JUNIOR CLERK PAST PAPER 2021 MCQs | Punjab Assembly MCQs
Punjab Assembly Past Papers MCQs – Punjab Assembly MCQs –
The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab is a unicameral legislature of elected representatives of the province of Punjab, which is located in Lahore, Pakistan. The Assembly was established under Article 106 of the Constitution of Pakistan as having a total of 371 seats, with 297 general seats, 66 seats reserved for women and eight reserved for non-Muslims.
The 2-story Assembly Chamber, residential hostels, and expansive lawns cover 16 acres (65,000 m2) on the Shahrah-e-Quaid-Azam (the Mall). After it was completed in 1935, the Assembly Chamber housed the Assembly for the Punjab province. After the division of Punjab and the emergence of Pakistan, the building became the administrative center of Pakistani Punjab.
For Official Site of Punjab Assembly Please Visit – https://www.pap.gov.pk/
Pakistan officially join the UNO on?
- 30 September 1947
- 3 September 1947
- 10September 1947
- 20 September 1947
- 25 September 1947
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On___1988 Benazir Bhutto become the first woman PM of Pakistan?
- 4 April
- 18 June
- 29 August
- 1st December
- 2nd December
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Greenwich main time is ___ hours behind of Pakistan standard time.
- 4
- 4:30
- 5
- 5:30
- None
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PM Imran Khan inaugurated Mohmand Dam on?
- May 2
- May 3
- May 23
- May 3
- May 4
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Adam is a word of which language?
- Hindi
- Arabic
- Hebrew
- Persian
- Urdu
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Amir Muawiya transferred his capital form Kufa to—
- Madina
- Makkah
- Damascus
- Baghdad
- None
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Which Angel will blow the trumpet (Sur) at the Day of Judgment?
- Hazrat Jabrail
- Hazrat Israfil
- Hazrat Mikail
- Azazel
- None of these
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Hazrat Adam’s (AS) total age ?
- 930 years
- 630 years
- 530 years
- None
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Torat means __________?
- Peace
- Sign
- Law
- Good news
- None of these
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Which Prophet invented Soap?
- Prophet Saleh (A.S)
- Prophet Ismail (A.S)
- Prophet Isa (A.S)
- Prophet Idress (A.S)
- None of these
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Injeel was revealed on which prophet by Allah____?
- Hazrat Moosa
- Hazrat Ibrahim
- Hazrat Isa
- None of the above
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First head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947 was _______?
- Ameer of Saudi Arabia
- Ameer of Kuwait
- Ameer of Iran
- None of these
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