CSS Mock Interview By CSPs | Saad Bin Khalid (AC) Punjab (IRS) Mock Interview
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
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Saad Bin Khalid (AC) Punjab (IRS) Mock Interview
Candidate Welcome by Panelists | CSS Q&A Session
so how are you as i am good thank you
then you take a lead introduce yourself
to all of us
you have mentioned my name apart
from that sir i belong to this techno
sir i am a teacher son my siblings are
students and professionals as well
so after completing my metric and
intermediate from a nearby town
i graduated in civil engineering from ut
and that was followed by job with a
private firm
for one and half a year there sir i
realized that my vigor and energy must
be expanded
with government which is primarily
functioning for welfare of the state
then sir i switched to another job
allowed me with different nature that
allowed me to prepare for the exam
apart from that sir i also pursued a
master’s in public administration as
well from kardashian university
actually this decision was made to
accommodate myself
if specialized exams start taking place
after that sir i was inducted into pms
in 2019
then sir i also said
when there is layer time and there is no
assignment preferably
i go for physical exercise and social
so in future aspire to
go for higher studies abroad as well sir
so you are coming from sir
river indus it flows from north to
south or south to north so it flows from
north to south
sir can you tell me what are the
what is behind this south punjab
province movement they want
a separate province of south punjab said
why sir actually what could be the
sir i was going through a report and
its name was the story of punjab
in that report actually there were four
districts of
punjab and they were regarded as
the christians of endemic poverty and
all of those four provinces
were related to south punjab so this is
the first reason that there is
movement for bifurcation of punjab that
if we get our separate funds
if we get our share in nfc that fund
would be expanded in south punjab
and there are hopes that it its uplift
would take place
this is the first reason for that and
second reason
for the second reason for the movement
behind bifurcation of punjab is that
they claim that
it would strengthen our federation
because right now
according to article 59 of our
141 mnas are coming from punjab
so whoever wants to come in power and
he focus he or she focuses on punjab and
you get 141 seats and you don’t need to
put your focus on rest of the three
so they say if you buy for kate punjab
it would strengthen federation because
it would allow the people who who are
seeking power in center
to focus on other provinces as well sir
what is the population of south punjab
about 50
is it is about 33 percent you can say 30
32 you are very right about that sorry
it is the total is 10
and what is the ratio of area sir area
about 52 and 48 52 belongs to south
panjab and 48 belongs to
the rest of the punjab what is the
progress of setting up the
secretariat of south punjab sir actually
the officers have been transferred to
the secretariat
right now secretariats are working in
bhavalpur and bolton
its buildings progress is underway but
until its building is completely
but i believe this is a good step they
have started
functioning and definitely they are
towards the objective of are you doing
your training or you have completed your
training sir i am entertaining
where sir right now i am attached in
food department for secretary training
and we are getting our we are getting
started our academic trainings from
january 18. sir
sir actually he has influenced me what
he did for his country
he was awarded nobel peace prize in 2019
as well
and the reason behind that recognition
was similar that
he has actually resolved 30 year old
problem with eritrea
apart from that sir the policies he has
pursued in
domestic in his domestic failures
press freedom and releasing political
that actually has moved me apart from
that sir he is also working on
the great renoisians dam of ethiopia as
well that is going to make
actually ethiopia independent in
a water and electricity circle but he is
constructing the dam at the river nile
and why egypt is unhappy actually
nile is nice what is the total length of
the nile
river from ethiopia to
egypt and to the ocean sir i will
struggle to recall that
and why sudan is unhappy with ethiopia
sir actually
these three states egypt ethiopia and
sudan they
combinedly get benefit from thai so
definitely if they are going to store
the rest of the parties are going to
like show their apprehensions
he is constructing this dime and which
night blue night or white ride so it is
being constructed on blue knight and
what is the total capacity of the
production of this
electricity estimated so
my knowledge of this regard is limited
6.4 gigawatt
sir and the nile blue nile the length of
blue nile is 6 000
miles from the origin in ethiopia
to nile going to the ocean passing
through the egypt
and the egypt is even planning to attack
ethiopia if they don’t enter into a
agreement with them have they failed the
dam or not
sorry sir have they failed ethiopian
have filled the
dam or not it is its construction is
underway it is not completed
yet it is not completed but the first
part of filling has been done they have
without getting into
without getting into any agreement with
