CSS Mock Interview By CSPs | Babar Ali (ASP) Sindh Rural Topper Mock Interview
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
This Mock interview was conducted earlier, so officials and their Posts mentioned during this question-answer session were holding their offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are question-answer session holding any of govt offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are reading this interview, so cross-check before appearing in any exam next future.
CSS Mock Interview by Babar Ali (ASP) Sindh Rural Topper – Mock Interview | CSS-2020 Mock Interviews
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Q&A Session
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
This Mock interview was conducted earlier, so officials and their Posts mentioned during this question-answer session were holding their offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are question-answer session holding any of govt offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are reading this interview, so cross-check before appearing in any exam next future.
CSS Mock Interview by Aman Sadiq (PCS) Mock Interview | CSS-2020 Mock Interviews
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Q&A Session
This Is a Mock Interview Conducted between A PMS (Provincial Management Services) Candidate and CSPs, you can call it a training session before appearing the commission, and these kind of mock interviews are conducted to check the preparation of candidates and their confidence. The similar type questions that are being asked are also part of these interviews,
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
This Mock interview was conducted earlier, so officials and their Posts mentioned during this question-answer session were holding their offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are question-answer session holding any of govt offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are reading this interview, so cross-check before appearing in any exam next future.
CSS Mock Interview by Babar Ali (ASP) Sindh Rural Topper – Interview | CSS-2020 Mock Interviews
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Interview Q&A Session
i think to begin with you can introduce
yourself sir my name is
i obtained my primary education from a
where my father was a primary school
teacher and then
in 2004 we i moved to nawabsha where i
got the rest of my education and that
includes secondary higher secondary and
graduation i have graduated in
electrical engineering from
kadyam university in new orleans after
my graduation in 2018 i moved to karachi
where i started preparing for
competitive exams
i appeared in css 2019 and i failed in
and after that i worked on my
deficiencies and alhamdulillah today i’m
do you heal from sin ruler
how many districts are there in the
province of saint
sir i believe there are 32 restrictions
and how many are there in rulers in
if we exclude the six districts of
one of hyderabad and the one of sucker
gives eight and so eight minus thirty
thirty two minus 8 that gives
24 districts afterwards there are six
districts in karachi are five
now a six is being sixth has been
now the there is a criticism about this
population census
from a certain section of karachi
what are your opinion what is your
opinion sir i believe the
actual population if we consider the
people that do not have citizenship
that is the migrants or the refugees
afghanistan if we
include those people then the actual
population increases a lot so
if we in killer we are excluding them
then the population stands
as it is in the census but if we include
those refugees and other
immigrants then the population
but they were they have been counted in
senses senses is
in fact human count on that particular
day whosoever is here
he is counted but if you just become
do you think this is more the
this is more sort of a political issue
there is any reality in it yes sir there
are also
political elements involved politically
every the every party or every ethnic
they want to have a bigger share in the
resources so they want to have a bigger
so there is a political limit but i
believe that
the census if we include the refugees
then the census is justified as it is
so i will agree with the census results
now we as a country we are facing
this power crisis and especially the
circular debt
what is the circular debt circular debt
is a debt
whereby different companies or
organizations are involved for example
in the power sector we have the
distribution companies now distribution
companies distribute power to the
mosses and the they collect bills but
they are not able to collect as much
revenue from those masses so when
they have to pay back to the
the gen coast the generating companies
then they lack funds
and then the gen calls will generate
power they need to pay back to the
the fuel companies and when they are
they receive less from the distribution
companies that have less to pay to the
fuel companies
and then fuel companies and in the end
the government subsidizes the fuel
companies so
there’s a circular circular update which
starts from the grass roots of disco and
goes up to the government so government
has to
pay those missing funds so this is
circular debt what do you think
about have you got do you think there
could be
can we resolve this issue by any report
when the proper sector can help us what
type of
so there are some reforms for example if
there is one solution of direct
privatization of discourse
but that is an extreme one case
extreme measure there are other ways for
example if we
include the private sector public
private partnership
then the performance of discourse can be
improved and there’s also the issue of
power theft if those are controlled then
also the
circular depth can be controlled
so what do you think this is a political
situation in the country
how you will analyze this because
there is a movement on the part of the
