FIRST IN ISLAM MCQs | Islamic Studies Mcqs


Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first time?

  1. Hazrat Umar (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat abu Salman (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Hamza (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Who was the first poet who was rewarded by Holy Prophet PBUH?

  1. Kaab Bin Zuhair
  2. Abu Jandal
  3. Usamah Bin Zaid
  4. Maalik Bin Dinar
  5. None of the above

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Name the first non-Arab Muslim who accepted Islam first?

  1. Hazrat Usamah Bin Zaid RA
  2. Hazrat Farwah Bin Umro Al Jazami RA
  3. Hazrat Awais Qarni RA
  4. Hazrat Bilal Habshi RA
  5. None of thse

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Who accepted Islam first in Children?

  1. Hazrat Usman (RA)
  2. Hazrat Umar (RA)
  3. Hazrat Ali (RA)
  4. Hazrat Bilal (RA)
  5. None Of The Above

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On which place, first Wahi was descended?

  1. Sore Cave
  2. Hira Cave
  3. Khana-Kaaba
  4. None of them

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The first Charter of Human Rights is?

  1. U.N. Charter
  2. International Charter
  3. French Constitution
  4. Khutba-Hajjat-ul-Vida
  5. None of these

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How many verses in Surah Al-Baqrah?

  1. 176 Ayat
  2. 200 Ayat
  3. 286 Ayat
  4. None of these

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Name the first woman , after Hazrat Khadija embraced Islam.

  1. Hazrat Labala bint Haris
  2. Hazrat Ayesha
  3. Umm e Habiba
  4. None of these

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Who became 2nd Muslim women in Islam?

  1. Hazrat Lubaba
  2. Hazrat Khadija
  3. Hazrat ayesha
  4. Hazrat suda

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Hazrat ___________ accepted Islam first in Women.

  1. Amina
  2. Khadija
  3. Hafsa
  4. Ruqya

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Name The First Female False Prophetess?

  1. Sajah
  2. Hiba
  3. Hinza
  4. None of them
  5. None of these

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Who collected the Quran in the form of book?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (R.A)
  4. None of the above

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First Azan was called out in___ A.H.

  1. 1 A.H.
  2. 2 A.H.
  3. 3 A.H.
  4. 4 A.H.
  5. None of these

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Which is first Madni Surah in Quran?

  1. Aal-e-Imran
  2. Al-Nisa
  3. Al-Baqarah
  4. Surah e Fatiha

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The first mosque in the history of Islam?

  1. Masjid-ul-Haram
  2. Masjid-e-Nabavi
  3. Masjid-e-Aqsa
  4. Masjid e Quba

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What is the verbal meaning of word “islam”?

  1. Belief on Allah
  2. Confidence of Allah
  3. Obedience of Allah
  4. Worship of Allah

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Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which prophet?

  1. Hazrat Yaqoob (AH)
  2. Hazrat Daud (AH)
  3. Hazrat Nooh (AH)
  4. Hazrat Adam (AH)
  5. Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

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How many times does the name of Muhammad ﷺ come in the Quran?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5

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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognized which city in the world’s healthiest city?

  1. Islamabad
  2. Medina
  3. Makka
  4. Najaf

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The first masjid (Mosque) on the surface of earth is:

  1. Masjid -i-Aqsa
  2. Masjid-e-Quba
  3. Masjid-ul-Haram
  4. Masjid-i-Nabvi

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Which event is called as the first human rights laws in history _______?

  1. Messaq-e-Madina
  2. Treaty of Hudaibiya
  3. Khutbah hujjah tul wida
  4. None of the above

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The first Ummayed Caliph was ___?

  1. Abu Ubaidah (رضہ)
  2. Ameer Muawiyah (رضہ)
  3. Khalid bin Waleed (رضہ)
  4. Amr bin Al-Aas (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Eid Prayer is ___?

  1. Sunnat
  2. Farz
  3. Wajib
  4. Mustahib
  5. None of these

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Where was the Quran revealed first?

