FASTING روزے MCQs | Islamic Studies Mcqs


Which pillar of Islam is declared as armour?

  1. Salat
  2. Soam
  3. Zakat
  4. Hajj

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Fasting during Ramadan is which of the 5 pillars of Islam?

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Forth

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Fasting was made obligatory in ____.

  1. 9th Shaban, 2 A.H,
  2. 8th Shaban, 2 A.H,
  3. 7th Shaban, 2 A.H,
  4. 10th Shaban,2 A.H,
  5. None of these

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Third Ashra of Ramadan is known as ____?

  1. Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
  2. Days of Forgiveness
  3. Days of Mercy
  4. None of these

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What does Taraweeh means?

  1. To Rest
  2. To sit
  3. To Stand
  4. To Pray
  5. None of these

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Saum (fasting) is resembled in Hadith with a:

  1. Strong wall
  2. House
  3. Shield
  4. Castle

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Fasting demands total abstinence from ________?

  1. Eating
  2. sex
  3. Smoking
  4. All of these

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What the name of door in paradise that opens only for those that fast?

  1. Al Aiman
  2. Al Rayyan
  3. Al Jihad
  4. Al Hajj

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نبی کریم ﷺ نے ارشاد فرمایا “الصوم جنتہ لفظ جنتہ کا کیا مطلب ہے؟

  1. باغ
  2. جنت
  3. جنات
  4. ڈھال

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Number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender?

  1. 5th
  2. 6th
  3. 7th
  4. 8th
  5. 9th

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In which Islamic month Nafal prayer is equal to Farz prayer?

  1. Safar
  2. Rajab
  3. Shaban
  4. Ramadan
  5. None of these

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How many days are prohibited for fasting throughout the Year?

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 7
  5. None of these

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Our Holy Prophet ﷺ broke fast (Aftari) with _______?

  1. Milk
  2. Water
  3. Dates
  4. All of these
  5. Both b&c

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عید الفطر کونسے اسلامی مہینے میں آتی ہے

  1. رمضان
  2. شوال
  3. شعبان
  4. ذی الحج

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____ is called Shield against sins.

  1. Fasting
  2. Zakat
  3. Salat
  4. Hajj
  5. None of these

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Namaz e Taraweeh is?

  1. sunnat
  2. farz
  3. wajib
  4. Both a & c
  5. None of these

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____ died on the tenth of Ramadan 10th Nabvi?

  1. Hazrat Memona (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat Khadija (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Salma (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Safia (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Which surah of Quran was first revealed in the month of Ramadan?

  1. Baqrah
  2. Naas
  3. Nisa
  4. Imran

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What does the breath of fasting person smell like according to Hadith?

  1. Honey
  2. Flower
  3. Musk
  4. Perfume

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How many Arkan Roza has?

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 5
  5. None of these

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In which month Allah forgives 10 lakh Muslims every day at the time of Aftari?

  1. Safar
  2. Rajab
  3. Sha’ban
  4. Ramadan
  5. None of these

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The second Ashra of Ramazan is called?

  1. Ashra-e-Najat-e-Naar-e-Jahannum
  2. Ashra-e-Rehmat
  3. Ashra-e-Maghfirat
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

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The function of fasting is ______?

  1. To Help the poor
  2. To Provide Comfort to the Society
  3. To Make the Sacrifice of Body and Soul
  4. To create peace in the Society
  5. All of these

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____ is the most important night in the month of Ramzan.

  1. Shab-e-Miraj
  2. Shab-e-Bara’at
  3. Shab-e-Qadar
  4. All ramzan Night
  5. None of these

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The First Ashra of Ramadan is known as?

  1. Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
  2. Days of Forgiveness
  3. Days of Mercy
  4. None of these

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What is the atonement for breaking the fast.

  1. To Feed 70 people
  2. To Feed 60 people
  3. To Feed 50 people
  4. To Feed 80 people
  5. None of these

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How many days are forbidden for Soam/Fasting throughout the year_____?

  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 7
  5. None of these

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Seclusion is Sunnah in the month of Ramzan. Another kind of Seclusion is Wajib its meaning is_______?

  1. Ordained
  2. Obligation
  3. Imperative
  4. valid
  5. None of these

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Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is________?

  1. Sunnah
  2. Mustahab
  3. Wajib
  4. Nafl
  5. None of these

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How many units (rakat) taraveh are offered in Ramadan?

  1. 16
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 20
  5. None of these

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What are the second 10 days of Ramadan called?

  1. Fire
  2. Mercy
  3. Prosperity
  4. Forgiveness

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روزہ کس سن ہجری میں فرض ہوا؟

  1. 9th Shaban, 2 A.H
  2. 8th Shaban, 2 A.H
  3. 7th Shaban, 2 A.H
  4. 10th Shaban, 2 A.H
  5. None of these

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What are the conditions that allow Muslims not to fast during Ramadan?

