Who was the founder of Dev Samaj?

  1. Ram Krishn
  2. Shiv Narayan Agnihotri
  3. Danand Sawaskti
  4. None of these

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What is a statistical study of the human population called?

  1. Biography
  2. Demography
  3. Pedology
  4. None of these

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Which is the most populated city in Pakistan?

  1. Islamabad
  2. Lahore
  3. Karachi
  4. Murree

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How many percentage through sea route ?

  1. 40%
  2. 60%
  3. 80%
  4. 50%

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Arable land percentage on planet earth What percentage of Earth’s land is used for agriculture?

  1. 40
  2. 60
  3. 90
  4. 50

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Which of the following country has more women than men for the first time?

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Pakistan
  3. India
  4. None of these

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Christian population percentage in World Population

  1. 35.11%
  2. 39.11%
  3. 37.11%
  4. 31.11%

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What is the meaning of Israel?

  1. God contends
  2. God not contends
  3. Both
  4. None

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France has no ___

  1. Kingship
  2. Parliamentary form of Government
  3. Both
  4. None

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Russia Invasion of Afghanistan

  1. 1979
  2. 1999
  3. 1967
  4. none

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When no tariffs are imposed on all imports and exports it is called___________?

  1. Preferental Trade
  2. Free Trade
  3. Balance of trade
  4. Non-Tariff Barriers

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Safety stock of grains held by the government is—-:

  1. Surplus Stock
  2. Overhead stock
  3. Buffer stock
  4. Overall Stock

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Toga is traditional dress of which culture

  1. Indian
  2. Arab
  3. None
  4. Roman

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Which culture does the conical shaped straw hat belongs to

  1. Pakistani
  2. French
  3. Arab
  4. Vietnamese

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Which country largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world?

  1. China
  2. India
  3. USA
  4. Canada

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Fertility is:

  1. the incidence of child bearing in a country’s population.
  2. the number of live births in a given year.
  3. used to assess the health of a population.
  4. None of these

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Which region has the highest fertility rate and the lowest life expectancy?

  1. Eastern Europe
  2. Latin America
  3. Sub-Saharan Africa
  4. Southeast Asia

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Which is the world most populated country?

  1. India
  2. Pakistan
  3. China
  4. Bangladesh

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The most populous city in the world is?

  1. Delhi
  2. Tokyo
  3. Karachi
  4. Shanghai

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Which country is the most populated in the Europe?

  1. Germany
  2. Russia
  3. France
  4. Sweden

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Pakistan is worlds —- most populated country

  1. 3rd
  2. 4th
  3. 5th
  4. 6th

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The population of the world is expected to double in the next?

  1. 20 years
  2. 35 years
  3. 45 years
  4. 64 years

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By how many people does the world population grow each year?

  1. 81m
  2. 82m
  3. 83m
  4. 84m

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What is the world population in 2021?

  1. 7.7 billion
  2. 7.9 billion
  3. 8.7 billion
  4. 8.9 billion

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The dependency ratio is the ratio of the _____?

  1. young and old to working-aged people
  2. young to old people
  3. All of these
  4. None of these

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What is the total fertility rate?

  1. the number of children a woman will likely bear in her lifetime.
  2. the births to women divided by the female population.
  3. Botha a & b
  4. None of these

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What is the rate of natural increase (RNI) in the world today ____%?

  1. 2.5
  2. 1.5
  3. 4.4
  4. 3.7

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The rate of natural increase in the human population is calculated by?

  1. CDR – CBR
  2. CBR – CDR
  3. CBR – CDR
  4. None of these

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How many stages of Demographic Transition?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

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Who among the following gave the Theory of Demographic Transition (DTT)?

  1. Alexander Humbold
  2. Frank w Notestein
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. None of these

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What is the annual number of deaths per 1,000 people called?

  1. Crude deth rate
  2. infant mortality rate
  3. Crude Birth rate
  4. none of these

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What is the annual number of live births per 1,000 people called?

  1. Crude Birth rate
  2. Total fertilely rate
  3. gross reproduction rate
  4. none of these

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One the positive side population also provides?

  1. Work force
  2. Low cost labor
  3. technological advancement
  4. easy to complete work

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Total inhabitants of an area at a given time is termed as____?

  1. Population
  2. community
  3. Society
  4. All of these

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Pakistanis population was only_____ million at the time of Independence?

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 33
  4. 40

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Education of women is the most important step in_____?

  1. Controlling Population
  2. coping illiteracy
  3. Eradicating poverty
  4. earn money

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Of the following nations life expectancy at birth is highest in____?

  1. United States
  2. Japan
  3. Gambia
  4. All of these

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The final stage in demographic transition is marked by___?

  1. low birth-rates and high death rates
  2. low birth-rates and low death rates
  3. high birth-rates and low death rates
  4. high birth-rates and death rates

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The first stage of the demographic transition is called the____?

  1. pretransition stage
  2. transition stage
  3. initiation stage
  4. None of these

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In stage 3 of the health transition, the main causes of illness and death are____?

  1. chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer heart disease and strokes
  2. acute infectious diseases such as typhus measles and cholera
  3. respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and asthma
  4. All of these

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According to United Nations estimates by 2025 the world average life expectancy will have reached_____?

  1. 50
  2. 57
  3. 60
  4. 71

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The potential number of children that women are capable of bearing is called_____?

  1. fecundity
  2. fertility
  3. femininity
  4. facticity

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The demographic transition refers to_____?

  1. an increase in the birth rate
  2. a change in the ratio of births to deaths
  3. an increase in the death rate
  4. an exponential growth in population

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Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is_____?

  1. Motivation to achieve
  2. Available acreage
  3. Improved technology
  4. All of these

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Overpopulation is also one of the major causes of_____?

  1. Inflation
  2. unemployment
  3. Poverty
  4. All of the above

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A country becomes overpopulated when____?

  1. Its resources fail to cope with its requirement
  2. Its population exceeds set limit
  3. Its population exceeds set unlimit
  4. All of these

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Our demographic situation provides us with an extraordinary opportunity we can___?

  1. educate and use this resource
  2. Send educated abroad
  3. both a and b
  4. None

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For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control the population was to______?

  1. use artificial means of birth control
  2. pass legislation prohibiting families from having more than one child
  3. postpone marriage
  4. All of these

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Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate?

  1. Sweden
  2. Mozambique
  3. Canada
  4. USA

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Which country is currently experiencing a negative birth rate?

  1. Tunisia
  2. USA
  3. China
  4. UK

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The demographic transition is social trend that involves____?

  1. increased birth and death rates resulting in a relatively young population
  2. a decline in the birth rate greater life expectancy and an ageing population
  3. a change in the principal causes of death and disease since industrialization
  4. None of these

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The activity of measuring and explaining the size of populations is known as______?

  1. forecasting
  2. malthusianism
  3. official statistics
  4. demography

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What was the system of forced racial segregation in South Africa known as ______?

  1. ethnic cleansing
  2. multiculturalism
  3. apartheid
  4. assimilation

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Demographic Transition exhibits_____________?

  1. High birth rate and low death rate in its first phase
  2. High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase
  3. High death rate and low birth rate in its first phase
  4. All of these

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The demographic equation is represented by the sum of:

  1. net migration and natural change
  2. natural change and crude birth rates.
  3. natural change and dependency ratios.
  4. natural change and crude birth rates.

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Amaan Ullah

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