what do you think is it a gentleman
movement or it is a
hoax sir i do not believe that it’s a
hoax or it’s a genuine
i believe that there are some certain
reservations on the opposition side
that the government is that and the
process of accountability is not
one can say transparent but on the
their demands are not justified the the
government that is currently in
place it is a democratically elected
government and
i would not support any measure that
that would undo this democratically
elected government
bubba you live there in the ruler saying
i i keep on listening actually i have
got an opportunity to serve here but
they say that
in rulers and there is a lot of
corruption on the part of the government
is that correct yes sir as in other
parts of countries
the province also province assumed also
has a major corruption issue there’s a
a huge problem of good governance as
in other areas the sin the province of
sindh also has this
issue of good governance there is
corruption no doubt but
i will not say that it is that much more
than the other provinces
but i will say that it does exist
no sir right after my graduation i
switched my career and started preparing
for the competitive exams
why you should have continued you are an
electrical power engineer that is your
field in texas
yes sir what you learned why are you
want to become a css officer
so even though the electrical
engineering is a good carrier it’s a
professional field but i believe that
civil services will provide me a better
it’s a better carrier-wise it has
perks there’s a vertical and horizontal
mobility and css
civil services and i believe that it
the opportunity of leadership at a very
young age
all of the inspectors led me to change
my the direction of my career
so late you should have done it earlier
before you
started you see
having education in engineering you
should have
yes i thought beforehand after having
done your
master’s and you said it’s a very easy
very good qualification very impressive
this is what you have done yes
young age in my from where i belong
people were usually are usually led to
either engineering or to the medical
so similarly i was led to engineering
but as i
got into the industry i learned that i
felt that
civil services would be more better for
police is your first choice yes
under what law the police is working
the police working is being governed
you know police there are various others
no no please please please police act
i mean crpc is also the code of criminal
the police said of 1961 1861
yes sir i believe it is
various provinces have had their own
policing acts
but they are more or less similar in
nature to the policing intervention
the only province is
is still enforced nowhere else
it used to be quite some time back but
they switched over to
national public safety commission
have you heard of that and yes sir but
i’m not familiar
with the provincial public
separation of investigation from
watching what duties and there are so
many others
right you should you should know that
peace be your first choice yes
you should not take it lightly
because then in the css if you
if you were black on it then you
the conventional measures of what are
not involved
there are new forms of what for example
there’s the information bar
the use of media the use of opinion
against your enemies
and the use of your own public against
you all of these factors
so videos
he sees the logic he sees the what is
actually happening
so a logical approach someone who takes
a logical approach would be a rational
interpol yes it’s international police
how to differentiate between extradition
and deportation
extradition and deputation
deportation so an extra in extradition
extraterrest or simply sends a criminal
or someone who is charged with a crime
to another country with whom they have
extradition treaty but when a country
deports someone
it does not mean
from its own land well index tradition
there’s a
two countries involved one request the
other side
very simple question
what is the difference between
both respective countries controlled up
to that time
which has continued to this state
working boundary is the body that
has resulted in the in the aftermath of
separation of pakistan in india
the creation
what are the three main critical
main issues godness issues in pakistan
three main major governance issues
governance issues i believe there’s a
issue of economic issues economic
that is one big major problem secondly
good governance the
delivery of service is also a lacking
that is the second major issue
and third a major issue i believe
stability political stability
because he has a bright
vision of where the future will be
for example he is working on settling
humans to mars
that is a process which was stalled we
see that in the 20th century there was a
race for the moon but after the cold war
it was stopped but now elon musk is one
such person that has basically reunited
this race and started this journey so
this is
what is the financial net worth of his
company tesla
financial network i’m not sure
what are the new initiatives of
artificial artificial intelligence
by ellen musk
so an artificial intelligence by elon
musk there’s one
initiative called deep mind and that
we use lead mind is an initiative
artificial intelligence
that is also used in tesla cars and for
autopilot driving and such
i’m not sure about this okay
to name two territories which
government of the united states
purchased after its creation
and after the civil war the u.s also
purchased alaska from russia
name the only president who remained
president for more than two terms
no that was president which tools
any couplet you would like to share with
us with of latif betta
yeah sure
we are preparing you for the real game
so now i think we should go for the
debriefing session
do you have any question for us
you need to have some practice on mirror
you give impression of confidence you’re
something on the budget
something like this foreign sure