LAW Past Papers MCQs –LAW MCQs
Who can pardon
- District magistrate with consent of provincial government
- High court
- Court of session
- All above mentioned
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Who conduct identification parade
- Police
- Magistrate
- Session judge
- Investigation officer
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Who is an accomplice
- A guilty associate or partner in crime
- A person to whom pardon is granted
- In both of above situation
- None of these
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Witness is used by police to trap the prosecution party is known as
- Decoy witness
- Lunatic witness
- Child witness
- None of these
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In cross examination
- Leading question may be asked
- Relevant examination
- Both
- None of these
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Public document are
- Documents maintained by public servant under any law
- Record of judicial proceeding
- Both
- None
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All Statements which the court permits or require to be made before it by witness in relation to mater of fact under inquiry such statements are called
- Oral evidence
- documentary evidence
- None of them
- None of these
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Under QSO 1984 who is bound to determine competency of witness
- Court
- Arbitrator
- All
- None of these
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Law of evidence was amended and replaced with QSO 1984 in order to bring it with___
- Sunnah
- Quran
- None
- conformity with the injunctions of Quran and Sunnah
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Qanun e Shahdat Order 1984 replaced ——?
- independence act
- Act of 1935
- Indian Evidence Act 1872
- None
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Qanoon e Shahadat 1984 was made by president on
- 23 oct 1984
- 3 oct 1997
- 28 Oct 1984
- None
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Which of these impression is removed than the confession becomes relevant
- Inducement
- Threat
- Promise
- Any of above
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QSO 1984 deals with Estopple
- Article 113
- Article 114
- Article 114-116
- Article 137-150
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Law of evidence is
- A substantive law
- An adjective law
- Both
- None
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Fact in issue means
- Fact existence and non existence of which dispute by parties
- Fact existence and non existence of which admitted by partirs
- Both
- None
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Proof of fact depends on
- Not upon the accuracy of statement but upon the probability of its existance
- Accuracy of statement
- Both
- None
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Under the law of evidence ,the relevant fact
- Must be legally relevant
- Must be logically relevant
- Both
- None
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Which of following documents are not admissible in evidence?
- Documents improperly procured
- Documents produced by illegal means
- Both
- None
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The court may presume existence of certain facts ,which it thinks likely to have happned ,in relation the facts of particular case, regard being had to the
- Common course of natural event
- Human conduct
- Public and private bussiness
- All
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When does appeal against consent decree is allowed
- There is compromise
- Where there is no compromise
- Both
- None
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A consent decree is
- Appealable
- Not appealable
- Both
- None
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Person means
- Natural person
- Legal person
- Both
- None
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- Bars a suit
- Bars a statement
- Bars prosecution
- None
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Primary evidence is direct
- Oral eidence
- Hearsay evidence
- Dying declaration
- None
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Hearsay is
- Statement made on the basis of record
- Statement made on the basis of knowledge
- Statement made on the authority of another
- None
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Examination in chief is examination of a witness by
- Police officer
- The opposing party
- The party who calls him
- None of these
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Accomplice is a competent witness
- In all cases
- In no cases
- Hadd cases
- Civil cases
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Pardon to an accomplice
- Exonerates him for the offence
- Exonerates him conditionally
- Both
- None
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Fabrication of false evidence is
- Making a document containing a false statement
- Making oral statement
- Both
- None
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Article 16 of QSO deals with
- Accomplice
- Approver
- Accused
- None
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In all matters other than gasped law or any other special law and also in matter pertaining to financial or future obligations the number of witness to prove or disprove fact is
- One man or one womab
- One man or two woman
- 2 man
- None of these
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In Jason’s cases testimony of accomplice is
- Permissible
- Not permissible
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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A plea of alibi is applicable in
- Criminal cases
- Civil cases
- Both
- None of these
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Generally in civil cases character of a person is
- Relevant
- Irrelevant
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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In criminal cases, previous bad character is
- Relevant
- Irrelevant
- Relevant in reply
- None of these
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Which of these is one of the exception to the rule that hearsay evidence is no evidence
- Admission
- Confession
- Both A andB
- None of these
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Which of these is not a public document
- Municipal register of death and birth
- Power of attorney
- None of these
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Which of these need not to be proved
- Facts judicially noticeable
- Facts admitted
- Both A and B
- None of these
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Estopple is applicable in
- Civil cases
- Criminal cases
- Both
- None of these
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Burden of proof lies on
