FBR Past Papers MCQs – Federal Board Of Revenue Past Paper MCQs – FBR MCQs – Federal Board Of Revenue MCQs –

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) formerly known as Central Board of Revenue (CBR), is a federal law enforcement agency of Pakistan that investigates tax crimes, suspicious accumulation of wealth and money-laundering. FBR operates through Inspectors-IR that keep tax evaders under surveillance, assess taxable incomes and perform special tasks for FBR Headquarters. FBR performs role of collection of taxation in the country from all individuals and businesses.

FBR also collects intelligence on tax evasion and administers tax laws for the Government of Pakistan and acts as the central revenue collection agency of Pakistan.

For Official Site of FBR Please Visit – https://www.fbr.gov.pk/


The word “Perpetual” means:

  1. New
  2. Old
  3. Never Ending
  4. Golden

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Where is Katas Raj temple located?

  1. Jhelum
  2. Chakwal
  3. Thatta
  4. Narowal

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ECG is a test related to:

  1. Brain
  2. Blood Pressure
  3. Liver
  4. None of these

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This paragraph should not _______________ two hundred words.

  1. Exceed
  2. exceed more than
  3. greater than
  4. none of these

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The case in the court was adjourned __________ the following week.

  1. With
  2. On
  3. To
  4. By

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Words of same sound are called:

  1. Synonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Homophones
  4. None of these

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Hazrat Aisha (R.A) was the daughter of ________________ (R.A)

  1. Hazrat AbuBakar
  2. Hazrat Ali
  3. Hazrat Usman
  4. None of these

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Which prophet slept for 100 years?

  1. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)
  2. Hazrat Idrees (A.S)
  3. Hazrat Uzair (A.S)
  4. None of these

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Marco Polo was a famous: __________?

  1. Writer
  2. Scientist
  3. Traveller
  4. Sportsman
  5. None of these

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Which country is called the ‘Land of Golden Fibre’

  1. Bangladesh
  2. India
  3. China
  4. Bhutan
  5. None of these

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Dead Sea lies in the continent of ______.

  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. None of these

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He __________ to come but he ___________.

  1. Promised, did not
  2. Promised, did not have
  3. Promised, did have not
  4. Promised, did will have

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If you ___________ go by bus, you will get late.

  1. Will
  2. Shall
  3. May
  4. None of these

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Our cricket team is __________ than Indian team.

  1. More better
  2. Best
  3. Better
  4. All of these

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In English grammar “Quaid-e-Azam” is a:

  1. Proper Noun
  2. Common Noun
  3. Uncountable Noun
  4. Material Noun
  5. None of these

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Honesty is the best policy. In the above sentence, which word is an abstract noun?

  1. Honesty
  2. Best
  3. Policy
  4. Is
  5. All of these

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This book is ____________.

  1. Our`s
  2. Our
  3. Ours
  4. All of these

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He parked his bicycle ___________ the wall.

  1. Against
  2. Before
  3. At
  4. About

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Words having similar meanings are called:

  1. Homonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of these

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Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which prophet?

  1. Hazrat Yaqoob (AH)
  2. Hazrat Daud (AH)
  3. Hazrat Nooh (AH)
  4. Hazrat Adam (AH)
  5. Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)

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Non-permanent member of the security council of UN are ________

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 193
  4. 15

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Pakistan conducted nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at?

  1. Kohe-e-Sufaid
  2. Chaghi Hills
  3. Toba Kakar
  4. Raskoh

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Vienna is the capital of which country?

  1. Austria
  2. Australia
  3. England
  4. Japan

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Ayaan Mian

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