UPSC – IAS Mock Interview | Akshat Jain Rank 2nd in UPSC Exam | Akshat Jain IAS Officer Interview Inside

This is a Mock Interview Conducted before interviewing UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) – IAS (Indian Administrative Service) exam, you can call it a training session before appearing at the UPSC Board, and this kind of interview is conducted to check the preparation of candidates and their confidence. The similar type questions that are being asked are also part of these interviews,
This Interview Panel is comprised of four to five interviewers or panelists who are Retired Civil Servants, professionals, and experienced in conducting such interviews, It is just prepared like cross-questions environment and answer section between candidates and panelists as make it easy for all readers to get and feel them also into the same candidates’ situation, so I am sure this will be helpful for all competitive exams candidates who are getting into it.
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This Mock interview was conducted earlier, so any govt officials or their Posts mentioned during this question-answer session holding any of govt offices are might be changed or retired at the time when you are reading this interview, so cross-check before appearing in any exam next future.
Candidate Akshat Jain:
Sir, may I come in?
Interviewer 1:
Yes, come in.
Thank you, good morning sir
Interviewer 1:
Take a seat.
Thank you, sir
Interviewer 1:
Give a brief description of yourself?
Akshat Jain Introduction during His Interview of IAS – UPSC Exam:
Sir my name is Akshat Jain, I am 23 years old I was born in Jaipur Rajasthan from where I’ve done my high schooling and I’ve done my bachelor’s in design from IIT Guwahati (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati) and so my interests include fitness, swimming, football and so this is going to be my second attempt at UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and my first interview.
Interviewer 1:
We are going through your detailed application form and we have come to know that both your parents are already civil servants?
Yes, sir, my father is in the police service my mother is in the revenue service.
Interviewer 1:
So you are going to be second-generation service civil servants? Civil Servants have the perception of being elitist so why it is so?
Sir, it can be attributed to the colonial legacy of our Indian bureaucracy as well and sir because there’s this perception amongst the common people that bureaucrats tend to serve the interest of the elite sections and of themselves but I say in my opinion, I do not think that is that can be a blanket statement as such because a lot of bureaucrats have done a lot of positive work for the society and so that is our intention here as well so I think that cannot be classified as a blanket statement
Interviewer 1:
Okay, what about nepotism?
Candidate :
Sir nepotisms are in bureaucracy sir I have personally no particular opinion on that
Interviewer 1:
And political affiliation of bureaucrats?
Sir that is true so that is one thing we have to address because so many times a lot of bureaucrats have had political affiliation and this has affected their spirit of service and their non-partisanship so that is also an issue.
Interviewer 2: A Long Question
You studied from elite schools your parents both your parents are civil servants, sir, very rightly asked you it appears that you are coming from a very elite background but I would like to believe that that is not the case so to just allow that fear can you just tell me recently day before yesterday uh all north India had the huge hailstorm thing, tell me what what is the current status of crops in our country right now in this area and what is the impact of these hailstorms on the crops?
Candidate :
Sir in northern India sir right now we are in the rabbi season and a lot of winter crops have are being grown right now for example.
Interviewer 2:
Are being sown are being plowed what is the status right now we are in February’s first week?
Right sir, wheat has already wheat which was shown earlier it is now under the growth stage right now wheat and sir for example in Uttar Pradesh sugar cane is also.
Interviewer 2:
Don’t beat around the bush, what is the impact of a hail storm on the crop what is the status of the crop right now? Yes no, you may say sir I don’t know?
Sir, I’m not aware.
Interviewer 2:
No problem.
Dr. Tanu Jain Interviewer 3:
Okay, let’s take a situation you are SP (Superintendent of Police) officer and like you must have read in the news there was a girl who died while fasting? Yes ma’am, so you are SP of that district and now you come across that family of that girl who died after 43 days of fasting, and now it’s upon you to what action will you take after her death?
Right ma’am what I’ll actually approach the religious leaders of the Jain community and ma’am I’ll urge them to actually convey this to the younger generation especially that, what are the consequences of these actions someone the younger generation at least till the age of 18 they are not aware of these consequences so for example right now also many Jian monks what they are doing is the first and make them understand these consequences make them get their education and then make an informed decision so ma’am, in my opinion, I’ll try to.
Interviewer 3:
So what will be your action as an SP where a girl has died and maybe uh it might be because of the compulsion of the parents it might be because of the compulsion of the society so as an SP what will be your action?
ma’am if there’s an element of quotient involved then I’ll definitely look into the statute books and see what all adequate provisions are there and ma’am apart from this law and order I’ll also treat this as a part of community policing so as I said I’ll try to reach to this societal level and man police actually work at that level as well they try to bring a change in the society so by organizing workshops by organizing a different type of surveillance and by reaching out to the religious leaders so I think as an SP I can bring out that particular change.
Interviewer 3:
Okay so as a student of anthropology tell me um there are numerous species in one genus yes but Homo sapiens is a very unique right in the genus homo there are only one species why?
Ma’am because the other species have actually lost this competition of survival and they have now become extinct so right now only Homo sapiens are there.
Interviewer 3:
So it is said that when Homo sapiens, sapiens will arrive the Homo sapiens will also lose the battle?
That remains to be seen that is something we cannot predict as such I’m already we are known as Homo sapiens sapiens.
Interviewer 3:
We wanted our own can we add another sapiens to the list?
I cannot answer this.
4th Interviewer:
Okay, what are your preferences as Civil Servant?
So my first preference is the Indian administrative service followed by the police service and then the Foreign Service and then, the Indian revenue service.
4th Interviewer:
Okay so one last question, give me three reasons why we should not select you?
So I don’t think there’s any reason you should not select me.
4th Interviewer:
So you can’t think of even a single reason why we should not select you?
No sir not right now and so if there is any reason I know I can work upon it I’ll definitely work upon it and I’ll do my best to contribute to the service.
Okay your interview is over, thank you very much
FEEDBACK – UPSC Interview Panel Tips – IAS Interview Panel Tips For Candidate
Candidate: Akshat Jain Share His Weakness and Ask About to overcome it
And so one more thing is that this elitist perception that sometimes people have about me so how can I actually try to overcome?
You gotta avoid it.
So but yeah how to face it in a better manner?
Interview Panelists:
See it was a factual thing so, if you didn’t know then you can’t do much about it right but the idea is that if you get chance right do mention that you do visit villages you do have friends,
I mean whatever exposure I have received I do know what rural life is I do and So I’m ready to learn about it that’s the idea I’m always willing to learn unfortunately here the question came factually right so actual question.
you can’t do much about it but had it been an analytical question then maybe you could have a right chip in that you’re going to do this element of analyticism whether you like it or not so that’s it. Wonderful you. You did a wonderful interview:
Thank You
Dr. Tanu Jain Remarks about Akshat Jain in Interview at last
Have to work to show your humbleness in front of the booth
Thank you ma’am
Interview Ends