JUNIOR CLERK PAPER HELD (3-1-2021) MCQs | Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Past Paper MCQs
ETEA Past Papers MCQs – Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Past Paper MCQs – ETEA JUNIOR CLERK MCQs – Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Mcqs –
ETEA stands for Education Testing and Evaluation Agency. It is an organization which conducts test of medicine and engineering in the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan. This test is a challenging one and every year many students are unable to qualify for it because of lack of guidance.
For Official Site of ETEA Please Visit – https://etea.edu.pk/
Which provinces were to be divided according to 3rd June Plan?
- Calcuta and Madras
- F.R and Balochistan
- Bombay and Sindh
- None of the above
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The season changes because of the ____________?
- Moon is revolving round the earth
- Earth is revolving round its axis
- Earth is revolving round the sun
- Planet Mars is attracting the sun
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An employee’s annual salary was increased Rs. 15,000. If her new annual salary now equals Rs. 90,000/- what was the percent increase?
- 15%
- 16-2⁄3
- 20%
- 22%
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I can`t get out this stain. In the above sentence the phrasal verb “Get out” means what?
- Remove
- spead
- polish
- figured
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Somebody wants Zainab on the telephone.
- Zainab had been wanted on the telephone
- Zainab is being wanted on the telephone
- Zainab is wanted on the telephone
- Zainab was wanted on the telephone
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He said to me, “Has anybody been unkind to you ?”
- He asked me if anybody had been unkind to him
- He asked me had anybody been unkind to me
- He asked me if anybody had been unkind to you
- He asked me if anybody had been unkind to me.
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The Italian city ___________ was built on 7 hills.
- Naples
- Venice
- Rome
- Milan
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The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is?
- Slide show
- Outline view
- Slide sorter view
- Notes page view
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Objects on the slide that holds text are called:
- Object holders
- Placeholders
- Auto layout
- Text holders
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There is no need to ______________ the fact that we lost by three goals.
- Rub in
- rub out
- rub with
- rub into
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Which provinces were to be divided according to 3rd June Plan?
- Calcuta and Madras
- F.R and Balochistan
- Bombay and Sindh
- None of the above
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The season changes because of the ____________?
- Moon is revolving round the earth
- Earth is revolving round its axis
- Earth is revolving round the sun
- Planet Mars is attracting the sun
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An employee’s annual salary was increased Rs. 15,000. If her new annual salary now equals Rs. 90,000/- what was the percent increase?
- 15%
- 16-2⁄3
- 20%
- 22%
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I can`t get out this stain. In the above sentence the phrasal verb “Get out” means what?
- Remove
- spead
- polish
- figured
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Somebody wants Zainab on the telephone.
- Zainab had been wanted on the telephone
- Zainab is being wanted on the telephone
- Zainab is wanted on the telephone
- Zainab was wanted on the telephone
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He said to me, “Has anybody been unkind to you ?”
- He asked me if anybody had been unkind to him
- He asked me had anybody been unkind to me
- He asked me if anybody had been unkind to you
- He asked me if anybody had been unkind to me.
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The Italian city ___________ was built on 7 hills.
- Naples
- Venice
- Rome
- Milan
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The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is?
- Slide show
- Outline view
- Slide sorter view
- Notes page view
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Objects on the slide that holds text are called:
- Object holders
- Placeholders
- Auto layout
- Text holders
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There is no need to ______________ the fact that we lost by three goals.
- Rub in
- rub out
- rub with
- rub into
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Who was the opponent of Ayub Khan in the presidential election of 1965?
- Fatima Jinnah
- Yahya Khan
- Mrs. Liaqat Ali Khan
- Sikandar Mirza
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Choose the word nearest in meaning to ERRAND
- Foolishness
- Mission
- Misadventure
- Error
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Which Continent Is Without Glaciers?
- Europe
- Australia
- North America
- Asia
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From which language is the term curriculum vitae derived?
- French
- Greek
- Latin
- German
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He looks down upon his poor cousins. In the above sentence the phrasasl verb “Looks down” means what?
- Despises
- Follows
- Cheats
- Helps
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I called him but he gave me no answer. In the above sentence the word “But” is a:
- connector
- participle
- noun
- preposition
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I went there because I was invited. In the above sentence, the word “because” is a:
- Noun
- Determiner
- Interjection
- conjunction
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After how many years is the OIC summit held?
- 1 year
- 3 years
- 6 years
- 7 years
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World`s first 5G network was initiated by:
- South Korea
- Pakistan
- China
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جنگ بدر میں عتبہ کو کس نے مارا تھا؟
- حضرت علی
- حضرت حمزہ
- حضرت بلال
- حضرت جعفر
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They will give all the help to new staff.