the sudan or egypt
sir that is again something very good
for them sir
to score update karna if you want to say
is your
now you tell us why mr trump is
being impeached tomorrow
there may be in the congress sir
and see
pelosi is going to fight she is a
why sir actually initiating
impeachment the u.s constitution there
you can say there are three conditions
for impeachment
three conditions for which the president
may be declared unfit for presidency
and these three conditions are number
one treason
number two bribery and the third one
like minor wrong doings so first of
sir sir the first one is treyan
he may be impeached on the charges after
him the second one is bribery
and the third one is sir exactly sir
my for minor wrongdoings so first of all
he is being impeached
for in third category not for trying not
for bribery
but minor wrongdoings in those minor
wrong doings
they are claiming that he has actually
urged people
to storm into the white house washington
capital hill sorry not vice so he is
being impeached on this charge and they
are urging vice president
mike pence to actually declare that
president is not fit for presidency
and according to 25th amendment he must
take over
and become the president of the united
states and then
the vice president would be confirmed by
pms me how much generated mars what was
the percentage of retail mass which you
have got
sir we have not got our dmc’s because
there is some sort of
litigation and
total interview what was your position
there yes sir i was 19
you play cricket sir why
i mean Pakistan did not perform well in
new zealand
Pakistan’s cricket team said no
what happened there said i have sir i
know sir just tell us sir Pakistan was
with huge margin of an innings and 176
so the this is the second time
back-to-back defeats
first in england now in new zealand
sir why why these
standards of sports in our country has
gone very gone down
sir so basically
it is a domestic structure that matters
a lot
so in Pakistan that domestic
structure is struggling our prime
minister who has been a characterizer
he pledged to reform that domestic
structure and then we are like
we are hoping that our cricket standards
would be revived
but sir it has been the history that
not specifically Pakistan but many teams
from asia
they have been struggling on the semi
pitches and rainy conditions
so in england in australia in new
so all these three conditions are there
you cannot trust whether there can be
rain anytime
and there are bouncy pitches so in their
batting technique they struggle
so in both these tours in england and
new zealand our batsmen have struggled
so with gradual times sir i believe our
bowling is also on the decline
sir okay yesterday
there was air and firing after the
results of
lahore bar association and sergoda
the lawyers the victorious party
their supporters they started firing in
the air
sir what is this show
lawyers who are custodians of law
sir they are taking the law in their own
sir did you witness on television how
the firing was going on
firing with revolvers pistols clashing
said these lawyers were doing
they were celebrating the victories like
this sir how do you view this
so you are very right to point out that
unfortunately i could not witness that
on television
but i believe unfortunately
this has become like the polarization in
our society has become so evident
there’s these unfortunate incidents
happen on
frequent basis so i will definitely
this is against the law they are the
protectors of the
constitution interpreters of the
but overall sir i believe this has
become a part of unfortunately a norm of
our society and this must be
bridled down this must be controlled i
public administration is was your master
you did
in masters
what was the difference between the
scientific management theory
and the human relations theory sir
sir actually among the you can say the
five different school of thoughts and
public administration that have been
evolving since
since 1920s so
the behavioral theory actually it
focused on how can you
enhance output and efficiency
while focusing on the social model like
what is actually what is
actually the state of mind of those
if they are giving such type of
benefits like salaries
can their behavior and work can be
changed so this was the behavioral
the second one is like this is
scientific movement that actually
implementation of scientific models
that if you
go by mathematics if you input
certain formulas and you are working
in your mechanism whether it can enhance
your input
efficiency or not sir
well give them neat clean need clean
environments give them the tools with
which they can
work so it was more materialistic
sir if they if you provide them
environments if you make it easy for
them to work
sir so they will
produce more give them rewards give them
on daily basis engage their work on
daily basis and see
if they are doing well give them rewards
material words so it was
materialistic scientific meaning
scientific manner
the the focus was on materialism give
sir and then those human relations and
mess law have you heard of mess law sir
i have definitely heard of him
what was that so actually he is famous
exponential physiological needs for
motivating your employees
he has described the five needs in
hierarchy of that need
police you want to join police service
of Pakistan that is your
second choice so police order 2002.
