LAT Past Papers MCQs – Law Admission Test Past Paper MCQs – LAT MCQs – Law Admission Test MCQs –

LAT stands for Law Admission Test; a test for those who want to become a Law Graduate and pursue a career in the field of Law. It has been prescribed by the Higher Education commission (HEC) on the directions of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. It may be termed as the HEC LAT Test.

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LAT PAST PAPER (06-12-2020) MCQs

Hindu’s’ resentment towards the Urdu language and Muslim education led

  1. Lord Curzon to establish educational and research institutions for Muslims.
  2. The anti Muslim movements and the partition of Bengal.
  3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to establish educational and research institutions for Muslims.
  4. None of these

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Galileo was an Italian astronomer who

  1. Developed the telescope
  2. Discoverd four satellites of Jupiter
  3. Discovered the movement of pendulum produces a regular times measurement
  4. All of the above

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Which of the following discipline is the Nobel Prize awarded?

  1. Physics and Chemistry
  2. Psychology or medicine
  3. Lecture peace and economics
  4. All of the above

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Entomology is the science that studies:

  1. Behavior of human beings
  2. Insects
  3. Scientific terms
  4. The formation of rocks

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the United Nation Framework convention on climate change deals with

  1. reduction in fossil fuels usage
  2. CO2 emissions mitigation
  3. Reduction in uranium production
  4. Greenhouse gases emissions mitigation

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The Current Federal Minister of Railways of Pakistan is?

  1. Shiekh Rashid Ahmed
  2. Khawaja Saad Rafique
  3. Azam Khan Swati
  4. None of these

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‘Aksai Chin’ is a disputed area between:

  1. China and India
  2. China and Pakistan
  3. India and Pakistan
  4. India and Nepal

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US President Donald Trump on 15 April 2020 halted funding to:

  1. WTO
  2. WHO
  3. Cuba
  4. Nigeria

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Which country on 24 June 2020 suspended visa including High-skilled tech workers visas for foreign workers?

  1. Sweden
  2. Germany
  3. USA
  4. UK

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Which country on 17 June 2020 launch “Operation Claw-Tiger” against Khurd militants in Iraq.

  1. Iran
  2. Turkey
  3. Israel
  4. USA

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Which company on 15 August 2020 was ordered to sell all of its assets in the United States within 90 days?

  1. WeChat
  2. Lenovo
  3. TikTok
  4. Samsung

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which country on 14 July 2020 has banned China’s Huawei 5G equipment?

  1. India
  2. Malaysia
  3. United Kingdom
  4. United

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According to 1941 Census ____________ of the population of Kashmir state was Muslim.

  1. 75%
  2. 77%
  3. 88%
  4. 93%

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The Rasool Allah ﷺ consulted his wife on important matters such as during the occasion of Treaty of advice from:

  1. Hazrat Khadija
  2. Hazrat Ayesha
  3. Hazrat Umm-e-Salma
  4. Hazrat Umm-e-Habiba

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According to the Transparency International Report 2020, corruption in Pakistan ____________ during 2019.

  1. decreased
  2. increased
  3. remained the same
  4. was negligible

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Which important building in Pakistan was attacked by terrorist on 29 June 2020

  1. State Bank of Pakistan
  2. Pakistan Stock Exchange
  3. Supreme Court of Pakistan
  4. Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

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The United Kingdom (UK) left the European Union on _______ ?

  1. 28 January 2020
  2. 29 January 2020
  3. 30 January 2020
  4. 31 January 2020

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The best candidate should be appointed _______________ the post.

  1. To
  2. at
  3. with
  4. for

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you certainly wouldn’t like _______ in such Bad Company.

  1. to be seen
  2. to have seen
  3. to be seening
  4. to have been seen

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I ___________ you that you shall win today’s competition.

  1. Guarantee
  2. Ensure
  3. Assure
  4. Decline

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he was _____________ success, writing not for the sake of fame, but for the sheer of love of poetry

  1. indifferent to
  2. destined for
  3. eager for
  4. tired by

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It has been proven that cockroaches ___________ for several weeks even after their heads have been cut off.

  1. are serviving
  2. can survive
  3. Serviving
  4. that servive

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there was a guard with a dart gun hiding __________ a door.

  1. Besides
  2. Behind
  3. Alongside
  4. Outside

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No doubt this will make a few billionaires even _________.

  1. More Wealthy
  2. Wealthy
  3. Wealthier
  4. Wealthiest

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Choose the correct opposite word: LAWFUL

  1. Illicit
  2. Illegal
  3. Authorized
  4. Errant

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Choose the correct opposite word: PRECEDE

  1. Lead
  2. Follow
  3. Gobefore
  4. Herald

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Choose the correct opposite word: CONTINUAL

  1. Periodic
  2. Eternal
  3. Steady
  4. Incressantly

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Choose the correct opposite word: CONTINGENT

  1. Liable
  2. Guarded
  3. Reliant
  4. Subject

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Choose the correct opposite word: GALVANIZE

  1. Spur
  2. Rouse
  3. Stimulate
  4. Weary

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Choose the correct opposite word: DIVERSE

  1. Assorted
  2. Various
  3. Sundry
  4. Equal

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Choose the correct opposite word: AVERSE

  1. Oppose
  2. Hostile
  3. Incline
  4. Loath

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who is the current secretary-general of the United Nation?

  1. Ban ki-moon
  2. Kofi A. Annan
  3. Antonio Guterres
  4. None of these

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Baglihar Dam is constructed by India on over ______

  1. Sutlej
  2. Ravi
  3. Jhelum
  4. Chenab
  5. None of these

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Ayaan Mian

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