

  1. Sindh
  2. Balochistan
  3. Punjab
  4. None

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During the “Holy Migration to Madina”, ________________ spied on Prophet (PBUH)?

  1. Saraqa bin Sajjel
  2. Amr bin Hasham
  3. Sehl bin Amr
  4. Waleed bin Utbah

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What was the original name of twitter?

  1. Twitr
  2. twite
  3. Twirt
  4. Twit it

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Bit is the most famous basic unit in computing which stands for:

  1. Binary digit
  2. Base digit
  3. Basic digit
  4. Byte digit

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Terballa Dam completed in?

  1. 1976
  2. 1987
  3. 1999
  4. 1988

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The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (رضہ) and Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ took place in____?

  1. 2A.H
  2. 3 A.H
  3. 4 A.H
  4. 5 A.H
  5. 9 A.H

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Which party won the provincial election in 1937?

  1. Muslim league
  2. Congress
  3. Muslim Students Federation
  4. None

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The real name of Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) was_______?

  1. Abdul Rehman Ibne Adi
  2. Abdul Rehman Ibne Talib
  3. Abdul Rehman Ibne Sakhr Ad-Dausi
  4. None of these
  5. None of these

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The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was:

  1. Quaid e Azam
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Liaqat Ali Khan
  4. Fatima Jinnah
  5. Skindar Mirza

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Mirani Dam is located on which river?

  1. Bolan
  2. Jhelum
  3. Dashat
  4. Hub
  5. None of the above

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What is the literal meaning of Nabi?

  1. A person who conveys the message of Allah
  2. A person who acts according to Shariah
  3. A person who behaves nicely
  4. A person who believes in the unity of Allah
  5. None of these

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“Jinnah of Pakistan “written by

  1. Stanly Wolpert
  2. Hector Bolitho
  3. Philip Hitti
  4. None

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K2 is also known as:

  1. Godwin Austin
  2. broad peak
  3. Roshan peak
  4. Sia Kingri
  5. None

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National Flag of Pakistan was designed by:

  1. Hafeez Jalandhri
  2. Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla
  3. Amir udin Kidwai
  4. Hafiz Jalandhri

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What is the default file extension for all Word documents?

  1. .txts
  2. .word
  3. .docs
  4. .docx
  5. Dox

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Which keyboard shortcut Italic selected text?

  1. Ctrl+I
  2. Alt+I
  3. File/Format/Bold
  4. None of the above

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When ASEAN was formed ?

  1. 8th August 1968
  2. 8th August 1967
  3. 8th August 1969
  4. None of the above

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Which is the deepest lake in the world_________?

  1. Lake Victoria
  2. Lake Superior
  3. Lake Baikal
  4. Lake Erie

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Which Muslim leader established London Branch of the Muslim League______?

  1. Syed Ameer Ali
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  4. None of the above

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Warsak dam is built by on river

  1. Kabul
  2. Jhlem
  3. Chenab
  4. Indus

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To insert a hyperlink which short key is used____?

  1. Ctrl+S
  2. Ctrl+M
  3. Ctrl+K
  4. None of the above

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Waterloo, where Napoleon was finally defeated, is situated in:

  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Holland
  4. Belgium

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Who has recently become the new prime minister of France?

  1. Edouard Philippe
  2. Jean Castex
  3. Emmanuel Macron
  4. None of the above

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Amaan Ullah

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