“In the Line of Fire” is the autobiography of:

  1. Musharaf
  2. Benazir Bhutto
  3. Zia-Ul-Haq
  4. Asif Zardari
  5. None of the above

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“My leader “is a biography which is written by_________?

  1. Ziauddin Ahmed Suleri
  2. Ameer Ali
  3. K.K Aziz
  4. Parvez Musharaf
  5. None of these

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The wrote the famous poem ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’?

  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Jane Taylor
  3. Charles Dickens
  4. Jane Austin
  5. Shakespeare

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The book ” Friends not Masters” was written by____________?

  1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  2. Liaquat Ali Khan
  3. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
  4. General Ayoub Khan

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Who wrote “The Emergence of Pakistan”?

  1. Ahmed Saeed
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Choudhry Muhammad Ali
  4. None of the above
  5. I don’t know

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Who is the writer of the book “India wins freedom”?

  1. Allama Iqbal
  2. Abul Kalam Azad
  3. Choudhri Rehmat Ali
  4. General Ayoub Khan
  5. None of the above

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Who wrote Qissa-Ahsan al-Qissas?

  1. Hashim Shah
  2. Bulleh Shah
  3. Fazal Shah
  4. Ghulam Rasool
  5. None of these

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The book Sassi Punnu was written by?

  1. Waris Shah
  2. Baba Bulley Shahl
  3. Khuda Bhaksh
  4. Hashim Shah
  5. None of the above

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Who is the author of the book ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’?

  1. George Orwell
  2. Emile Zola
  3. Thomas Hardy
  4. None

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What is nationality of J.K. Rowling author of Harry Potter?

  1. Greek
  2. French
  3. American
  4. British
  5. UAE

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Book ‘The Sole Spokesman’ is authored by:

  1. Mubarak Ali
  2. Stanley Wolpert
  3. Anatol Lieven
  4. Ayesha Jalal

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What is the name of autobiography of Adlof Hitler

  1. Hope and success
  2. Mein Kampf
  3. Das Kapital
  4. none

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“Jinnah of Pakistan “written by

  1. Stanly Wolpert
  2. Hector Bolitho
  3. Philip Hitti
  4. None

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Who wrote “Pakistan in Transition”?

  1. Fazal Muqeem Khan
  2. Hamid Sharif
  3. Fazal Karim
  4. William Howard Wriggers
  5. None of these

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Ahya Ul Aloom book was written by

  1. Imam Malik
  2. Imam Gazali
  3. Imam Abu Hanifa
  4. None

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Malala in her new book “We Are Displaced” discussed the story of which two refugee girls?

  1. Zaynab and Muzoon
  2. Zaynab and Malala
  3. Zaynab and Masooma
  4. None of these

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“Clash of Civilization” was written by?

  1. Donal A
  2. G.Aliena
  3. Samuel P. Huntington
  4. None

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Who is the author of “The Origin of Species” ?

  1. Charles Darwin
  2. Pope
  3. Hardy
  4. Goldsmith
  5. None of the above

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The book Al Qanoon Fi Tib written by ___?

  1. Abu Ali Sina
  2. Jabar bin Hayyan
  3. Ibn Al Hashim
  4. None

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Composition of Alchemy was written by ___?

  1. Jabir Bin Hayyan
  2. lovieser
  3. Ibn al Hashim
  4. Al Beroni

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The famous book Al-Qanun was written by:

  1. Abdul Sina
  2. Abdul Qasim
  3. Jabir bin Hayan
  4. Zakariya Al-Razi
  5. Abu Ali Sina

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which is the largest library be of the world

  1. Congress
  2. Library and archives canada
  3. Both
  4. None

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ناول آخری آدمی کس نے لکھا تھا؟

  1. شوکت صدیقی
  2. احمد فراز
  3. مرزا غالب
  4. حمیرہ احمد
  5. انتظار حسین

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اقبال نے معاشیات کے متعلق کونسع کتاب لکھی؟

  1. بانگ درا
  2. ارمغان حجاز
  3. علم الاقتصاد
  4. شکوہ

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“Hayat e javed” is written by?

  1. Khwaja Mir Dard
  2. Momin Khan Momin
  3. Saghar Siddiqui
  4. Altaf Hussain Hali

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khutbat e ahmadiyya written by:

  1. Allama Iqbal
  2. Sir Syed Ahmad
  3. Altaf Hussain
  4. None

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Who is the author of “Raqqat -e- Alamgari”?

  1. Aurangzeb
  2. Ishwar Das
  3. Dikhon ara Sh
  4. Mulla Daud

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Way of the world is written by___

  1. keat
  2. Shakespeare
  3. William Congreve
  4. None

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Tafseer dar ul Mansoor was written by:

  1. Jalal ud din Sayuti
  2. Jala ud Romi
  3. Both
  4. None

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Which book is entitled as ” Bible of Communism .”

  1. Das Kapital
  2. War and peace
  3. Communist Manifesto
  4. None

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خدا کی بستی ناول کس نے لکھا؟

  1. مرزا غالب
  2. احمد فراز
  3. حمیرہ احمد
  4. شوکت صدیقی
  5. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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Who is the writer of the novel “Siddhartha”?

