Tips on How to Optimize LinkedIn Profile to Get a Job

Tips on How to Optimize LinkedIn Profile to Get a Job

From 37 million people in 2009 to 822 million people in 2022 LinkedIn has been growing at a tremendous Pace, out of these 822 million people 37% people are those who open LinkedIn on a daily basis which means these are those people who are active on LinkedIn so either these will be recruiters or people who are seeking for jobs, so people who are providing jobs or people who are looking out for jobs. Now if there are so many people who are providing jobs and so many people who are looking out for jobs how can you optimize your LinkedIn profile? This article is only about how you optimize your profile so that when you apply for a job via LinkedIn you have a higher chance of Profile visits in getting the particular job.

Visual Appearance Of Linked Profile:

The first thing is your visual appearance now whenever you look at a LinkedIn profile the first thing that you look at is the Face or a Profile picture, now the picture should ideally have 60% of your face also make sure that it looks a bit professional please do not upload a selfie, it is noticed that many peoples who just upload a selfie that’s a bad idea try to make sure that it’s a professional photo and does that mean you need to have a 3 Piece Suit nothing like that even a normal t-shirt photo can also look good but make sure your photo should be clear in view, as these are very simple and basic steps but the more you focus on these the better it would be for your profile so just note down these tips and make sure to apply them rightly.

Make sure to apply all these steps on your LinkedIn profile today keep it as a deadline that you have to complete this today even if you’re reading this at late night you have to complete it today before sleeping.

Background Photo on LinkedIn Profile:

The second step is the background of your picture photo now it’s the second chance for people to look at your visual appearance now it’s not necessary that you have a background with a landscape wallpaper photo, you can use any simple plane passport background.

LinkedIn Profile Summary:

The next is your LinkedIn profile summary, many people just leave it blank which is not good and some people write a lot of things in their LinkedIn profile summary which is also another bad idea.

LinkedIn Profile summary is your chance of getting more attention from the potential recruiters or your profile visitors, what should you do in summary is make sure to write such things that grab attention and a person’s attention span is not more than 10 seconds no one would want to read your profile summary for more than 10 seconds so it should be short and concise enabling a person to keep on sculling through your entire profile because if that person does not like your summary most probably he’ll go to some other page that’s very simple because peoples don’t want to see what that person has to say if that’s so boring.

List of words over abused on LinkedIn:

There is a list of words that LinkedIn itself says that people overuse and in fact abuse to a certain extent for example (specialized, leadership, focused, strategic,  experienced, passionate, expert, creative, Innovative, and certified. These are words that people use over and over again now if everyone’s going to use them you’re no different when you use them similarly on your profile so make sure that even if you are using these words back them up with a concrete number. 

A concrete number can be like let’s suppose I’ll use one of these words certified I’m a Certified Financial Risk manager or else I can write I’m the youngest Certified Financial Risk manager so that youngest word grabs eyeballs now how can you present yourself depends on you but make sure that just writing certified XYZ almost everyone’s going to write about the same thing.

Sending Connect Requests On LinkedIn:

The next thing which is very important and which many Peoples use is to spam people with requests now many people will say that’s a terrible idea of spamming which is to some extent true but trust me it wasn’t that bad of an idea.

I would say there were two types of people on LinkedIn who I was targeting to make LinkedIn connections, the people who graduated from my college I requested these people to join my connection so that there is a connection with me and then I would simply ask them formal questions to which I would already know the answers like how is the job going, how are the placements like in our college, and our College is very important there so they would just give you an idea that this happened in their college and this was the person who got the maximum job so with that one they become your connection so now you have a repo with a person who is already working in the industry.

second, you also get to know who were the best people in that match and what their profile was now when you know that from your college there was a person who ended up getting a package of 32 lakhs you can backtrack you can see what he did and what you can do to be at that position so that actually helps you in two ways.

Mistakes To Avoid On LinkedIn:

Do not only rely on connection requests unless and until you have created your profile with a solid base but also try to engage with your connections

Engagements with People:

The most important tip you must also note is that you should not rely only on sending connections request but must also try to engage with people who are posting. If someone in your connections published a post you must reply with your opinion of agreement or disagreement in the post comment section, so in this way, that person is bound to reply more often than if you would have directly reached out to the person with a follow request or a connection request so that’s a pro tip.

Put up Content On LinkedIn:

Once you have done all of these steps and reached out to people then you need to put out content as well so that you look like a person who’s very interesting and I should also start following you or at least connect back to you.

So, what to do for that try to make sure that you put out content about your life now many people will say that they have nothing important to share try to First share all the achievements one by one in a very amazing manner now what is an amazing manner put out photos with it now if you just put out a text form content people usually don’t like it but when they see a photo congratulations you’ve done this or you have a medal with you, what happens with that the internet algorithm likes it and with all of that your content gets a boost that’s what you’re looking for.

Some People will say that they don’t have personal achievements to share, you can simply share polls interesting pose people love to take part in polls if someone asks me a poll on their Instagram story as well I would reply I mean everyone has an opinion and they want to see what other people also believe in so you can put out polls people do reply to those things.

Make sure that you have added all the relevant work experience and education experience whatever you’ve done in your education and work experience on your LinkedIn because people are going to check that as well.

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