HAJJ MCQs | Islamic Studies Mcqs


Which Tawaf is known as Welcome Tawaf?

  1. Tawaf Al-Wadaa
  2. Tawaf-ul-Qudoom
  3. Tawaf al-Ifadha
  4. Tawaf Al-Nafl
  5. None of these

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How many Miqat of Hajj for outsider Hujjaj?

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 5
  4. None

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Who performed first Hajj Bait -Ullah ?

  1. Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa
  2. Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Hajra
  3. All
  4. none

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When did the holy prophet (p b u h) performed Hajjatul-Wada?

  1. 630 AD
  2. 633 AD
  3. 632 AD
  4. 636 AD
  5. 635 AD

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What is the meaning “Zam Zam”?

  1. To flow
  2. To Stop
  3. To Burst
  4. To Outflow

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Muzdalfa is situated ___?

  1. Between Kaaba and Mina
  2. Betwee Mina and Arafat
  3. Between Safa and marwa
  4. None

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Arafat is gathering is held on ____________?

  1. 7 Zil Hajj
  2. 8 Zil Hajj
  3. 9 Zil Hajj
  4. 10 Zil Hajj
  5. All of these

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What is Istelam?

  1. Salam to Kaaba
  2. Salam to Hajre Aswad
  3. Praying at Muqam-e-Ibrahim
  4. Kissing Hajre Aswad

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What is the meaning of “Istilam” ____?

  1. Running between Safa and Marwa
  2. Kissing Hajre Aswad
  3. Stoning saitan
  4. None of the above

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Qurbaani is made during Hajj at:

  1. Arafat
  2. Mina
  3. Muzdalifa
  4. Safa

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Hajj was made compulsory in which Hijrah______?

  1. 7th Hijrah
  2. 8th Hijrah
  3. 9th Hijrah
  4. None of the above

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What is the fundamental pillar of Islam which requires both physical and financial sacrifices?

  1. Fast
  2. Zakat
  3. Salat
  4. Hajj
  5. None of these

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Last Hajj performed by Prophet PBUH in which hijri year?

  1. 10
  2. 11
  3. 9
  4. 8

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_____ is the Surah in the Holy Quran in which Hajj is commanded.

  1. Surah e Fateha
  2. Surah Al-Hajj
  3. Surah-Al-Baqrah
  4. Surah Al-imran

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Who was the first ameer e Hajj in 9th Hijri?

  1. Hazrat Umar
  2. Hazrat Ali
  3. Hazrat Abubakar
  4. None

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The Holy Prophet (PBHU) performed Hajj in:

  1. 9 Hijri
  2. 10 Hijri
  3. 8
  4. Hiji
  5. 11 Hijri

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Which event is called as the first human rights laws in history _______?

  1. Messaq-e-Madina
  2. Treaty of Hudaibiya
  3. Khutbah hujjah tul wida
  4. None of the above

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During Hajj, pebbles are collected from where ______?

  1. Makkah
  2. Arafat
  3. Mina
  4. Muzdalfa

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Bait-e- Rizwan took place in ___Hijrah?

  1. 5th
  2. 6th
  3. 3 AH
  4. 4 AH

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Which pillar of Islam washes sin like water?

  1. Hajj
  2. Roza
  3. Namaz
  4. None

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Prophet Muhammed ﷺ performed a total of ____ Umrahs?

  1. Two
  2. One
  3. Four
  4. None of these

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The first and intermost circle around Kaaba is ____?

  1. Masjid ul Haram
  2. Makkah Mukkarma
  3. Haram
  4. Mowaqeet

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حج اور عمرہ کے دوران حجر اسود کے چومنے کو کیا کہتے ہیں؟

  1. رمی
  2. سعی
  3. استلام
  4. تمام

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طواف کا آغاز کہاں سے ہوتا ہے

  1. رکن یمانی
  2. حجر اسود
  3. رکن شامی
  4. ان میں سے کوئی ںہیں

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What was the original color of Hajr-e-Aswad?

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Grey
  4. Purple

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When ‘Eid ul Adha’ is Celebrated?

  1. Twentieth day of the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar [Zil Hajj]
  2. Tenth day of the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar – Zil Hajj
  3. First day of the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar – Zil Hajj
  4. At the end of the month of Ramadhan
  5. Depend on Moon

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Name the place which is called the Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran____?

  1. Arafat
  2. Muzdalfa
  3. Mina
  4. Hateem
  5. Khana kaba

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How many days are prohibited for fasting throughout the Year?

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 7
  5. None of these

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حج کے لیے احرام باندھنا؟

  1. سنت ہے
  2. فرض یے
  3. نفل ہے
  4. واجب ہے
  5. ضروری نہیں

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The “Rukn-E-Azam “ of Hajj is :

  1. Tawaaf
  2. Waqoof-e-Arafah
  3. Ihraam
  4. Sayie

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The Khutba of Hajj (Hajj sermon) is delivered in which mosque?

  1. Masid-e-Nimra
  2. Masjid Haram
  3. Masjid Khaif
  4. Masjid Cuba
  5. None of these

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Qurbani during hajj is performed at?

  1. Safa
  2. Muzaldaffa
  3. Arafat
  4. Mina

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When was Muhammad PBUH perform Hajj?

  1. 11 AH
  2. 10AH
  3. 9 AH
  4. None

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A person who has an intention to offer only Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?

  1. MUtamtae
  2. Mufrid
  3. Qaran
  4. None of them
  5. None of these

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In Hajj, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called _____?

