Create Your First Website By Chris Farrell


Create Your First Website By Chris Farrell

“Create Your First Website By Chris Farrell” is a book or course that teaches the basics of creating a website. The author, Chris Farrell, is likely a web designer, developer, or digital marketer who specializes in teaching people how to create websites.

The book or course may cover topics such as website planning, registering a domain name, choosing a web hosting provider, installing and using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, designing and customizing the website’s layout and appearance, adding content and images, and promoting the website online.

The goal of the book or course is to help beginners get started with creating their first website, even if they have no prior experience or technical skills. By the end of the course or book, readers should have a basic understanding of how to create a website and be able to launch a functioning website of their own.

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There are  125 pages in this book & the book size is about Megabyte (4 mb).
Click The Download Button Below to Download The Book or Read it Online.


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