  1. Madina
  2. Cave Hira
  3. Kabba
  4. Riayadh

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In which language Shah Wali ullah translated the Holy Quran?

  1. Urdu
  2. Hindi
  3. Sindhi
  4. English
  5. Persian

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First time In which language Quran was translated

  1. Persian
  2. Greek Latin
  3. Latin
  4. None

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Name the language in which the Holy Quran was translated for the first time in India?

  1. Persian
  2. Punjabi
  3. Balochi
  4. Sindhi
  5. None of these

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عورتوں میں سب سے پہلے اسلام کس نے قبول کیا

  1. ؓحضرت خد یجہ
  2. ؓحضرت عائشہ
  3. ؓ حضرت فاطمہ بی بی
  4. ؓحضرت سمیہ

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Who was the Prophet which first laid the foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa?

  1. Hazart Muhammad ﷺ
  2. Hazart younus ( A.S)
  3. Hazart Daood ( A.S)
  4. Hazart Suleman (علیہ)
  5. Hazart Ibrahim ( A.S)

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At Masjid e ___first Muslim university was established

  1. Nabvi
  2. zarar
  3. Cuba
  4. None

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Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him offered Eid Prayer for the first time in_____?

  1. 1st Hijrah
  2. 2nd Hijrah
  3. 3rd Hijrah
  4. None of the above

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Who was the first Muslim Caliph of Spain?

  1. Abd L Malik
  2. Abd Al Jabar
  3. Abd Ar Rehman Ad-Dakhil
  4. Marwan 11
  5. None of these

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How many days are prohibited for fasting throughout the Year?

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 7
  5. None of these

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Who was the first person from Madina to accept Islam?

  1. Hazrat Suwaid bin Samit R.A
  2. Hazrat Khalid bin waleed R.A
  3. Hazrat Abu Zar R.A
  4. Hazrat Bilal R.A
  5. None of these

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Who was the first person to offer Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet (SA W).

  1. Khadija (رضہ)
  2. Abu Bakar (رضہ)
  3. Ali (رضہ)
  4. Adam (علیہ)
  5. None of these

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How many times order for Zakat came in Quran?

  1. 22 times
  2. 28 times
  3. 32 times
  4. 38 times

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Before Islam most of the Arab’s worshipped:

  1. Idols
  2. Moon
  3. Cows
  4. All of these

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In the History of Islam only sahabi without seeing Prophet:

  1. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
  2. Awais Karni
  3. Imam Bukhari
  4. None of these

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How many verses (Ayats) were in first Wahi?

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 15
  4. 20

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What was the age of Rasool Ullah (PBUH) at the time of first Wahi?

  1. 40 years 6 months
  2. 40 years 11 months
  3. 40 years 3 months
  4. 40 years 9 months

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The first Nimaz-e-Janazah performed by Holy Prophet (SAWS) was of which Sahabi?

  1. Asad bin Zaraara
  2. Yasir ibn Amir
  3. Sumayya bint khabbat
  4. none

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The first Msjid built by Muhammad is?

  1. Masjid-ul-Haram
  2. Masjid-e-Nabavi
  3. Masjid-e-Aqsa
  4. Masjid e Quba
  5. None of the above

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Hazrat __ was the First Hafiz of the Holy Quran?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Umer (R.a)
  3. Hazrat Usman (R.a)
  4. None of these

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Who was the first writer of “Wahi” in Quraish?

  1. Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)
  2. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
  3. Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA)
  4. Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA)
  5. None of the above

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Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A?

  1. 5378
  2. 5374
  3. 5356
  4. 5837
  5. None of these

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اسلام کی پہلی تعمیر ہونے والی مسجد کا نام بتائیں؟

  1. مسجد الحرام
  2. مسجد نبوی
  3. مسجد قبا
  4. مسجد اقصٰی

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______________ died first among the Sahabah.