- The new staff will be given all the help by them
- The new staff will have been given all the help by them
- The new staff will be given all the help by him
- The new staff will be given all the help by us
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He said to the arrogant servant, “Do not provoke me unnecessarily,”
- He ordered the arrogant servant not to provoke him unnecessarily
- He ordered the arrogant servant not to provoke her unnecessarily
- He ordered the arrogant servant to provoke him unnecessarily
- He ordered the arrogant servant not to provoke unnecessarily
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Sana was making a cloud. In the above sentence, the word “Sana” is a:
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Verb
- Preposition
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The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize in 2003 is__________?
- Malala Yousafzai
- Shirin Ebadi
- Dr. Habiba Sarabi
- Ilmas Durkhain
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I am satisfied ____________ his performance.
- By
- from
- with
- of
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When Nawaz Sharif became prime minister for the first time?
- 6 December 1990
- 6 November 1990
- 6 January 1991
- 6 February 1992
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One who believes in the existence of God:
- Theist
- Greedy
- Humanitropist
- All of the above
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The idiom “The armchair job” means what?
- Good income job
- Less income job
- New job with less salary
- none of the above
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قرآن مجید میں کس فعل کو قتل سے بھی زیادہ شدید اور بدتر قرار دیا گیا ہے؟
- چوری
- زنا
- فتنہ وفساد
- حسد
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Unless he runs he______ catch the train.
- will
- musn’t
- wouldn’t
- Won’t
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You should not discuss about the matter with friends who are likely to find it offensive. Choose the error in the above sentence (if any)
- You should not discuss
- about the matter
- with friends likely
- no error
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Who invented bulb?
- Philips
- Robert
- Edison
- Willium
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Does he dare _______ them.
- Scolds
- scolded
- to scold
- is scolding
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Turkey connects the two continents_____________?
- Asia and Europe
- Asia and Africa
- South America and North America
- Asia and Australia
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__________________ has the highest number of deaths due to COVID-19.
- Italy
- France
- Britian
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Ms Word includes a series of predefined graphics called _________ that can be inserted into a Word document.
- hyperlinks
- captions
- Bookmarks
- clip art
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What is The maximum Zoom percentage in MS PowerPoint?
- 100%
- 200%
- 400%
- 500%
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سب سے زیادہ احادیث کس سے روایت کی گئیں؟
- حضرت انس بن مالک
- حضرت بی بی عائشہ
- حضرت ابو حریرہ
- حضرت ابو بکر صدیق
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غزوہ احزاب کے موقع پر مدینہ کے گرد کتنے مسلمانوں نے خندق کھودی؟
- ایک ہزار
- دو ہزار
- تین ہزار
- چار ہزار
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In MS-word, which shortcut is used for print preview?
- Alt + O
- Ctrl + D
- Shift + P
- None of the above
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قرآن مجید کی کس سورت میں جنگ بدر کا ذکرآیا ہے؟
- سورہ الاحزاب
- سورہ انفال
- سورہ بنی اسرائیل
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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قرآن مجید کی کس سورت میں ختم نبوت کا ذکر آیا ہے؟
- سورہ محمد
- سورہ کوثر
- سورہ احزاب
- سورہ الحجرات
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The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago father’s age was five times the age of the son After six years son’s age will be
- 12 years
- 14 years
- 18 years
- 20 years
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Choose the word opposite in meaning to “Magnify”?
- Reduce
- Diminish
- Conceal
- Shrink
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Choose the word opposite in meaning to “Magnify”?
- Induce
- Diminish
- Conceal
- Shrink
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Choose the word nearest in meaning to “Portray”
- Express
- communicate
- draw
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They have not opened the doors for ages. (Choose the correct passive)
- The doors have been opened by them for ages
- The doors have not been opened by us for ages
- The doors have not been opened by them for ages
- None of the above
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Which shortcut key is for auto sum?
- Alt + =
- Ctrl + Shift
- Alt + F1
- Ctrl + =
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اس سورت کا نام بتائیں جس میں بسم اللہ دو مرتبہ آئی
- سورت نمل
- سورت کہف
- سورت واقع
- ان میں سے کوئی ںہیں
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He began to move quickly. (Which tense is it?)
- Past perfect
- Present Indefinite
- Future Tense
- Past Indefinite
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Science has revealed the mysteries of nature of man. In the above sentence, the clear meaning of “reveal” is?
- Cleared
- Opened
- Released
- Disclosed
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The country which opened its first embassy in Pakistan?
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Egypt
- Turkey
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The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 249. Find the largest of these numbers.
- 64
- 71
- 72
- 85
*********** ETEA Past Paper Mcqs – thecssbooks.com **********
The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 249. Find the largest of these numbers.
- 64
- 71
- 72
- 85
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Choose the correct sentence
- The news was not unfortunately sent in time
- The news was unfortunately not sent in time
- Unfortunately, the news was not sent in time
- The news was not sent in time unfortunately.
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Capital of China is
- Beijing
- Shanghai
- Hanoi
- None of the above
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Who was given the title “Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim-Unity”?
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- Quaid e Azam
- Allama Iqbal
- None of the above
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Karez is the irrigation system of which province of Pakistan?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Balochistan
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