- Who asserts something
- Who denies something
- Decided by court
- None of these
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If a person take the plea of right of self defense then the burden of proof is on
- The defence
- The prosecution
- Decided by court
- None of these
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Burden of proof lies on in criminal cases
- Prosecution
- Accused
- Both
- None of these
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A person is born as a result of walks marriage during the continuance or after the dissolution of valid marriage within the time as provided by Sharia . The term used for this
- Legitimacy
- Legally
- Both
- None of these
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A summon inot called as a witness ,is summoned to produce a document
- He can be cross examined
- He cannot be cross examined
- Decided by court
- None of these
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In criminal cases bad character of an accused includes
- Registration of FIR
- Conviction of accused
- General reputation
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A is charged with traveling on a railway without a ticket, the burden of proof is
- On the accused
- On the railway
- On the ticket chaker
- None of these
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A sues B for money due on a bound. The execution of bound is admitted but B says that. It was obtained by fraud which a denies. The burden of proof lies on
- A
- B
- Both
- None of these
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The contents of document may b proved by
- Primary evidence
- Secondary evidence
- Either by primary or secoundary evidence
- None of above
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The contents of document may be proved by
- Primary evidence
- Secondary evidence
- Either by primary or secondary evidence
- None of these
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Can confession made to a police officer be proved
- No
- Yes
- Depends upon the reputation of police officer
- None of these
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The age of a person who understand the questions put to him and gives rational answers to them to testify as a witness will be
- 14 years
- 21 years
- 18 years
- Any age
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An admission generally can’t be proved
- Against the maker
- Against the representative
- On behalf of maker
- None of these
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An admission can be
- Oral
- Documentary
- Both oral and documentary
- None of these
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Judicial notice can be taken
- Civil cases
- Criminal cases
- Both
- None of these
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Documentary evidence
- Can also be hearsay
- Can never be hearsay
- B is correct
- None of these
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Confession can be made by
- Accused
- Accused as well as his agent
- Accused as well as his representative
- None of these
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According to article 128 when a child is born after marriage his paternity is is established not earlier than
- 6 month
- 8 month
- 9 month
- None of these
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According to article 16 who is competent witness
- Accomplice
- Approver
- Accused
- None of these
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Accomplice is competent witness in all cases except
- hadood cases
- Civil cases
- Qatal cases
- None of these
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Article 128 of QSO 1984 applies
- Only to Muslims
- Only to non Muslim
- Both
- None of these
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Confession before police officer is not admissible and there
- Is no exception to this rule
- Is an exception to this rule
- Are exceptions to this rule
- None of these
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There are parties in Estopple
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
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Dying declaration is admissible of a
- Child
- Any person
- None of these
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Any transaction which the law requires to be made in writing
- Can be proved by oral evidence
- Can’t be approved by oral evidence
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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On the testimony of one female witness any fact in issue or relevant fact can be proved and
- There is no exception to this rule
- There is an exception to this rule
- There are exceptions to this rule
- None of these
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Which article of QSO deals with identification parade
- 16
- 22
- 20
- 25
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According to article 3 A lunatic is
- A competent witness
- Not a competent witness
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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Identification parade is held for the identification of
- Person only
- Property
- Person and property
- None of these
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Estopple is a rule of
- Civil law
- Criminal law
- Evidence
- None of these
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The principle of “Really gestae “is incorporated in article QSO 1984
- 17
- 19
- 21
- 22
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The evidence can be given regarding any fact in issue or relevant fact under article
- 18
- 10
- 28
- 22
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No magistrates or police officer shall be to disclose regarding the source of information
- Compelled
- Permitted
- Not be compelled by superior court
- None of these
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No one shall be compelled to give any evidence to drived from records to any affairs of state
- Unpublished
- Published
- Both
- None of these
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Relevant fact are those facts which
- Which are declare to be relevant by QSO
- Appears to be relevant from the circumstances
- Are relevant in accordance with any law
- None of these
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Relevant fact are those facts which
- Which are declare to be relevant by QSO
- Appears to be relevant from the circumstances
- Are relevant in accordance with any law
- None of these
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A fact is said to be not proved when it is
- Neither proved
- Nor disproved
- A and B both
- None of these
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An attested document not required by law to be attested may y proved aside it was un-attested
