What Did Sir Isaac Pitman invent?
- The typewriter
- The propelling pencil
- A form of Shorthand
- Motor Cycle
- None of these
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Dynamite was invented in _____?
- 1860s
- 1870s
- 1890s
- None of these
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Who invented the World Wide Web (WWW) with Robert Cailliau?
- Tom Burne
- Tim Burner Lee
- Fred Zuckerberg
- Both a and b
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Microsoft corporation is founded by
- Billgates
- Paul Allen
- Both
- None
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__________ is the founder of WikiLeaks
- Julian Assange
- Charles Babbage
- Jemy walls
- None
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Who is known as the father of computer?
- Pascal
- Ada
- Herman
- Charles
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Who is the founder of twitter
- Jack Dorsey
- Noah Glass
- Biz Stone and Evan Williams
- All
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What was the original name of twitter?
- Twitr
- twite
- Twirt
- Twit it
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Fiber optics was invented by ………
- John Henry Holmes
- Thomas Edison
- Thomas Mensah
- None
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When Facebook was invented
- 2009
- 2008
- 2018
- 2004
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When was Instagram Launched
- 2010
- 2005
- 2015
- 2002
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Who is the fonder of Facebook?
- Elon Musk
- M.zeekerburg
- Bill gates
- Steve jobs
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When twitter was launched ?
- 2007
- 2009
- 2006
- 2003
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After the United States, which country has successfully landed a robot on the surface of Mars on 15 May 2021?
- Russia
- Germany
- China
- UK
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Who is known as father of E-mail ?
- David Ricardo Malthus
- Thomas
- Ray Tomlinson
- None
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Who is known as the father of modern Medicine?
- Hippocrates
- Avicenna
- Ibn Rushid
- Ibn Khuldoon
- None of these
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Greenwich main time is ___ hours behind of Pakistan standard time.
- 4
- 4:30
- 5
- 5:30
- None
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Distant objects can be seen with the help of ___________?
- Microscope
- Telescope
- Spectroscope
- Chronometer
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The steam-engine was invented ____?
- James Watt
- Wilson
- James Chadwick
- None
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What J.B Dunlop invented__?
- Rubber boot
- Pneumatic rubber tire
- Automobile wheel rim
- None
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Max plank bagged Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of _____________
- Strethoscope
- Energy Quanta
- Telescope
- All
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Battery was invented by _____
- Alessandro Volta
- Graham Bell
- Wilson
- None
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Who build the first modern motorcar which worked with Gasoline
- John Volta
- Karl Benz
- Henry Burmann
- Henry Austin
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the first ant-like walking robot without GPS was developed by
- UK
- China
- France
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Who is the founder of zoom app?
- Eric yuan
- Mark zekerburg
- Both
- None
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Who discovered China?
- Chenlal
- Marco Polo
- Shensui
- Yuan Shikai
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In which country paper was first invented?
- China
- Japan
- India
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Who invented keyboard _________?
- Christopher letham
- Charlas Babbage
- Tim Berner Lee
- None
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Father of internet is______?
- Vint Cerf
- Charles Babbage
- Tim Berners Lee
- None
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When was the Nano sim first introduced?
- 2012
- 2005
- 2010
- 2020
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Big Exporter of LNG:
- Qarar
- Turkey
- UK
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when was the first YouTube video was uploaded?
- 1985
- 1965
- 2015
- 2005
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Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?
- N.Armstrong
- Persie J
- A.Gilder
- J.Black
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Which country did silk originate from ?
- Pakistan
- India
- England
- China
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When was barb wire pretended
- 1874
- 1866
- 1854
- 1877
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Who is credited for discovery of Planetry motion___?
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Kepler
- Darwan
- None
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Who invented Turbojet engine_______?
- Stanley Hooker
- Robert Watson
- Ernst Heinkel
- Frank Whittle
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Who invented Jet Engine______?
- Lewis E. Waterman
- Gottlieb Daimler
- Roger Bacon
- Sir Frank Whittle
- None of these
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Electric motor was invented by ______________
- Henry Cavendish
- Rutherford
- Faraday
- Isaac Newton
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TV was invented by _______
- Johannes Kepler
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- John Logie Baird
- Marconi
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Who discovered the atomic nucleus
- Marconi
- Neils Bohr
- Ernest Rutherford
- None
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Who invented Telephone?