  1. Work
  2. Health
  3. Exam
  4. Mood

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Which night is better than thousand nights?

  1. Lailat-ul-Miraj
  2. Lailat-ul-Qadar
  3. Lailat-ul-Bara’at
  4. None of these
  5. None of these

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Which is the month of purity?

  1. Ramazan
  2. Shawal
  3. Zil-Hajj
  4. Rabi-us-Sani
  5. None of these

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The pre requisite of Fasting is______?

  1. Self-motivation
  2. Self-control
  3. Self-discipline
  4. Self-determination
  5. None of these

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Etikaf is ____ in the month of Ramzan.

  1. wajib
  2. Sunnah
  3. Farz
  4. Nafal
  5. None of these

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The kaffarah for breaking fast is to keep ______ fast for continuous days.

  1. 30 days
  2. 40 days
  3. 50 days
  4. 60 days
  5. Depend on situation

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Laylatul Qadr is better than______?

  1. 1 thousand months
  2. 1 thousand hours
  3. 1 thousand days
  4. 1 thousand years
  5. None of these

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How many types of fast a Muslim keeps?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Five
  5. Ten

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The literal meaning of Soam is ____?

  1. To Avoid Something
  2. To Leave Something
  3. To Leave Sex and Take Drink
  4. All of these
  5. Both a & b

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Which country has the shortest fasting hours?

  1. Finland
  2. Ireland
  3. Spain
  4. Argentina

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What food is traditionally first eaten to break the fast at the end of the day?

  1. Corn
  2. Olives
  3. Dates
  4. Fruits

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What is sehri called in Arabic?

  1. Shor
  2. Sahur
  3. Khalq
  4. Zabur

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What is the name of the first Ashra of Ramadan?

  1. Mercy
  2. Peace
  3. Enjoyment
  4. Heaven

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Before the fasting of Ramadan become obligatory,Muslims were order to fast on which day?

  1. 1st Shawwal
  2. 10 Muharram
  3. 12 Rajab
  4. 15 Safar

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What does Eid-ul-Fitr mean?

  1. Breaking fast
  2. Making special prayer
  3. Commemorating the prophet ﷺ birth
  4. First day of Shaban
  5. None of these

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When the month of Ramazan comes, the doors of the Heaven are opened and the doors of hell are closed.”It is______.

  1. Quranic Ayat
  2. Hadith
  3. Qiyas
  4. Ijma
  5. None of these

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Soam is prohibited at the time of ______?

  1. Eid-ul-Azha
  2. Eid-ul-Fitr
  3. Eid Milad un-Nabi
  4. Both a & b
  5. All of these

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what is the name of month before Ramadan in Islamic calander?

  1. Safar
  2. Rajab
  3. Shawal
  4. Shaban

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What is sighted to indicate the start of Ramadan?

  1. Moon
  2. Star
  3. Sun
  4. Cloude

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The reward of obligatory deeds in Ramadan is multiplied by how much?

  1. 2
  2. 70
  3. 5
  4. 3

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What is the meal called before the beginning of fast?

  1. Iftar
  2. Walima
  3. Taeam
  4. Suhoor

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Which holiday mark the end of Ramadan?

  1. Muharram
  2. Eidulfitar
  3. Suhrawardy
  4. Eiduladha

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What is the meal called that taken to break your fast in Ramadan?

  1. Hisar
  2. Walima
  3. Iftar
  4. Qasar

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How many days do Muslim fast in Ramadan?

  1. 12
  2. 25
  3. 30
  4. 20

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Fasting is between Rozadar and ______?

  1. Jinns
  2. Angels
  3. Prophet
  4. Allah
  5. None of these

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The second Ashra of Ramadan is known as ____?

  1. Ashra-e-Rehmat
  2. Ashra-e-Maghfirat
  3. Ashra-e-Najat-e-Naar-e-Jahannum
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

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The Commandment for observing Fast has been stipulated in the Surah________?

  1. Surah Baqara
  2. Surah Fateh
  3. Surah Namal
  4. Surah Yaseen
  5. None of these

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Who are exempt from Ramadan’s fasting?

  1. Senility and old age
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  3. Sickness
  4. Travelling
  5. All of these

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Allah forgives _____ Muslims every day at the time of iftar in Ramadan?

  1. 8 lakh
  2. 6 lakh
  3. 4 lakh
  4. 10 lakh
  5. None of these

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How many Ashra are there in Ramzan?

  1. Ashra-e-Rehmat
  2. Ashra-e-Maghfirat
  3. Ashra-e-Najat-e-Naar-e-Jahannum
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

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Which month is known as Sayeed us Shahoor?

  1. Ramazan
  2. Sha’ban
  3. Rajab
  4. Zil-Haj
  5. None of these

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Amaan Ullah

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