  1. Hazrat Asad bin Zarra (RA)
  2. Hazrat Abubakar (RA)
  3. Hazrat Umer (RA)
  4. Hazrat Usman (RA)

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Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian?

  1. Hazrat Majdad Alif Sani
  2. Shah Wali Ullah
  3. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
  4. Tauqir Amaan Khan
  5. None of these

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اسلام میں عورتوں کے لئے پردے کا حکم کب ہوا

  1. یکم ہجری
  2. دو ہجری
  3. تین ہجری
  4. چار ہجری

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Who was the first person who counted the Aayath (verses) of the Quran?

  1. Hazart Abu Bakar (رضہ)
  2. Hazart Ayesha(رضہ)
  3. Hazart Fatma(رضہ)
  4. Hazart Umer(رضہ)
  5. None of these

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Who firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book form?

  1. Hazart Zaid bin sabit (رضہ)
  2. Hazart Abu Bakar (رضہ)
  3. Hazart Usman (رضہ)
  4. Hazart Hafsa (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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The Wahi was sent in the month of __?.

  1. Safar
  2. Shawal
  3. Ramzan
  4. None of These
  5. None of these

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پہلی مسلم ریاست کی بنیاد کہاں رکہی گئی؟

  1. فلسطین میں
  2. مکہ میں
  3. ریاض میں
  4. ایران میں
  5. مدینہ میں

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اسلام کے سب سے پہلے موذن کون تھے؟

  1. حضرت عمر رضی آللہ تعالی عنہ
  2. حضرت علی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ
  3. ؑحضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ
  4. حضرت بلال رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ
  5. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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Name of the first Caliph of Islam who introduced the Jail Department?

  1. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Umar (R.A)

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The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was to ____?

  1. city of Ta’if
  2. Madina
  3. Makkah
  4. Baghdad
  5. Abyssinia (Ethopia)

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When the first wahi was revealed to the Holy Prophet ﷺ?

  1. 630AD
  2. 610AD
  3. 600AD
  4. 710AD
  5. None of these

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Who was the first preacher of Islam appointed by Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ for the people of Madina?

  1. Hazrat Ayub Ansari (RA)
  2. Hazrat Jafar Tayyar (RA)
  3. Hazrat Musab ibn Umair (RA)
  4. Hazrat Usman (RA)
  5. None of these

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Name the first person who received three blows of arrows during prayer but did not discontinue his prayer?

  1. Hazrat Abaad bin Bashar (RA)
  2. Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA)
  3. Hazrat Harram bin Malhan (RA)
  4. Hazrat Swaid bin Samit (RA)
  5. None of these

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Who proposed Azan for the first time?

  1. Hazrat Usman
  2. Hazrat Ali
  3. Hazrat Umer
  4. Hazrat Abu Bakar
  5. All of these

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The Islamic calendar is also called?

  1. Lunar calendar
  2. Hijri calendar
  3. Muslim calendar
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the avove

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Who Introduced Police System?

  1. Hazrat Umer (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
  5. None of these

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The first census of Islamic world in ____ period?

  1. Hazrat Usman
  2. Hazrat Umar
  3. Hazrat Abu Bakar
  4. Hazrat Ali
  5. None of these

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First complete Madani Surah is?

  1. Aal-e-Imran
  2. Al-Nisa
  3. Al-Nas
  4. Al-Baqarah
  5. None of these

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Who was the first lady inspector of Madinah appointed by Hazrat Umar (رضہ) ?

  1. Hazrat Ayesha
  2. Rufaida Al-Aslamia
  3. Umm Al-shifaa bint Abdullah
  4. Umm Aimen
  5. None of these

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The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of_____?

  1. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

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“Baytal-Hikmat was a___________?

  1. Observatory
  2. Translation bureau
  3. Medical University
  4. none

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The first poet of Islam is ____?