  1. Herman Hesse
  2. Adolf Hitler
  3. George Washington
  4. Barrak Obama
  5. None of the above

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Siddhartha written by:

  1. Herman Hesse
  2. Gotam Buddah
  3. Kishan
  4. None

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Bhagavad Gita was written by:

  1. Duddah
  2. Vyasa
  3. Both
  4. None

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Who wrote A Nation is born?

  1. J.W Choudry
  2. Parvaiz Iqbal Cheema
  3. Syed Mahmmud Hassan
  4. None

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Who wrote “Paradise Lost”

  1. Milton
  2. Byton
  3. Shelley
  4. Keats
  5. None

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Ernest Hemingway is known for:

  1. A Farewell to arms
  2. Winner take nothing
  3. The Old Man and the Sea
  4. All
  5. None

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Who was the writer of famous Noval series” The God Father?

  1. Mario Puzo
  2. Victor Hue
  3. John Hilton
  4. Mack jay

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“Chachnama” was originally written _________?

  1. Sindhi
  2. Persian
  3. Urdu
  4. Punjabi
  5. Arabic

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Shahnama-i-Islam was written by:

  1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  2. Hafeez Jhalandari
  3. Allama Iqbal
  4. Firdausi
  5. None of the above

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The book “Ilam-ul-Iqtisad” was authored by:

  1. Ibu Zahra
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Imam Ghazali
  4. Hashim Nadeem
  5. None of the above

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Author of the book “The Making of Modern Sindh” is _____________?

  1. Rasool Bux Palijo
  2. Ibrahim Joyo
  3. Amar Jalil
  4. Samina Bukhari
  5. Hamida Khuhro

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Who is the writer of “Chachnama”?

  1. Raja Chach of Sindh
  2. Kazi Ismail
  3. Ali bin Mohammad Kufi
  4. None of these

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Who is the writer of ‘Mediaeval India under Mohammedan rules’?

  1. Stanley Wolpert
  2. Stanley Lockhart
  3. Stanley William
  4. Stanley Lane-Poole
  5. None of these

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“Shahnama” was written by:

  1. Firdausi
  2. Al- Beruni
  3. Ameer Khusro
  4. None

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“New Kings of the World ” is written by :

  1. Khaled Hussani
  2. Fatima Bhutto
  3. Paulo coelho
  4. Arundhati Roy

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War and peace written by

  1. Thomas jefferson
  2. Leo Tolstoy
  3. Barak Obama
  4. All

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The book ‘Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts’ is written by?

  1. Quaid e Azam
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
  4. None

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The book ‘ The Audacity of Hope:Thoughts on Reclaiming the American dream is Authored by:

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Barack Obama
  3. Ronald Wilson
  4. George Bush

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A book thoughts on Pakistan is written by

  1. Loe tolsty
  2. B R Ambedkar
  3. Both
  4. None

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The author of Governing the Ungovernable: Institutional Reforms for Democratic Governance is:

  1. Ishrat Hussain
  2. Khurshaid Mehmood
  3. Shamshad Akhtar
  4. None

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” Wings of Fire” is autobiography of?

  1. Shirin Ebadi
  2. Dr Abdul Kadir Khan
  3. Etizaz Ehsan
  4. Dr Abdul Kalam

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The book entitled ‘Freedom’ at Midnight is written by:

  1. H.T. Lambrick
  2. Eastwick
  3. Larry Collins
  4. Ch. Muhammad Ali

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The famous book ‘History of Saracens’ was written by:

  1. Gibbon
  2. Justice Ameer Ali
  3. Sayed Mohsin Ali
  4. T. Elliot

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The famous book ‘History of Saracens’ was written by:

  1. Gibbon
  2. Justice Ameer Ali
  3. Sayed Mohsin Ali
  4. T. Elliot

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Who wrote American independence declaration?

  1. Thomas Jefferson
  2. Ibrhm lincon
  3. Edward second
  4. None

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The book “21 Lessons of 21st Century” is written by:_________?

  1. George Friedman
  2. Yuval Noah Harari
  3. Alan Guth
  4. BF Skinner

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Who is the author of the recently released book ‘The Pandemic Century’?

  1. David Cameron
  2. Mark Honigsbaum
  3. Richard Skemp
  4. None of these

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Stanley Wolpert is popular due to his biography on:

  1. Winston Churchil
  2. M. Ali Jinnah
  3. John F Kenedy
  4. Benazir Bhutto

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Avista is the Holy book of

  1. Zoroastrianism
  2. Islam
  3. Christianity
  4. None

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Vande Mataram, the poem written by whom____?

  1. R. K. Narayan
  2. Mulk Raj Anand
  3. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
  4. Manohar Sing

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Who is the author of the romantic novel Pride and Prejudice ____?

  1. Jane Ayre
  2. Jane Austen
  3. Jane Greene
  4. None of the above

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Amaan Ullah

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