CSS Mock Interview By CSPs | Anza Abbasi (Assistant Commissioner) Mock Interview
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Anza Abbasi (Assistant Commissioner) Interview | CSS-2020 Mock Interviews
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Q&A Session
i’m elder among five children
originally i’m from larkana and my
family moved
to islamabad when i was 14. i did my o
levels and a levels from city schools
capitals campus and afterwards i joined
for a bachelor’s in public
administration and after
graduating i am aspiring for a career in
civil services
so no work experience
but it’s not a proper employment
so in this public policy and governance
these were the majors yeah these were
the majors
a lot of my subjects had governance
aspects and then like e-governance or
governance along with law etc you can
tell us
about this public policy-making process
yes there is the policy process
identify give me the number one first
step second
agenda setting second is policy
third is policy legitimization fourth is
policy implementation and fifth is
policy evaluation
there is one policy termination but
there are some scholars who add it and
others who don’t add it because they say
that a policy is never terminated
and it keeps on the process is a cycle
that doesn’t end so it really depends
which scholar you’re following
and then i think governance what is the
difference between governance and good
or how government works well there is
good governance has eight
first one is accountability second is
third is consensus oriented decision
making for this participatory fifth
is efficiency and effectiveness six
is equity one is rule of law and the
final one is responsiveness so these are
eight characteristics by untp
that they find in a good covenant this
will have these gay characteristics
there is a general criticism that there
is a poor governance in pakistan
how to improve it so first and foremost
governance can be improved by
looking at the key issue over here we
a widespread corruption as you can see
the corruption perception
index is 120 of pakistan’s rank is 120
and other than that
world bank’s corruption controller
for corruption is i guess
23 or 32 percent i’m not sure so first
issue is corruption we have to
deal with that for that we need
accountability and accountability has to
be top to down so people know that
people at the higher level are being
held accountable for the corruption they
people that they know are also held
accountable and we also need to
introduce merit-based improvement
and across and also merit raised
because most of the times tenders may be
given on basis of favoritism
so we need to have strong merit based
policies in order to make our
governance better and in order to reduce
corruption what is your
views about this your recruitment
process don’t you think this is merit
says css is one recruitment process the
government has so many other recruitment
processes and other than that we have so
many other processes where
ministries are directly inducted
i’ll give one example that there was
recently a news about
using those
game shows if i’m correct that
those game protectives to recruit people
in railways somebody suggested that to
the minister
so that’s not how you recruit people
into a service and secondly
our civil services like css has a lot of
resources devoted to it if we look at
other recruitments
that are apart from css a lot of
times like recently we saw the
ppsc like punjab the tessies our exam
was leaked so there is an issue
coming in when it comes to
administration of exams and making it a
transparent process css is
far better off than other exams but
other exams are suffering so we need to
make it
proper across the board
britain has separated itself from
european union
do you think it is a good decision on
the part of britain or not in my opinion
it’s a very bad decision
okay why because they are once they
separate from it they’ll have to pay the
customs union secondly they’ll have to
separate free trade agreements with
other countries and
thirdly their middle class will be
affected because before that middle
class could easily go into other
countries and fight employment over
and now they would be suffering there
was one couple especially they showed on
which has shifted to france because it
feels like that it wouldn’t be able to
get benefits
of eu from uk after brexit
what are the arguments which they have
advanced when they went for the
referendum and they went into the
finally they have passed the law
because they feel that they will be more
independent they will be suffering and
they will be
dealing with different nations on their
own so there was this argument that we
would be more sovereign if we
quit eu and especially it was said that
we are sending a lot of
billions to eu and they can be
transferred to
the national health services however
later on it was proven that a lot of
these claims are not true for instance
boris johnson’s campaign used one
law that eu regulates the pillow of
the agency and there’s no such eu law so
a lot of times the games that they use
were fake and they were based on fake
the same tactics that donald trump
used to come
used to come to power were used in
brexit so it was you can say a death
over there
more than actual facts of going against
today is the 7th of january something
has happened in u.s congress
yes sir what is the news sir according
to what i have
read it’s basically that today congress
was supposed to announce that
who would be the president and it was
supporters of donald trump they stop
into capitol hill and they
basically vandalize property over
there and now
there is a curfew in the area and how
they say
how they announce congress on what basis
announces sir they’re supposed to i
cannot recall it exactly
but what i can guess is that they are
according to the official process once
the president is elected
on the 7th of january the electoral
colleges they go to the congress and
certify about the election results of
their state
so finally mr joe biden has been
certified by the congress today thank
you so much
hapless set what is pakistan’s nuclear
sir pakistan i’m not very well versed in
the issues but what i remember is that
