Codex Gigas The Devils Bible

Codex Gigas - The Devils Bible

Codex Gigas Pdf Download | The Devils Bible | Herman The Recluse 

Codex Gigas, also known as the “Devil’s Bible,” is a medieval manuscript that is believed to have been created in the early 13th century in Bohemia (now the Czech Republic). It is one of the largest surviving medieval manuscripts, measuring 92 cm in height, 50 cm in width, and weighing around 75 kg.

The Codex Gigas is particularly famous for its unusual content, which includes a complete Latin translation of the Bible, numerous historical texts, medical treatises, magic formulas, and a large illustration of the Devil. The manuscript is named the “Devil’s Bible” because of this depiction of the Devil, which takes up a full page and is considered to be one of the most elaborate and detailed depictions of the Devil in medieval art.

The manuscript is also known for its legend, which claims that it was written by a monk who made a deal with the Devil to complete the manuscript in just one night. According to the legend, the monk was facing severe punishment for breaking his monastic vows and promised to write the manuscript in exchange for the Devil’s help. The manuscript was completed in one night, and the monk added the image of the Devil as a token of his gratitude.

While the legend surrounding the Codex Gigas is likely not true, the manuscript is still considered to be a remarkable work of art and a valuable historical artifact. It is currently housed in the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm.

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