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OG-III (ZTBL) 29-11-2020 MCQs

Who accepted Islam first in Children?

  1. Hazrat Usman (RA)
  2. Hazrat Umar (RA)
  3. Hazrat Ali (RA)
  4. Hazrat Bilal (RA)
  5. None Of The Above

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5th pillar of Islam is?

  1. Namaz
  2. Roza
  3. Hajj
  4. Zajat

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Which Sahabi did Jehad on the issue of Zakat?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar
  2. Hazrat Usman
  3. Hazrat Ali
  4. None of the above

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Who said that ” There is no difference between Salat and Zakat?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar
  2. Hazrat Ali
  3. Hazrat Umer
  4. Hazrat Awais Qarni

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You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at the cursor position. How can you break column?

  1. Pressing Ctrl+Enter
  2. Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter
  3. Break command from Insert menu
  4. Both b and c

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We can insert maximum number of columns in Ms Word are ________

  1. 35
  2. 15
  3. 63
  4. 65

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What is the default file extension for all Word documents?

  1. .txts
  2. .word
  3. .docs
  4. .docx
  5. Dox

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What will be the use of Ctrl + J ?

  1. Insert Image
  2. Insert Hyperlink
  3. Align Justify
  4. Search file

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Which keyboard shortcut Italic selected text?

  1. Ctrl+I
  2. Alt+I
  3. File/Format/Bold
  4. None of the above

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A point where profile of net present value crosses horizontal axis at plotted graph indicates project

  1. Costs
  2. cash flows
  3. internal rate of return
  4. external rate of return

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In independent projects evaluation, results of internal rate of return and net present value lead to

  1. cash flow decision
  2. cost decision
  3. same decisions
  4. different decisions

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If the Gross profit is Rs. 5,000 and the net profit is 25% of the Gross profit. The expenses?

  1. Rs. 3,750
  2. Rs. 1,250
  3. Rs. 4,150
  4. Rs. 6,250

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Graph which is plotted for projected net present value and capital rates is called

  1. net loss profile
  2. net gain profile
  3. net future value profile
  4. net present value profile

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Cost of Goods sold is classified as which type of account?

  1. Asset
  2. Liability
  3. Revenue
  4. Expense

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In capital budgeting, term of bond which has great sensitivity to interest rates is

  1. long-term bonds
  2. short-term bonds
  3. internal term bonds
  4. external term bonds

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The largest expense of most manufacturing firms is?

  1. Salaries Expense
  2. Amortization Expense
  3. Rent Expense
  4. Cost of goods sold

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Which of the following product costs is both a prime cost and conversion cost?

  1. Direct labor
  2. Manufacturing overhead
  3. Indirect material
  4. All of the above

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Net sales = Sales less?

  1. Sales returns
  2. Sales discounts
  3. Sales returns & allowances
  4. Sales returns & allowances and sales discounts

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The location and energy of an electron in an atom can be specified by

  1. Atomic number
  2. Atomic mass
  3. Quantum numbers
  4. None of these

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Permanent hardness of water, due to sulphates of the metal, can be destroyed by the use of:

  1. Nitrates
  2. Zeolites
  3. Sulphonates
  4. None of these

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If force is expressed in Newton and the distance in metre, then the work done is expressed in

  1. Joule
  2. Kg wt m
  3. Kg wt
  4. Watt

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Which country accepted Pakistan first?

  1. Iran
  2. Iraq
  3. Indonesia
  4. China

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When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced?

  1. 8th June 1956
  2. 23rd March 1956
  3. 14th August 1956
  4. 25th December 1956
  5. 12nd March 1948

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The First Round Table Conference lasted from:

  1. 12th Aug 1930 to 19th Jan 1931
  2. 12th Sep to 19th Jan 1931
  3. 12th Oct 1930 to 19th Jan 1931
  4. 12th Nov 1930 to 19th Jan 1931

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Who supported Muslim-Participation in politics?

  1. Wiqar-ul-Mulk
  2. Mohsin-ul-Mulk
  3. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
  4. Allama Iqbal

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In which year MAO School was upgraded to the status of college?

  1. 1878
  2. 1877
  3. 1879
  4. 1880

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How many basic pillars of Islam are there?

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 7

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What was the name of first woman Muslim?

  1. Hazrat Khdija
  2. Hazrat Zainab
  3. Hazrat Fatima
  4. Hazrat Ayesha

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Mr. Rehan ordered a car worth Rs. 6,00000 and was given a discount. Given that he paid Rs. 5,70000 for his new car. Calculate the percentage discount he received?

  1. 5%
  2. 7%
  3. 8%
  4. 11%

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In the exam 45% students failed and 550 students were successful. The total number of students who appeared in the exam were:

  1. 1000
  2. 900
  3. 1500
  4. 800

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How many times order for Zakat mentioned in Quran?

  1. 20 times
  2. 32 times
  3. 40 times
  4. 42 times

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Which pillar of Islam is declared as armour?

  1. Salat
  2. Soam
  3. Zakat
  4. Hajj

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What was the name of first woman Muslim?

  1. Hazrat Khdija
  2. Hazrat Zainab
  3. Hazrat Fatima
  4. Hazrat Ayesha

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The Holy Prophet (PBUH) passed away in the age of:

  1. 60
  2. 61
  3. 62
  4. 63

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The price of a book increases from Rs.120 to Rs.150. What is the percentage increases?

