Kulyat e Iqbal By Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
کلیاتِ اقبال
ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبال
Kulyat e Iqbal By Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
“Kulyat-e-Iqbal” is a collection of poems written by Allama Iqbal, a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. The collection contains some of Iqbal’s most famous works and is considered one of his greatest achievements. The poems in “Kulyat-e-Iqbal” cover a wide range of themes, including Islam, nationalism, self-discovery, and the human spirit. Iqbal’s use of powerful imagery and metaphors, as well as his deep philosophical and spiritual insights, make “Kulyat-e-Iqbal” an important and enduring work of literature. The collection continues to be widely read and studied in Pakistan and other parts of the world.
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