pakistan is a new first use policy that
we are not going to be
using our nuclear weapons attack and
secondly there used to be
that was the older one but the new one
doesn’t say that new one says that
yes pakistan can be the first user of
nuclear weapon you understand that is
that is the
that is new doctrine
why why why should
we be having nuclear weapons when we
they are they can cause immeasurable
they can wipe out the the mankind from
earth why and still we are having and
still we are trying to improve on them
every day we are trying to increase the
we are doing it knowing that this is
going to
one day god proved if there is some
accident there
how much damage will it cause or
can we use them in our fight with each
can we can we afford to do it and to
answer the first question yes there is a
practical need to have nuclear weapons
despite the risk and that is deterrence
we are in a very troubled neighborhood
one of our neighbor is not willing to
talk to us and it is
accusing us of activities that we are
not doing and it is sending its
checks attacking our trees
and saying that rescue clear terrence is
his word deterrence
what deterrence tomorrow if someone you
see if
he gets mad he says okay you see
i’m going to use the weapon come what me
otherwise my enemy will overrun me
so if i don’t don’t see any any
escape route for me i might decide
it is you see i might decide to use
nuclear weapons
the point is they are so destructive
should we be having such weapons
in order to protect our own self
so my in my personal opinion definitely
nuclear weapons are a danger a very
dangerous thing however at the same time
we it is the need of our
state we need at least for we need to
have some
nuclear deterrence against india and
india so far
in our history hasn’t come on to have
very friendly relations with us so we
need it and
india is continuously increasing its
nuclear capacities and it’s buying more
and more weapons and doing more deals
with other countries so we need this for
our security purposes
is there some arrangement also
to fight back the enemy with
limited nuclear weapons with
which can cause limited damage
then using nuclear weapons you see
we have tactical weapons which can be
in case which would cause limited damage
limited damage let’s say so if i’m
correct then
we are trying to have enough good enough
nuclear weapons to have some credible
and a rest of our arsenal would be
conventional weapons
there are tactical weapons now we have
developed tactical weapons also
which can cause which carry nuclear
load and which can cause limited damage
otherwise if you use nuclear weapons
it will be total devastation it will
it will damage that area only
where that is targeted a limited area
let me say one miles radius or
half a miles radius
next level
you you have done your public
what is the role of next paper or
what is he known for in public
sir max weber is known for giving
bureaucracy the characteristics or
theory of bureaucracy
and he defined bureaucracy as a most
efficient organization through which
a process is conducted and he gave a few
characteristics of prophecy
what were those first one was a
along which there is a division of labor
and specialization like there will be
special government departments
responsible for certain things secondly
there would be reliance on
written rules and procedures according
to which bureaucracy will conduct its
the rememberation would be fixed and it
would not matter fine
what is the role of district
administration in the overall governance
of the state
said that district is the lowest level
of the government
and it is district administration is
responsible for
managing the district and it is directly
related to people
and all the issues within district b
municipal issues or other
issues administrative are come to
is there any role of district
administration in
in the formulation of policies
at the national level sir district
administration basically implements
the policies and if we look into the
theories of policies so they say that
best type of policy making is what is
which is
bottom-up so emergency at street
level bureaucrat
is more responsible for implementing
policies and more responsible for
evolving policies according to the needs
of the people so if we look into the
theory of bottom-up policy making
a street-level bureaucrat or you would
say your dc or ac is more
responsive in policy making when
compared to higher level of
administration or government bodies
greta thunderberg what did she do
sir greta lindbergh was a teenager in
norway and she basically went on a
school strike
against because the government was not
taking enough steps
against climate change and she got viral
on social media
after which people especially youth
a lot of climate marches and protests in
order to
demand their governments to reduce
carbon emissions to the
level of agreed in paris climate subject
which is
two degrees okay fine one what is
as far as climate change is concerned
global warming
in arctic region something series
very serious is happening there taking
what is that sir the polarized in arctic
it’s melting pressure from us and it is
increasing the sea levels
and which is dangerous for everyone
around the world because it would
encroach the land
if we take example of pakistan so we
have a danger of karachi coming under
the sea
it is emitting carbon carbon more than
it is absorbing they are the global
carbon sinks
this arctic sheet
is the global carbon sink most of the
carbon emitted
is absorbed there but now the ipcc
released a report according to which
this is being reversed
yes that’s what i’m saying now they
instead of
they being seen they are emitting carbon
yeah because of melting
they are melting and things underneath
they are coming up and
they are emitting carbon emissions
and finally 18th amendment
is being is in the news a lot why
why it is so in or first tell us
18th amendment was one amendment
or a plethora of amendments
so if the 18th amendment was basically
it had
amended a lot a huge section of
constitution so it was one act but it
had a lot of
how much i cannot recall the exact
number but i can say that there were 23
major changes made that i didn’t list
oh no no it is 102.