  1. 35%
  2. 25%
  3. 115%
  4. 25.25.1%

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Which number will come next? 3, 5, 7, 10,12,14, 24, 26,_____

  1. 52
  2. 30
  3. 28
  4. 48

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The average of the first five multiples of 9 is:

  1. 20
  2. 27
  3. 28
  4. 30

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In the exam 45% students failed and 550 students were successful.The total number of students who appeared in the exam were:

  1. 1000
  2. 900
  3. 1500
  4. 800

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By selling a bicycle for Rs. 2,850, a shopkeeper gains 14%. If the profit is reduced to 8%, then the selling price will be:

  1. Rs. 2600
  2. Rs. 2700
  3. Rs. 2800
  4. Rs. 3000

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What is the least number of soldiers that can be drawn up in troops of 12, 15, 18 and 20 soldiers and also in form of a solid square?

  1. 900
  2. 400
  3. 1600
  4. 2500

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Q. Mr. Rehan ordered a car worth Rs. 6,00000 and was given a discount. Given that he paid Rs. 5,70000 for his new car. Calculate the percentage discount he received?

  1. 5%
  2. 7%
  3. 8%
  4. 11%

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If a man were to sell his chair for Rs. 720, he would lose 25%. To gain 25% he should sell it for:

  1. Rs. 1,200
  2. Rs. 1,000
  3. Rs. 960
  4. Rs. 900

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Ali`s age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back. What is the present age of Ali?

  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 22
  4. 10

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The number whose 3% is 60, is

  1. 2000
  2. 3000
  3. 6000
  4. None of these

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. The average temperature for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 40°C. The average for Thursday, Friday and Saturday was 41° C. If temperature on Saturday was 42° C, what was the temperature on Wednesday?

  1. 39° C
  2. 44° C
  3. 38° C
  4. 41° C

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Alley cropping’ means:

  1. Growing of pastures in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
  2. Growing of field crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
  3. Growing of only short duration crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
  4. Growing of only fooder crops in between two widely spaced rows of first growing trees

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“Hollow-heart” disease of sugar beet is caused due to:

  1. Salt toxicity
  2. Boron deficiency
  3. Moisture stress
  4. Air pollutant

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Percentage of protein in fish is:

  1. Less than 30
  2. 30 – 35
  3. 35 – 40
  4. None of the above

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Which One Of The Following Seed Rate (Kg/Ha) Is Not Correctly Matched With Crop?

  1. Wheat = 100
  2. Urd = 20
  3. Maize = 18
  4. Mustard = 20

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The term soil impoverishment relates to which one of the following?

  1. Soil erosion
  2. Soil deposition
  3. Soil getting very deficient in plant nutrients
  4. Soil getting enriched with plant nutrients

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Layering is useful for propagation of:

  1. Rose
  2. Garlic
  3. Lemon
  4. Sugarcane

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The largest wheat producing country in the world is___________?

  1. USA
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. China

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Which of the following is a Rabi Crop?

  1. Cotton
  2. Mustard
  3. Maize
  4. Rice

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Which type of N-fertilizer is suitable for water-logged soil?

  1. zinc phosphate
  2. Ammonium sulfate
  3. Calcium
  4. None of the above

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What is the synonym of “Ado”?

  1. Idiom
  2. punishment
  3. cost
  4. Fuss

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Spelling correction Renaissance

  1. Ranaissance
  2. Renassancce
  3. Renaissance
  4. Rinaissance

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Find out the word that misspelled word from the following.

  1. Bookkeeping
  2. Accounting
  3. Bankrupsy
  4. None of the above

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enthusiastic : blase :: upright : ?

  1. Deplore
  2. prone
  3. unlikely
  4. passionate

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Person who believes that God is every thing and everything is god

  1. Agnostic
  2. Theist
  3. Pantheist
  4. Pantechnicon

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Some people say that ______________ is not a true science.

  1. Psyocology
  2. psychology
  3. psychollogy
  4. psychologgy

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The purpose of the new ordinance was debated ______________.

  1. Frequently
  2. Frequindly
  3. Frequendily
  4. Frequeently

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Find out the word that misspelled..

  1. Sincerely
  2. Faithfully
  3. Reliability
  4. no mistakes

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The paramedics attempted to ————– the victim.

  1. Stabilize
  2. Stablize
  3. Stablieze
  4. stabalize

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What is the synonym of Query?

  1. Impact
  2. Quote
  3. Succeed
  4. inquire

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The Pilot was a _______________ in the Air Force.

  1. Leutenant
  2. Lieutenant
  3. Leutienanat
  4. Lutenanat

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Find out the misspelled word.

  1. Jockey
  2. Equestrian
  3. Maneuver
  4. no mistakes

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Find out the word that misspelled.

  1. announcement
  2. advisement
  3. description
  4. no mistakes

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Broadcast : Obscure, Welcome:____________

  1. Prostrate
  2. Promontory
  3. Strengthen
  4. Eject

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Involvement: Aloofness, clumsiness:______________

  1. Finesse
  2. Indecision
  3. Authority
  4. Awkwardness

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“Kindly Choose the option that best completes the comparison. Traitor : deserter :: renegade :

  1. diehard
  2. driver
  3. loyalist
  4. insurgent

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Three years have elapsed since I had gone to visit my aunt in the city.

  1. visit my aunt in the city
  2. since I had gone to
  3. Three years have elapsed
  4. No error

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