- True
- False
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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Presumption of correctness attached to the documents purporting or proved to be
- 30 years old
- 20 years old
- 100 years old
- None of these
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where a person challenges the validity of a judgement, decree or order on the plea of fraud, misrepresentation or want of jurisdiction he shall seek his remedy by
- Instituting another suit
- Filing an appeal
- By making an application to the court which pass the final judgment, decree or order
- None of these
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Evidence may be given by affidavit and court may summon the deponent for
- Cross examination
- Examination in chief
- Re-examination
- None of these
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Limitation for filing execution petition of a decree is
- 3 years
- 12 years
- 6 years
- None of these
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Evidence of accomplice is taken only in necessity bring the
- Principal offender to justice
- To prove facts
- Both
- None of these
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Status of pardon before magistrate must be
- Voluntarily
- Not voluntarily
- Both
- None of these
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Participles criminis means
- Guilty associate
- Principal offender
- Not participate in crime
- None of these
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If accomplice canceal the facts status of accomplice can be withdraw by
- Investigation agencies
- Court
- Both
- None of these
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Any person who has seen some happened is known as
- Accomplice
- Witness
- Approver
- None of these
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In hadood cases witness must be
- Male
- Female
- Both
- None of these
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Conditions for competent witness
- sane
- Sound mind
- All above mentioned
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Object of identification parade
- Satisfaction of investigation agency
- Satisfaction of court
- Avoid false implications
- All above mentioned
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Admission defined under article of QSO 1984
- 30
- 35
- 32
- 42
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Admission may b
- Oral
- Documentary
- Express or implied
- All above mentioned
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Admission are receivable which are contained in
- Pleading
- Petitions
- All above mentioned
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An admission made by a member of community does not bind the other members of the community unless is is made in
- Representative character
- As agent
- Both
- None of these
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Confession is defined under article of QSO 1984
- 34
- 36
- No proper definition in qso
- None of these
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Statement made by accused which must either admit in term of Offence Is called
- Confession
- Admission
- Both
- None of these
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Basically kinds of confession
- Judicial confession
- Extra judicial confession
- Both A and B
- None of these
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Judicial confession means
- Which is made before magistrate
- Or in court
- Both A and B
- None of these
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Extra judicial confession are those which are made by accused before
- Any person
- Police
- Doctor
- All above mentioned
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Extra judicial confession are those which are made by accused before
- Any person
- Police
- Doctor
- All above mentioned
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Confession must be
- Voluntary
- Involuntary
- Under promise
- None of these
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A confession caused by inducement is
- Inadmissible
- Admissible
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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Admission usually relate to transaction
- Civil
- Criminal
- Both
- None of these
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Confession is a statement which usually relate to
- Criminal proceedings
- Civil cases
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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All admission are not
- Confession
- Admission
- No difference
- None of these
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An admission is not a conclusive proof of matter
- Admitted
- Not admitted
- Decided by court
- None of these
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Admission establishes the
- Right
- Crime
- Both
- None of these
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To make a confession admissible it must always be made
- Voluntarily
- Involuntarily
- Under threat
- None of these
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A confession may be made on the basis of conviction without
- Corroboration
- With corroboration
- Discretion of court
- None of these
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An admission can not be treated as
- Confession
- Admission
- Conviction
- None of these
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There is no provisions of safeguards regarding in QSO
- Confession
- Admission
- Both
- None of these
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Kinds of admission
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 5
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Kinds of admission
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 5
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Confession always used against the
- Maker
- Agent of maker
- Companions of maker
- None of these
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Admission may be operate as
- Estopple
- Not as Estopple
- Decided by court
- None of these
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Confession is not aperate as
- Estopple
- Admission
- Operate as Estopple
- None of these
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Confession always made by the person
- Himself
- His agent
- His principal
- None of these
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Admission can be made by agent or other party on behalf of person
- Making the admission
- Making the conference
- Both
- None of these
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Admission is either
- Self serving
- Self harming
- Both
- None of these
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