102 articles different different
were made and they were part of the 18th
thank you thank you for correcting me it
it was we we all know the past
within half an hour 102 amendments they
were passed within half an hour this
18th amendment
what is justice what is justice
sir justice is the delivery
of justice system or just the concept
of justice
how how are you going to define the word
so doing the just thing or being
doing like if i can import plato so
he said they’re doing what you ought to
was justice and aristotle defined it as
as one possible giving people what
they ought to have like is distributive
and then another concept was i’m
sorry i’ll have to read on that
okay okay you have been a student of
public administration
what is management management
by objectives the management objectives
is a concept
according to which certain objectives
are set and then the management
tries to reach those goals and
objectives and that’s defined management
by objection
something more there is also a
concept of budget by objective
associated with management by objective
that where you set certain objectives
and then you follow them
we have been talking about climate
what are the major music
effects of climate change on pakistan
sir first and foremost the major effect
of pakista of
climate change is change in weather
pattern if we see
that moonsoon patterns have been
shifting quite a lot
and the rain precipitation is falling we
have already bought
scars and that is adding into our water
crisis issue
another issue we have of climate
like recently we had the locust attack
and the u.n
environmental program said that this is
because of climate change because the
rains that happened in
the iran and balochistan region where
it’s supposed to happen in that region
and that gave breeding ground to the
locust and we had the worst locus prices
in 25 years
other than that we are seeing that the
sea is encroaching the land in karachi
and small issue is somewhat also related
to climate change
i should can you suggest any majors
to eradicate corruption in pakistan
so first and foremost the measure would
be to identify where corruption is
taking place
and is to have an accountability drive
across the board like if we if there is
somebody is identified as
involved in corrupt practices that
person should be held accountable
regardless of their status or their
social economic background
so first would be an accountability
drive second would be
a merit-based provision of government
contracts like for instance if there is
a government contract given on basis of
and that person has paid someone then
they are going to not going to be
very cognizant of the quality of the
service they provide so we have to
make sure that every transaction that
takes place is
on the basis of merit and thirdly we
have a lot of corruption in
our informal economy we are not
documenting a lot of transactions that
are happening so we need to
document that as well
thank you and what is the basic
summary of mokadam so
it is a very long book i haven’t read it
but i’m sure the next time we meet
okay so what is the major difference
between muslim political thought and
western political thought
the muslim political thought and i don’t
personally see much difference because a
lot of muslim scholars took the ideas of
the greek
philosophers and they brought it in
like the idea of democracy or
philosopher king al-farabi
said that there was a prophet king
instead of philosopher king and
because we can’t have a philosopher king
so we will have a
because we can’t have a proper team
so we’ll have a council of democrats
so in many ways there isn’t much
difference there
but difference that comes in it comes in
the time of
enlightenment where the secularism was
promoted to a wider degree so in my
opinion the classical
thought of western thought you’re saying
they’re the same okay
similar okay islam
support democracy or not
so in my opinion we just support
democracy because if we look into
other time of profits we always
consulted people before making a
decision so
the process of consultation is there so
islam supports democracy
should there be universal franchise or a
let’s conclude this session
how do you feel about your peripheral
so i need to do a little bit more on a
few concepts and few definitions
we have not discussed so many things
anyway you are very good you are
articulate and
mashallah you are intelligent you are
in our rating you are very good today to
me to me
they will speak for themselves coming
larkana in lord khanna you have a fair
but i have been there i go there very
what you need to do is
it may start from here so you know keep
it thorough about what you have written
here everything will be
it it will be sort of a verification of
what you have written
especially in the student life
a little disappointed that i’m not
spending time with them
taking your selection of work
they keep on changing as well
what did you do during the lockdown
what’s your opinion on 18 amendments
will be there but i think you need to
work very hard
it’s a competition between very good
they say
best of luck