  1. Ramee
  2. Sayee
  3. Istilam
  4. Tawaf
  5. None of these

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what do you understand by Tahleeq________?

  1. Kalmaas in loud voice during Tawaf
  2. First circle of Tawaf
  3. Cutting of hair
  4. Kissing of stone
  5. None of these

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Mabroor Hajj means______________?

  1. which is performed with deficiencies
  2. which is observed correctly
  3. which is not accepted
  4. which is accepted

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Maqbool Hajj means_____?

  1. which is observed correctly
  2. which is not accepted
  3. which is accepted
  4. which is performed with deficiencies
  5. None of these

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How many types of Tawaf are there____________?

  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. seven
  5. None of these

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Tawaf-e-Rukan is _____ component of Hajj?

  1. Wajib
  2. Farz
  3. Nafil
  4. Sunnat

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Tawaf Al-Qudum is_____?

  1. Wajib
  2. Farz
  3. Nafil
  4. Sunnat
  5. None of these

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What is the color of Hijra e aswad?

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Pink
  4. Green

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To stay at Arafat is ___?

  1. Farz
  2. Wajab
  3. Sunnah
  4. All

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Verbal meaning of Hajj ___?

  1. The will to visit
  2. which is not accepted
  3. which is accepted
  4. which is performed with deficiencies
  5. which is observed correctly

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What is meant by Tawaaf?

  1. To circle around Kaaba
  2. Stay at Arafat
  3. All
  4. none

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There are 3 Farz, 10 Sunnat and_____ Wajibat in Hajj.

  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 10
  4. 13
  5. 15

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From where pabels for throwing on Jumerat are obtained ?

  1. Cave Sore
  2. Muzdalfa
  3. Mina
  4. Arafat

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Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad( PBUH) sacrifice how many camels at the occasion of Hajj?

  1. 63 camels
  2. 73 camels
  3. 83 camels
  4. 65 camels

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Muslim perform Hajj on —- of Zulhaj.

  1. 9th day
  2. 10th day
  3. 11th day
  4. None

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How many stones are thrown at the Jamarat in Hajj ritual?

  1. 7 Stones
  2. 6 Stones
  3. 5 Stones
  4. 4 Stones
  5. None of these

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In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is called __________ ?

  1. Ramee
  2. Tawaf
  3. Istilam
  4. Sayee

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In which year the Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed the Pilgrimage?

  1. 7 A.H
  2. 8 A.H
  3. 9 A.H
  4. 10 A.H

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In Hajj, touching the Black Stone, is know as ____?

  1. Sayee
  2. Istilam
  3. Ramee
  4. Tawaf

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On which date throwing of stones is performed on Jumeraat?

  1. 12th Zulhajj
  2. 11th Zulhajj
  3. 10th Zulhajj
  4. 9th Zulhajj
  5. 8th Zulhajj

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Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj?

  1. Isha-Fajar
  2. Maghrib-Isha
  3. Fajar-Zuhar
  4. Zuhar-Asar
  5. None of these

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The portion of the wall of Kaba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called____?

  1. Haram
  2. Hateem
  3. Al multazim
  4. Safar
  5. None of these

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There are _____ types of Hajj?

  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. Five
  5. None of these

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Which Tawaf is Also known as the Farewell Tawaf?

  1. Tawaf Al-Ifada
  2. Tawaf Al-Wadaa
  3. Tawaf Al-Umrah
  4. Tawaf Al-Nafl
  5. None of these

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How many obligatory Acts of Hajj are there________?

  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. Five
  5. None of these

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The flesh of the slaughtered animals is divided into three portions. One third is for one’s own self. Another third for the poor and the needy and the last third is for__________?

  1. Relatives
  2. Non-Muslims
  3. Imam Sahib
  4. Muslims
  5. None of these

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Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in______?

  1. Eid-ul-fitr
  2. Eid-ul-Uzha
  3. Juma Prayer
  4. Janaza
  5. None of these

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Which days are called Ayam-e-Tashreeq?

  1. 27, 28 and 29 Ramadan
  2. 9, 10 and 11 Muharram
  3. 11, 12 and 13 Zil Haj
  4. 15, 16 and 17 Sha’ban
  5. None of these

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which one is called masha ,ar-ul-haram_________?

  1. Arafat
  2. Muzdalifa valley
  3. Mina valley
  4. Madina valley
  5. All of these

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Zam zam means_____?

  1. to burst
  2. continue
  3. to stop
  4. to flow
  5. None of these

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Hajj is obligatory on Muslims?

  1. Every muslim
  2. Old ones
  3. Women
  4. Those who can afford

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Which date of Zil-Hajj is called Yaum-e-Arfat:

  1. 9 Zil-Hajj
  2. 7 Zil Hajj
  3. 10 Zil Hajj
  4. 11 Zil Hajj

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The pilgrims throw pebbles at Satans. What is the name of this act:

  1. Rami
  2. Sayee
  3. Ziarat
  4. Tawaf

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The pilgrim who performs Hajj-ul-Tamattu is called:

  1. Mutamatti
  2. Qarin
  3. Mufrid
  4. Hasan

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The cover of the Kaaba is called.

  1. Ghilaf Kaaba
  2. Kiswah
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

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When Hajj was made compulsory?

  1. 8 A.H
  2. 7 A.H
  3. 10 A.H
  4. 9 A.H

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Amaan Ullah

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