sir is by and large
in vogue in Pakistan according to which
police is working
sir so how do you see this law and how
do you
see the police performance after its
sir so actually police has been working
according to the embeds of police order
1861. so it was
a right step and forward thinking for it
was a forward thinking and right
direction the police order first of all
i should admit that it was a right step
apart from that there were certain
permissions of police order
that were meant to enhance the
performance of police
but unfortunately the tesla between
military government and
the political government that actually
became a hurdle
in smooth functioning of like smooth
implementation of police order
but please allow me to give an example
same has been the case with local
it has been implemented by no
cut it short can you give us some
key characteristics of police order so
it focused on community policing
it focused on internal accountability
within police
apart from that internal what do you
there were they would be held
within from the department
and what else sir i am
struggling to recall apology for that
what is balanced right
sir the balanced diet is
regarded that diet that simultaneously
vitamins carbohydrates
and lipids and these types when all of
these ingredients
get into your food you can say diet is
sir ji saad sir
saad a lot has been discussed about the
rebel nile
sir can you tell me the very unique
correct characteristic of nile sir it
unique from rest of the rivers because
it flows from south to north
good sir okay so
what is 25th amendment
in the constitution of united usa sir
sir 25th amendment was ratified by
38 states in 1971 it was
actually it happened sir
i cannot actually
remember whether it was 1971 or 1967. Its
necessary was felt when president john f
kennedy was shot dead
and president lyndon b johnson had to
become the president
it is like there are certain conditions if
the president become dysfunctional if
he has died and if he resigns
in three conditions the vice president
would be the president
and then his vice president would be
nominated and definitely confirmed by
senate okay sir
and any okay sir
impeachment sir how many presidents
have been impeached in the history of
united states
so actually there are three stages of
impeachment the first one is style the
second one is conviction and the third
one is
you can say punishment three or four
before trial
let’s say 10 people from congress want
to impeach
trump sir can the trial be initiated
no sir so the condition for
initiating tri-love to be impeached
president is like
a house of representative who would
the resolution with simple majority
you can say from from 438
the 50 percent of 438. okay sir
so how many have been impeached sir
three presidents have been actually
brought under trial and none of them
have been impeached sir who said that
the first one was
india johnson the second one was
president bill clinton
and the third one is president trump
nixon was not impeached
sir nixon was not impeached he resigned
sir but
the resolution was passed sir
the process could not be initial
completed because
before the trial redesign and later got
the presidential party
okay what was the charge on bill clinton
so actually the charge on billy clinton
extra marital relations with an intern
the white house is it a crime in usa
sir actually the bars are high for the
he was impeached for perjury
he lied under oath he was not impeached
for having
any sort of extra relations with any
other women okay
he was impeached for perjury and
by margin of how many votes he was
spared impeachment
sir he was rescued in senate but
only by two votes sir okay
my last question what is the
contribution of marx weber
in public ad sir weber is
famous for his theory of bureaucracy and
there are certain key elements of that
theory tell me four characteristics of
bureaucracy he told
sir i will i have to study for this i
apologize thank you
sir sir
there is sadness there is fear there is
what are its reasons
so actually migrated from india from
hoshido to saiwa
so i believe he had witnessed the
rags of migration the pains of migration
that pains are evident in especially i
believe i’m good
what is similarity between the poetry of
hazar sultan bahu
and ella makbal there is one
very prominent similarity
and they both converge on the concept of
the concept of ishq
this element is in is evident in
the poetry of both what is martial plan
so marshall plan was
i struggled to recall exactly the share
of marshall plan but it was
to for uplift of europe after
world war ii
i think you have rightly identified that
you are not in a
serious mode casual okay
sir this is shortfall at my party no no
i am telling you because
you are at a point
where you are competing in punjab
okay you are already in the pms and you
have made good marks there
now the problem
otherwise your personality is good
you are quite composed and confident
impression create cursive intelligent
communication skills are good
but for this is a event of life which
you are going to
which are you when is your interview it
is on 18th
18th now after say seven days you are
going to
have an event of life
tomorrow a to z it will be discussed
because you have written it and they
will verify it whether
you are correct or not certified
verification taken
you should be very
next time
you should have been properly dressed
it only matters can be
thank you