Al Azhar University is the Chief centre of Islamic and Arabic learning in the world located in the?
- Tehran, Iran
- Islamabad, Pakistan
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Cairo, Egypt
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Taxila University was established by the king
- Ashoka
- Akbar
- Mahweer
- Babar
- None of these
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Mass media helps in
- Spreading education
- spreading ignorance
- spreading illness
- stopping education
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Learning by doing refers what _____?
- Education
- Health
- Exercise
- None of the above
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Banaras institute is made for
- English
- Hindi
- Urdu
- None of these
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The study of which words occur together, and their frequency of co occurrence:
- Connotation
- Collocation
- Implication
- Location
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Which of the following terms are assigned to the 13 properties identified by Hockett (1960)?
- Linguistic Universe
- Relative Scripts
- Universal Scripts
- Linguistic Nodes
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Economics is the science of _____________.
- Social Norms
- Politics
- Sports
- Wealth
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It is important for the teachers to be equipped with _______in carrying out the goals of education and fulfilling their obligations
- Some Knowledge and no skills
- Some Skills
- Proper Knowledge and Skills
- No Knowledge at all
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The study of human necessity and desire is called:
- Sociology
- Economic
- politics
- None
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In which university micro teaching system was started in 1961:
- Stanford University
- Oxford University
- Punjab University
- None
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Mutazilah was an Islamic school of speculative that flourished in the 10th centuries, where is flourished?
- Al Bayda, Basra
- Urmia, Ghazni
- Basra, Baghdad
- All of these
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