- J.K. Jack
- P.Wiliam
- A.J.Bell
- Peter J
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Radio was discovered by ______
- Newton
- Marconi
- Sikorsky
- None
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Who developed oral polio vaccine
- Albert Sabin
- Edword Jenner
- Maurice Hileman
- Jonas Salk
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Polio vaccine was invented by___?
- Jonas Salk
- Newton
- Darwin
- None
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Color TV was invented by ___?
- Peter Gold Mark
- Baird
- Charles Babbage
- None
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Barometer was invented by_____?
- Daniel Fahrenhei
- Robert Boyle
- Galileo
- Evangelista Torricelli
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Who discovered Cell_______?
- Rudolf Virchow
- Robert Hooke
- Robert Boyl
- None
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Wright brothers are famous for ____
- Invention of Airplane
- Discovery of Aviation
- Discovery of TV
- None
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Diesel engine was discovered by _________-
- Eugen Diesel
- Gottlieb Daimler
- Karl Benz
- Rudolf Diesel
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Who among the following is known for originating concept of programmable computer
- Charles Babbage
- Blaise Pascal
- Herman Hollerith
- None
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Radio activity was discovered by___?
- Henry Becquerel
- Marconi
- Galileo
- None
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Euclid of Alexandria is known for laying foundations of modern day _________
- Geometry
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- None
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Galileo was an Italian astronomer who
- Developed the telescope
- Discoverd four satellites of Jupiter
- Discovered the movement of pendulum produces a regular times measurement
- All of the above
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Who invented Tractor?
- Nikola tesla
- Henry ford
- Benjamin Holt
- None
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Instagram is now owned by:
- Apple
- None
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When was face book launched ?
- 2004
- 2019
- 1970
- 2020
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Which of following social media is oldest?
- Tiktok
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Who discover Penicillin?
- F Jacksin
- Einstein
- A. Fleming
- J.Iqbal
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How many blades does a Helicopter have?
- 16
- 15
- 10
- 7
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Who is the founder of Microsoft?
- Steve
- Henry
- Bill gates
- Charlie
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Which Economist is known as the father of economics?
- Arthurcecil
- Irving fisher
- Adam Smith
- David R
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The atmospheric pressure at any place is measured by:
- Altimeter
- Pressure Meter
- Thermometer
- Barometer
- None of the above
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How many wheels are on a car?
- 3
- 4
- 8
- 2
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Which company designed the world’s first Smart phone?
- Microsoft
- Nokia
- Apple
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Who founded the game of Basketball?
- J.Balwin
- J.Naismith
- M.Jackson
- B.Afleck
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who was the scientist who introduce Nuclear power?
- E fermi
- Elon Musk
- Steve jobs
- Bill gates
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Where was electric guitar invented?
- Los Angeles
- Taxila
- Jalalabad
- Yangoin
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Who was the inventor of Bitcoin?
- Steve jobs
- Bill gates
- S.Nakinot
- Elan musk
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To which country Christopher Columbus belong?
- Spain
- Italy
- England
- Rome
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Which of the following explorer become first person come to India by water
- Purtigues
- Italian
- Both
- None
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which country has launched the world’s biggest transport spaceship for Space Station?
- China
- Usa
- Russia
- Japan
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Who invented bulb?
- Philips
- Robert
- Edison
- Willium
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Transistor invented by:
- Edison
- Thomson
- Bardeen
- None of the above
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Structure of DNA was discovered by:
- James Watson
- Samuel Morse
- Edward Jenner
- Louis Pasteur
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The first network called:
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Who is the founder of electric cars manufacturing company “Tesla”
- Bill gates
- Larry page
- Elon musk
- Jeff benz
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Who is known as the father of electricity ____?
- Thomas Edison
- Nikola Tesla
- Graham Bell
- Michael Faraday
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The first European to reach India by sea was___?
- Christopher Columbus
- Macro Polo
- John Cabot
- Vasco Da Gama
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Thermometer was the invention of _____
- Einstein
- Sir Thomas albert
- Galileo
- Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
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Galileo is associated with which of following inventions
- Barometer
- Steam engine
- Microscope
- Telescope
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Who is called the Father of History?
- Aristotle
- Socrates
- Herodotus
- Plato
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Al-Khwarizmi invented the __________________?
- Binary number
- Zero
- Decimal
- None of these
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