Earth complete one rotation on its axis in _______.

  1. 23 hours and 30 mints
  2. 23 hours and 56 mints and 4.9 seconds
  3. 24 hours
  4. 24 hours and 1 mints and 10 seconds

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The commonly used colour pigments in paints is

  1. Ambers
  2. Carbon black
  3. Iron oxide
  4. All of the above

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The International Dateline passes through the:

  1. Malacca Strait
  2. Bering Strait
  3. Gibraltar Strait
  4. Florida Strait

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What is the new maximum temperature that has been recorded in Antarctica?

  1. 19.3 C
  2. 18.3 C
  3. 17.3 C
  4. 16.3 C

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Greenwich main time is ___ hours behind of Pakistan standard time.

  1. 4
  2. 4:30
  3. 5
  4. 5:30
  5. None

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Seasoning is

  1. A process of removing sap
  2. Creosoting
  3. Painting with sodium silicate
  4. Coasting with tar

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A well conditioned triangle has no angle less than

  1. 20 degree
  2. 30 degree
  3. 45 degree
  4. 60 degree

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The normal curing period for the lime mortar is

  1. 1 day
  2. 3 days
  3. 7 days
  4. 14 days

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In paints the pigment is responsible for

  1. Durability
  2. Colour
  3. Smoothness
  4. Glassy Face

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When constant force applied ___ moves uniform?

  1. Velocity
  2. Motion
  3. Energy
  4. None

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At what angle above the horizon must the sun to be create a rainbow:

  1. 90 degrees
  2. 60 degrees
  3. 40 degrees
  4. 65 degrees

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The change in moisture content of soils, changes the

  1. Value of angle of repose
  2. Amount of compaction required
  3. Cohesive strength of soils
  4. All of the above

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The force which is caused by the rotation of the earth in as perpendicular direction and will therefore change the direction of the wind is called

  1. Radiative Forces
  2. Cyclone
  3. Coriolis Forces
  4. Gravitation Forces
  5. All of these

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Most Commercial airplanes fly in the lower part of this layer:

  1. Stratosphere
  2. Biosphere
  3. Lithosphere
  4. None

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The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globs are:

  1. Latitude
  2. Longitudes
  3. Geographic grids
  4. None

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Speed of earth to revolve around the sun?

  1. 18,5 m/s
  2. 10,5 m/s
  3. 100 m/s
  4. None

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The earth ___ around the sun:

  1. Roaming
  2. Revolves
  3. Stand
  4. Biggest

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The sun always rise in the east because ____

  1. The earth revolves around the sun from west to east
  2. The earth rotates from west to east
  3. The earth rotates from east to west
  4. It is located in east
  5. None

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In which month is the Earth the closest to the sun?

  1. February
  2. January
  3. April
  4. May

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The shortest day of the year is:

  1. 21 December
  2. 22 June
  3. 21 January
  4. 21 November

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In how many time zones has the world been divided?

  1. 24
  2. 1.5
  3. 30
  4. 30

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What is a chronometer?

  1. Al highly accurate time piece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime
  2. An instrument used to measure the degree of latitude
  3. A scale which tells the distance between any tow places
  4. All of these

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The local time of a place is known with reference to its ___________?

  1. Longitudinal position
  2. Distance from the capital city
  3. Latitudinal position
  4. All of these

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The latitude of a point on the earth is measured by the distance in?

  1. Kilometres from the equators
  2. Kilometres from the poles
  3. Angles from the poles
  4. Angles from the equator

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USA is divided into how many time zones?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7

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The International Date-line is located in the _________ Ocean?

  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Arctic Ocean

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One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of__?

  1. 79 miles
  2. 69 miles
  3. 59 miles
  4. 49 miles

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The earth turns through 360

  1. One hour
  2. One hour
  3. Forty-five minutes
  4. None

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Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the standard time of which of the following countries?

  1. China
  2. Germany
  3. USA
  4. UK

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Sense of time is due to__________?

  1. Revolution of earth
  2. Rotation of moon
  3. Rotation of earth
  4. All of these

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When ship crosses Dateline from west to east?

  1. It gains one day
  2. It loses one day
  3. It gains one day
  4. None of these

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If the difference in time between two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then the difference in their longitude would be:

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 40

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Which is the farthest from the centre of the earth?

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of Capricorn
  3. South Pole
  4. Antarctic circle

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Latitude of South Pole is?

  1. 40
  2. 60
  3. 80
  4. 90

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Days and nights are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above:

  1. Tropic of Cancer
  2. Poles
  3. Equator
  4. equinox

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If a place is located at 20?

  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. None of these

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Tropic of Cancer passes through which of the following countries?

  1. Mauritania,
  2. Mexico, Libya,
  3. Saudi Arabia, India
  4. All of these

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Which of the following longitudes is the standard meridian of Pakistan?

  1. 74°22’E
  2. 83°30’E
  3. 77°28’E
  4. None of these

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The shortest day occurs in the Northern hemisphere is on_____?

  1. 22nd December
  2. 22nd November
  3. 22nd June
  4. 22nd March

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Which of the following cities is the closest to the Equator?

  1. Mogadishu
  2. Colombo
  3. Manila
  4. Singapore

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The International Date Line is _______?

  1. 180° longitude
  2. 0° longitude
  3. 90° east longitude
  4. Equator

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Which is the only continent through which the Tropic of Cancer, Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn passes?

  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. South Africa
  4. None of these

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The number of longitudes are

  1. 180
  2. 360
  3. 200
  4. 400

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The difference between G.M.T. and PKT is

  1. 5 Hours
  2. 5 Hours 30 Mint
  3. 4 Hours
  4. 12 Hours

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The Earth is divided into western and eastern hemispheres by the ______?

  1. Antarctic Meridian
  2. Prime Meridian
  3. Arctic Meridian
  4. Latin Meridian

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Considering the longitudes, the degrees of International Date Line are _____?

  1. 120°W
  2. 180°
  3. 150°E
  4. 360°

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The places lying in Eastern Hemisphere see the sunlight before Western Hemisphere because Earth rotates from ______?

  1. south to north
  2. east to west
  3. north to south
  4. west to east

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The calendar days of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres are separated by ____?

  1. International Date Line
  2. Antarctic Date Line
  3. Latin Date line
  4. Arctic Date Line

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The Greenwich is located near _____?

  1. London
  2. Switzerland
  3. Belgium
  4. None

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Degree of Greenwich in England

  1. 0 degree
  2. 6 degree
  3. 2 degree
  4. None

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Amaan Ullah

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