  1. Hazrat Ali (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat Ubaidullah (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Hasaan ibn e sabit (رضہ)
  5. None of these

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—- translated the Holy Quran In Punjabi

  1. Hafiz lakhvi
  2. Shah wali Ullah
  3. Both
  4. none

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First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English ?

  1. Abdul Hakeem
  2. Anwar saadat
  3. Abdul Kalam Azad
  4. All

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Who for the first time translated the Holy Quran in sindhi language?

  1. Shah Rafiuddin
  2. Shah Abdul Qadir
  3. Shah Ismail Dehlavi
  4. Aakhud Azzizullah

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Who translated the Holy Quran in Urdu for the first time_____?

  1. Shah Abdul Qadir
  2. Molana Shah Mehmood
  3. Shah Rafiuddin
  4. A & C (please read details)

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First _____ Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal?

  1. Six
  2. Four
  3. Three
  4. Seven
  5. Eight

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Which is the oldest and largest mosque in the world?

  1. Faisal Mosque
  2. Al-Masjid an-Nabawi
  3. Great Mosque of Mecca
  4. Istiqlal Mosque

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Maximum Verses/Ayats in a surah in Holy Quran are____?

  1. 230
  2. 217
  3. 286
  4. 300
  5. None of these

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When Second migration took place to Habshah:

  1. 605 AD
  2. 630 AD
  3. 620 AD
  4. 616 AD

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What is the name of lady, whose Father Husband Brother and Son all were Prophets?

  1. Hajra
  2. Hazrat Maryam
  3. Layya bint Yaqub
  4. Sarah
  5. None of these

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The Word ALLAH is mostly used in which Surah of the Holy Quran?

  1. Al-Mujadalla
  2. Al-Ahzab
  3. Al-Imran
  4. Al-Muzamil
  5. None of these

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First convert to Islam was a ___?

  1. Slave
  2. Boy
  3. Lady
  4. Companion
  5. None of these

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When was the meat of Donkey prohibited?

  1. Jang-e-Ahzab
  2. Jang-e-Khaibar
  3. Jang-e-Badar
  4. Jang-e-Hunain
  5. None of these

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The biggest animal mentioned in the Holy Quran is _____?

  1. Elephant
  2. Whale
  3. Fish
  4. Anaconda
  5. Zarafa

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In which year were the vowels inserted in the Qur’an?

  1. 41 Hijri
  2. 42 Hijri
  3. 43 Hijri
  4. 40 Hijri
  5. None of these

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In what surah the first verse in the Holy Quran revealed?

  1. Al-Muddaththir
  2. Al-Muzzammil
  3. Al-Fatiha
  4. Al-Alaq
  5. None of these

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Who will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamat?

  1. Hazart Muhammad ﷺ
  2. Hazart Adam (A.S)
  3. Jibreel (A.S)
  4. Iblees
  5. All of these

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Who established the foundation of Umayyad dynasty?

  1. Hazrat Abo Sufyan RA
  2. Hazrat Ameer Muawiya RA
  3. Hazrat Abubakr RA
  4. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA
  5. None of these

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Which was the first institution of Islam?

  1. Rami
  2. Marwah
  3. Suffah
  4. Waquf
  5. None of these

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Mujadid Alif Sani is title of_______?

  1. Shah waliullah
  2. Syed Ahmed Shaheed
  3. Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi
  4. Syed Ahmad Khan
  5. None of these

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Who was the first child born after the migration (hijrah)?

  1. Abu Salma (R.A)
  2. Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)
  3. Abdul bin Qasim (R.A)
  4. Abu Zainab (R.A)
  5. None of these

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Which is the oldest and the first Islamic cemetery in the World?

  1. Jannat al-Mu’alla
  2. Jannat al-Baqīʿ
  3. Ma’man Allah (Mamilla)
  4. Both a&b

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Which surah of Holy Quran is known as Surah Widah?

  1. Surah e Fatiah
  2. Surah e Al Nasr
  3. Surah e al naas
  4. None of these

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Amaan Ullah

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